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Post-holiday reflections (1 Viewer)


rainbow burrito
Aug 4, 2013
The ocean at the end of the lane
With prelims and Year 12 right around the corner, I thought we could use the last few days of the holidays to reflect and prepare for the upcoming term! (Oh joy.)

What can you improve on in terms of:
1. Study routine
2. Subjects
3. Mentality
4. Non-study things?

I’ll start:

1. More disciplined yet efficient way of studying, reducing procrastination (!), managing time better, making an effort to love biology even though it kills me inside
2. I’m surprisingly content with my marks so far, but there is definite room for improvement in 2U Maths and Biology (heh). Hopefully my other marks can be sustained until prelims.
3. The plague of self-doubt that washes over me when I get my results actually physically cripples me. On the upside, if I do well, the wave of relief is the best feeling in the world. Essentially: be more positive and confident in my ability to achieve.
4. Actually exercising instead of observing my muscles atrophy right before my eyes, making a point to go to debating practise, sleeping more, reducing anxiety, watching less TV shows, reading better books, generally being a better person who exudes rainbows and butterflies and SMARTIES because smarties make you smart apparently


Active Member
Aug 24, 2012
Sydney, Australia
Ooh, this is a nice thread to vent personal (academic) thoughts on!

1. Study routine
I've been slacking on my "Friday Night, Study Night" plans for a term now :( and I've been doing notes just a few days before assessments! I've scrubbed things up by doing notes for content-heavy subjects during these holidays and completing assignments as early as possible (on the day when I get it if possible). Prelims are just around the corner and I've used a calendar to pin-point what notes I should be doing each day leading to Prelims.

2. Subjects
I've been going "okay" this year, quite disappointing. It may just be the "even year curse" that has been place upon me! (2010, 2012 were bad years, whilst 2011 and 2013 were great years for me academically and emotionally) Studies of Religion 2U isn't that bad, but I am considering dropping down to 1U as the load is dramatically lower and extension kids will motivate me (just like previous years). If Prelims don't work out, I know it won't be the end of the world - I just have to keep going.

3. Mentality
Low self-esteem has reached an absolute all time high this year, I started the on the wrong foot and it has ricocheted throughout the year. I've put so much effort into thinking about what people think about me, expectations, uni, ranks, marks, competition and keeping good relationships with teachers - that it has affected my emotional state and when things fail or don't go as planned within these areas, I feel like my world is crumbling apart. I've used these holidays to find my inner self and inject some positivity into my life. I hope that all this effort that has gone into re-inventing myself will show when the last set of exams and Prelims are placed in front of me. I've just been really down this year.

4. Non-study things?
Green tea is something that I have been filling my body with during the last few days. To create a "better me", I think I need to get rid of all the toxins in my body (how hippy). Also, going to bed early without having distractions by my side - phone, laptop, tablet (*cough* Kim Kardashian: Hollywood *cough*), exercising on a regular basis, eating healthy meals and reading!


Ancient Orator
Oct 21, 2013
Great thread :D Good luck for all ur exams and assements :)
1.Study routine
Holidays/weekends- study 10 hours a day
during school- 5 hours
I make a study timetable and I stick to it. I turn off the wifi at home so I don't get distracted.
2. Subjects
I'm doing well in french contineurs, 2U maths and chem, hopefully I'm going to top them again.
3. Mentality
It's been a good year for me so far. On the day of tests or exams, I like to take deep breaths and think that I will smash this test/exam.
4. Non-study things?
Do more exercise and read a book. (This year, I've only read the books for english nothing else)


Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2014
1. Study Routine - this is a hard one for me because I have many hours to study on some days and no time on others, but I would like to be studying around 20 hours per week. (slowly getting there, I've improved heaps over the holidays)

2. Subjects - really happy with my rank for economics (considering i wasn't even putting in 100% effort), hopefully I can maintain this or even smash out the four people ahead of me. The rest of my subjects were ok (above average rank) however english was shit. I need to work on this. I know I have the potential to do better though because I had 8 hours of extra curricular per week for the last two terms and I've cut down on it now.

3. Stop being so lazy and relaxed - sometimes I forget that time goes by really quickly so I need to stay on top of things and stop the procrastination. I also need to stop hating on english, put my emotions aside and just get the work done. Maybe cut down on my sleep. I currently sleep 8 hours and was wondering if this time could be spent doing better things... nah too lazy

4. Take the time and appreciate the beauty of life and realise HSC isn't all there is. Maybe get back into playing piano and maybe learn another programming language once I settle into my study routine. Just overall, be more happy~


Active Member
Apr 23, 2014
1. Study routine
Well I definitely need to improve here. I think I need to start revising a bit everyday, make summary notes weekly and then when it comes to exam time do a lot of past papers. I'm really lazy so I do none of these things at the moment. I usually cram before the exam and stress heaps and it is just a horrible experience. I just don't have the patience to be able to do these things and I get distracted very easily. I also need to learn to prioritise and start things on time.
2. Subjects
No question here, after getting a basic in mathematics I definitely need to improve a LOT! I think I have to pay attention in class and actually do the work (even though I hate maths sooooooo much I can't describe it). I also need to pay more attention in chemistry and understand all the concepts properly. Other than that all of my other subjects are going alright-ish...
3. Mentality
Idk...maybe be more positive towards school? Even though I don't think I could ever get rid of this urge of wanting to burn it to the ground...
I also need to stop being so lazy, get my priorities right if I want to do well i.e. school before sport, gaming, drawing and anime...
It's really hard for me to have a positive outlook on anything though so I don't know how I'm going to achieve this. I feel like school is a complete waste of my time and most of the stuff we learn isn't even relevant. I'd rather be sitting relaxing listening to music, playing sport or watching anime, playing games or read than do tedious school work which imo won't even get me anywhere....... I don't enjoy school at all...ever... I'd rather be doing something I enjoy. Like honestly life is go to school for 12 years, learn nothing useful, go to uni/other further education for another few years, get a job and work till you die. Unless that job you get is really fun, life is pointless.... :3
4. Non-study things?
I need to get a social life.
Probably need to be more open as well and not shut out the world too.
Should do more things I enjoy...get awesome at soccer and tennis...
Have a better and healthier lifestyle.
Try to enjoy life more.


Pew Pew
Feb 17, 2014
1. Study routine

Stay focused for longer and minimise the level of procrastination. Just because you work for long hours doesn't necessarilly mean you're using it to its full potential, so I want to be more productive/efficient.

2. Subjects

Need to improve on chemistry, physics and english. Screw economics because it's going next year :D

3. Mentality

I'm happy with this

4. Non-study things?

Happy with this as well


Super Moderator
Super Moderator
May 15, 2014
Sydney, Australia
Trials in 2 weeks ye

Study routine

Well i am not going to have another 'school holidays' so i should of studied for the first half of them. Now for >6 hours of daily study


Standard English - Need to practice essays fuk
General Math - I know none of the conteeeeent
Business Studies - need2revise
IPT - spend the last 4 days making 15k words of notes gg
ITVET - lol


Try not to cry over the trials

Non-study things?



The pessimistic optimist.
Jul 11, 2012
l'appel du vide
Uni Grad
What can you improve on in terms of:
1. Study routine
Well I managed to do finish notes for 3 subjects ... :O
2. Subjects
Maths- ok
Art- my major work is going to kill me its due next week
English-... idk idk my perspectives conflicting
Bio- I hate it I hate it.. probably should've done revision I know little or nothing
Eco- ..should be fine.. rocks
Business- need to rote the syllabus
3. Mentality
Whats school... oh shit I got some assessments due next week

4. Non-study things?

First attempt making pizza with smoked salmon and capers. Didn't burn down the house.


New Member
Mar 22, 2014
1. Study routine - Although i have on most weekdays very little time to study, i need to focus more and make the most out of them and every minute spent going through my note etc, can only improve my final result.

2. Subjects - Ive had an incredibly average start to year 11 as its taken me a while to adjust to a new schooling environment. Moving from a selective structure has added pressure on me and my new class mates haven't been the best about it. This term I'm ready to get back on the horse and aim as high as i can even if the end of this year still isn't my best i have to remember that when we get to year 12 i receive a new clean slate.

English - I need to spend more time on my class work as it always seems to be the subject i neglect and remember that my teacher is there to help me whenever i need her too.

Maths - Continuously be on top of my work in fear of snowball which i have witnessed. Constantly revise and look a head and plan out my time accordingly. Prep for assessments 24/7.

Dance - Continue to be 100% committed even when the rest of the class is not. Don't feel embarrassed when coming significantly in front of everyone else its their loss. Put more time into composition and practice performance at least 3x per day.

Chemistry - Don't give up after what you've put in so far. Ive removed myself from the situation and no can put 100% of my energy into what my teacher is saying. Don't fret when the rest of your class goes on about how hopeless your teacher is and the claims that he hasn't taught us anything, I don't know what you guys are learning but i seem to of covered everything.

Biology - Again be glad I've removed myself from the situation. Remember that you have the potential to do very well and try to keep on top of your note book and summary book.

PDHPE - Remember that I need to spend double the time revising this subject as you missed a term that everyone still has over you. You may be doing ok now but the one term still could have a major impact on you.

3. Mentality - After the first two terms I've struggled a great deal from bulling from someone who i thought was a very close friend. Ive removed my self from all potential scenarios now (e.g moved seats, blocked on fb etc) so I can now clear my head and focus on what I'm at school to do ... be the best :p. I really need to focus more as this term is going to be crazy busy with my extra- curricula's as well as the thought of entering year 12 so the healthier i remain the healthier my results will be.

4. Non-study things? - Remain ontop of my dancing both physically and mentally as when i perform better in my dancing i also perform better at school. Try to keep a clean and tidy study space and eat healthy :)


New Member
May 24, 2014
Study Routine
These holidays i have done a lot of work on Chemistry (trying to boost my weaker subject) and have done past papers on Physics and Maths Extension 1.
I feel that I need to become better at organisation (which i think is one of my flaws) and eliminate the possibility of procrastination (move computer, guitar etc. from my room...).

I am quite happy with my results but i keep pushing myself for better. I think i could do a hell of a lot better in all subjects if i had the right mindset, organisation and resources. I am planning to change the approach i have towards subjects, just to see what works and what doesn't. I discovered this website during the holidays and i am going to start using it! :D

I always feel that i could do better (eliminate the "I can't" from your vocabulary and replace it with "I will"!)

Non Study Things
Continue doing martial arts and playing guitar just to relax myself after a long day at school and process information from school.
Also keep my room clean and organised.
And also as Futuremedstudent said "Do more exercise and read a book"!

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