liberate, educate.
Hi, can anyone help me out with this? Scenario:
5th - 88 (internal) and 90 (external exam)
1st - 92 (internal) and 91 (external exam)
If 5th is internally 4 marks behind 1st, yet only 1 mark behind them in the external...
does 5th receive, for their moderated internal assessment, 87 (highest external being 91, minus 4)?
So their hsc mark would be (87+90) divided by 2 = 89? Does this mean that 5th would have to receive 92 in the external to get a band 6 overall (87+92/2 = 90)?
5th - 88 (internal) and 90 (external exam)
1st - 92 (internal) and 91 (external exam)
If 5th is internally 4 marks behind 1st, yet only 1 mark behind them in the external...
does 5th receive, for their moderated internal assessment, 87 (highest external being 91, minus 4)?
So their hsc mark would be (87+90) divided by 2 = 89? Does this mean that 5th would have to receive 92 in the external to get a band 6 overall (87+92/2 = 90)?