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Poll - do you care about poverty (2 Viewers)

How much do you care about extreme poverty?

  • Im passionate about it

    Votes: 20 18.0%
  • Yeah I care it upsets me

    Votes: 57 51.4%
  • Haven't given it much thought

    Votes: 15 13.5%
  • I couldnt care less

    Votes: 19 17.1%

  • Total voters


Andrew Quah
Oct 19, 2003
Sydney, Australia.
For example, one person can sponsor a child - and help improve living conditions for a whole community.
Aid/charity has been increasing to africa like crazy - has there been improvement? I don't think you realise that africas problems have little to do with the ammount of aid they recieve.


Dec 17, 2005
under the blood red sky
iamsickofyear12 said:
It is my opinion that people living in poverty have no one to blame but themselves. If they would stop having children then there would be more resources for each individual. Eventually the remaining people would no longer be in poverty or the group would die out all together and so obviously there would be no poverty left.

If you let your population get too large then it just isn't sustainable and you get poverty. There is no one to blame but the people who have contributed to it.
ok, so if you are born into poverty it is your fault....

Poverty is a cycle, and it CAUSES overpopulation. the cycle continues, and overpopulation causes poverty in response. In developed countries, the birth rate is way lower than in developing countries.

It all comes back to darwinism. If you are born into an environment where it is unlikely your children will survive - you have more. Survival of the fittest. And the reason for this is not because they are stupid - when they are old, there is no retirement pension or anything like that - they rely on their children to care for them. There are lots of other reasons as well... but ending poverty is how the population will gradually decrease, as birth rates in the poverty-sticken countries decrease.


Jan 26, 2006
the bustle in your hedgerow
Not-That-Bright said:
Aid/charity has been increasing to africa like crazy - has there been improvement? I don't think you realise that africas problems have little to do with the ammount of aid they recieve.
she was making your point fool.


Jan 26, 2006
the bustle in your hedgerow
Not-That-Bright said:
How was she? She said that giving money can help a community or whatever... that's not true. They're no better off than they ever were :/
no, but shes making a small change in what ever way she can, just like you.


Active Member
Aug 7, 2003
i care about poverty, and i'm sure pretty much everyone does

i'm just guessing that everyone is overwhelmed by how huge third world poverty is and how futile the situation seems. the west seems hell bent on exploiting 3rd world conditions and structural problems in poor countries don't appear to get any better. like NTB i'm cynical of most charities and see local attempts to combat poverty as the most realistic approach.


Jun 12, 2004
from the head, i don't really care about poverty. but my conscience told me to give to charities such as CARE, Red Cross and Médecins Sans Frontières.


New Member
Feb 12, 2006
Never have I worn an arm band but I have given to causes which ehlp erase poverty. I argee that observing the polarities can be detrimental to society. Rather than analysing the opinions on EXTREME poverty, it would be probably more effective if you looked at poverty in general so that people could relate to it.

I know that I care and am saddened by the man that sleeps near our school at night because he has no home. I live in a place where it is freezing in winter and I feel for this man as I ahve no idea what it would be like to live in a reezing climate, with no home. I am cold enough as it is and I have a heater. I can relate to this man, I cannot feel his pain, but geographically I can relat and thus I can care.

I do care for the straving children accross the world but I find it harder to understand because I haven't seen it first hand. We haven't had the money to travel but my family has always emphasised the importance of worldiness. Therefore I care for impoverished nations to which I have no connections but I cannot relate so it is easier to forget about if it is not in your face.

Tell me what you think. I know I have a lot to say on this issue and I know people care.


Dec 17, 2005
under the blood red sky
louweesel said:
Never have I worn an arm band but I have given to causes which ehlp erase poverty. I argee that observing the polarities can be detrimental to society. Rather than analysing the opinions on EXTREME poverty, it would be probably more effective if you looked at poverty in general so that people could relate to it.

I know that I care and am saddened by the man that sleeps near our school at night because he has no home. I live in a place where it is freezing in winter and I feel for this man as I ahve no idea what it would be like to live in a reezing climate, with no home. I am cold enough as it is and I have a heater. I can relate to this man, I cannot feel his pain, but geographically I can relat and thus I can care.

I do care for the straving children accross the world but I find it harder to understand because I haven't seen it first hand. We haven't had the money to travel but my family has always emphasised the importance of worldiness. Therefore I care for impoverished nations to which I have no connections but I cannot relate so it is easier to forget about if it is not in your face.

Tell me what you think. I know I have a lot to say on this issue and I know people care.
what you have just said sums up a lot of what i have thought. If you cant see something, if it doesnt directly affect you, it is a lot easier to ignore it. which is frustrating for the people who actually have seen it, or have researched it, read books about it or simply done the 40 hour famine or something and felt it. I think people do care, but need to be moved to action by actually experiencing it - seeing it, or feeling it, if that makes sense.

What really gets to me most about poverty, and this is why i say extreme poverty in developing countries, is the lack of opurtunitiy to get out of it.


Aug 10, 2004
Lundy said:
Call me a callous bitch or whatever, but I don't give the issue much thought. And when I do - I admit - I don't really care. Perhaps it's because I'm just sheltered in my comfortable middle class surroundings and have never witnessed abject poverty for myself, or been affected by it in any way.

At least I don't pretend to care, like the majority of those who buy those silly armbands.
YES! someone who thinks that wearing an armband will NOT cure pverty in africa

btw from doing economics (and general intellect) you can see how countries dont want other countries to become better off.. to protect themselves, domestic industries and keep their polulation happy so they can get re-elected., hence hte problem will never go away so your individual actions are pretty much worthless
Last edited:


objective subjectives
Aug 20, 2004
Somewhere over the rainbow..
Roy Gutman, one of the best war correspondants out there says it is unatural to care about things happening on the otherside of the world that don't affect your every day life, so I suppose that is why all the people that do dedicate their lives to helping others even if they have no connection to that area or such are so admirable (Red Cross etc).

I think we should also realise that in an increasingly globalised world, poverty on the otherside of the planet does and will affect us. We seem to want to take all we want from globalisation but not the other way around.

On the other hand I do agree with the whole charity begins at home thing. Look at the plight of Australia's own Aboriginal people, that's enough poverty to keep you occupied for a while.


Beyond Godlike
Nov 10, 2004
walrusbear said:
i care about poverty, and i'm sure pretty much everyone does

i'm just guessing that everyone is overwhelmed by how huge third world poverty is and how futile the situation seems. the west seems hell bent on exploiting 3rd world conditions and structural problems in poor countries don't appear to get any better. like NTB i'm cynical of most charities and see local attempts to combat poverty as the most realistic approach.
you would think that, but you would be wrong.

i dont really give a shit about poverty, it isnt really effecting me so i couldnt care less. I rarely think about it and when i do its more along the lines of "its their own fault" then "what can i do to make a difference"

i care first and foremost about myself, everyone else is then given a rank based on how similiar or how close they are to me
e.g if i had to pick my family or me to live, i would pick me
if i had to pick my friends or my family, i would pick my family

if i had to pick my country or another country, i pick my country.

like Sweets said, people dont seem to give a shit about aboriginals, who get far less concern than people from another country. Education, health, welfare its all underspent because people think of aboriginals as alcoholic, glue sniffing dole bludgers who contribute nothing and are dumb as shit.

What about that woman who passed out in the middle of the street, other people stepped over her and just didnt give a fuck. the reason: because she was aboriginal and people thought she was passed out drunk, when she was infact dieing. Japanese tourists raised the alarm[yes you read correctly, foreigners care more about aboriginals than good old whitey]

why do you care so much about africans so much anyways? i will be damned if i ever give an african a dollar that could have gone to providing opertunities for aboriginal kids.

earlier i said i dont really care about poverty, but its more to the fact that i dont care about poverty in other countries, sort out our own problems first and then we can see what to do about africa.

Fuck this, when iam rich i am making the "Serius's fund for Serious studiers" -whites need not apply

and i will basically pay airfares, accomodation, living expenses and fees for an aboriginal kid who lives in a remote community to come and attend uni, get a degree and make a life for themselves, i can pay for tutoring too if they need it. If any1 thinks it wont succeed, - bite me, aboriginals are just as bright [if not brighter] than white kids,

hows that for charity you selfish fuckers :)

because i think you shouldnt throw money at a problem and hope it will go away, you need to provide an education and job opertunities to defeat poverty, not welfare and a bottleshop[ or in the case of africa, a 1st class ticket the fuck outa there, education, job, not medical supplies and food supplies]

teach a man how to fish, dont give him a fish


stalker inc. president
Dec 4, 2005
right behind you
What annoys me are people who say stuff like "oh poverty is so horrible" and "oh dont step on that ant, its a living creature" and then drive around in their sports cars and consume the earth, give money to charity occassionally when the issue comes up, and think that they have made a difference. I appreciate those who make any kind of contribution... but when people do a tiny amount and think the world of themselves... its really insulting. I try to do the right thing, but HEY, guess what? i step on ants, if i have two 5 dollar notes in my wallet, i wont give one to the charity campaigner on the street, i rarely recycle my ink cartredges (sp?) at the officeworks bins... because REALLY, thats not whats going to make me a good person, and in the broad skeam of things its going to mean shit all. I hope that my future career will envolve helping those in disadvantaged countries, or repressed peoples. I hope to do that with the rest of my life.. so let me keep my 5 bucks and dont whinge at me, k???? *end rant*


stalker inc. president
Dec 4, 2005
right behind you
teach a man how to fish, dont give him a fish
I agree with that... but i dont agree its wrong to worry about africa and not australia... there are enough worries to go around, let them pick and choose. You want to make a difference? then make it!! They want to as well? hallelujah!!


New Member
Aug 24, 2005
Schroedinger said:
No from doing economics, you can see that the African situation is entirely different from any other situation in the world and the cultural issues, as well as the AIDS issue, make fixing Africa in the next 20 years an utter impossibility.

Once they get their shit together, and most of the population's died out from AIDS, then who knows.
Actually, fixing extreme povrty by 2015 is a possibility, and eradicating poverty within Africa and the rest of the world (and when I say Poverty, im talking about those living on less than US$1 and $2 a day) by 2025 is definately a possibility. The top economists in the world, such as Jeffrey Sachs, KNOW that this can happen, but it will take a lot of political will to MAKE it happen. Thats why there are international guideines, such as the Millennium Development Goals (agreed to by all 191 countries of the UN in 2002 fully, [189 countres in 2000]) which outline how international development agencies, governemnts etc should tackle the problems of extreme poverty.

And yes, I do wear the "makepovertyhistory" armband and I am also part of The Oaktree Foundation. But I don't wear the armband just becuase its a fashion accessory, or so i can "show off" of much I care. I know that money in and of itself will not eradicate poverty. Developments programs that originate from within extremely poor countries need to be developed, European and North american countries need to break down the trade barriers preventing poor countries in climbing the economic ladder, and a whole host of other issues need to be addressed, along with money. Sustainable development is basically the key.

Yes, I believe that extreme poverty can be eradicated by 2015. If its good enough for Jeffrey Sachs and the UN, its good enough for me!

Oddy Nocki

Mar 3, 2006
Besty said:
Actually, fixing extreme povrty by 2015 is a possibility, and eradicating poverty within Africa and the rest of the world (and when I say Poverty, im talking about those living on less than US$1 and $2 a day) by 2025 is definately a possibility. The top economists in the world, such as Jeffrey Sachs, KNOW that this can happen, but it will take a lot of political will to MAKE it happen. Thats why there are international guideines, such as the Millennium Development Goals (agreed to by all 191 countries of the UN in 2002 fully, [189 countres in 2000]) which outline how international development agencies, governemnts etc should tackle the problems of extreme poverty.

And yes, I do wear the "makepovertyhistory" armband and I am also part of The Oaktree Foundation. But I don't wear the armband just becuase its a fashion accessory, or so i can "show off" of much I care. I know that money in and of itself will not eradicate poverty. Developments programs that originate from within extremely poor countries need to be developed, European and North american countries need to break down the trade barriers preventing poor countries in climbing the economic ladder, and a whole host of other issues need to be addressed, along with money. Sustainable development is basically the key.

Yes, I believe that extreme poverty can be eradicated by 2015. If its good enough for Jeffrey Sachs and the UN, its good enough for me!
AHAHAHAHHA It will never happen. Cheap labour is what keep you in your nice clothes, nice technology and fancy no poverty arm bands. Are you prepared to give up your things to make someone else life a little bit better? "Why yes I love everything" What you missing the fact once these shit box countries increases wealth and start operarting at a higher level we lose. We lose products, power and economic stability. Now you know people hate: LOSING.

Sustainable development is basically the key. Yes but it a key that won't ever be found, mearly lost behind the sofa...like jesus.


Andrew Quah
Oct 19, 2003
Sydney, Australia.
Actually, fixing extreme povrty by 2015 is a possibility, and eradicating poverty within Africa and the rest of the world (and when I say Poverty, im talking about those living on less than US$1 and $2 a day) by 2025 is definately a possibility. The top economists in the world, such as Jeffrey Sachs, KNOW that this can happen, but it will take a lot of political will to MAKE it happen.
Do you know how many people in these countries have aids? do you really think you can create a stable nation/economy in these countries in the next 20 years? It's insane.

And yes, I do wear the "makepovertyhistory" armband and I am also part of The Oaktree Foundation. But I don't wear the armband just becuase its a fashion accessory, or so i can "show off" of much I care.
Can you tell us then... why you wear it? You could always just you know... not wear it.

Sustainable development is basically the key.
Um... yah

Comrade nathan

Active Member
Mar 30, 2004
AHAHAHAHHA It will never happen. Cheap labour is what keep you in your nice clothes, nice technology and fancy no poverty arm bands. Are you prepared to give up your things to make someone else life a little bit better? "Why yes I love everything" What you missing the fact once these shit box countries increases wealth and start operarting at a higher level we lose. We lose products, power and economic stability. Now you know people hate: LOSING.
Excactly. That is why these nations need to take the wealth and industry into there own hands, without any thought for 1st world commodiy fetishism.

Comrade nathan

Active Member
Mar 30, 2004
Commodity fetishism?! Commodities run the entire world, they're needed for the manufactures of everything, that statement is absolutely absurd! Minerals, Oil, Gas they're all commodities, I think you mean Consumerist fetishism.
I never meant that we abolish commodity production, that can only happen in a Communist economy, something very far away. I was refering to the current situation where commodities are produced for 1st world interest. Like animal food being produced in the 3rd world while large number of people either starve or can not meet the required nourishment to be healthy.

But maybe consumerist fetishism is a better term.

Keep in mind Africa is not a homogenous nation, it's made up of a massive amount of small, independent warring factions.
I know that. But keep in mind many of these conflict are suppoted by outside influences. We can look at the Angolian civil war or Mozambique, or a better example is the Democractic Republic of Congo.

In the case of the DRC western countries in Europe first removed Lumumba and supported Mobuto. Lumumba was removed by the support of western nations because he tried to unite the country and defeat separatists in the south by use of USSR support. It was much better for the western nations, mainly Belgium to either have the separatists win and reward Belgium's support with good investment options or have anti-USSR Mobuto take control and practically give the country to Belguim.

When Mobuto was finally removed by the help of Rwandan and Ugandan, to put into leadership Laurent-Désiré Kabila, once done the Rwandan and Ugandan armies turned against Kabila and inspired separatist movements. These movements were done so in the hope that Rwanda and Uganda could control the minerial resources in the DRC. However the Rwandan and Ugandan actions were done so as a arm for western companies who wanted the best deal they could find in the DRC.

So while it find it foolish to disregard the waring nations in Africa, i find it more foolish to disregard that many of these conflicts are the result of Western Nations trying to destroy any attempt of Pan Africanism and national liberation.

So we can't talk about united Africa nations without talking about being anti imperialist.

Poverty has to exist, there has to be a person earning less than you. Poverty will always exist, the homeless will always exist.
Coming from someone who does not suffer from poverty. This defeatist attitude has been proven wrong so many times when many nations who complete in removing outside intereference and began building the national economy have greatly improved. We have seen nations go from semi feudal countries to 2nd world nations.


Beyond Godlike
Nov 10, 2004
Comrade nathan said:
Coming from someone who does not suffer from poverty. This defeatist attitude has been proven wrong so many times when many nations who complete in removing outside intereference and began building the national economy have greatly improved. We have seen nations go from semi feudal countries to 2nd world nations.
something tells me you dont understand what poverty is... Poverty will always exist in a capitalist society[ not that iam against capitalism] it is the nature of capitalism that there alway shave to be rich people and poor people

the poverty stricket 5% are what makes the other comfortablr 95% possible

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