wikiwiki said:
Also, please please please consider societies.
Also, a premium-member only foram.
Yes, I think we will implement both of these ideas.
DeltaOne1 said:
I thought this site was more of a cumminity thing with people from lot's of different Schools trying to help each other out with studying etc etc, when it comes commercial and they profit from it, it's different, it will loose the value it has now.
We have been very careful to retain the communal and collaborative aspects of the site and to ensure that they are preserved through the introduction of the premium membership scheme.
Students will still be free to share notes and to participate in discussions ad infinitem, without being inhibited in any way. The availability of different services and extra features to those who wish to contribute a bit more shouldn't affect this.
The fundamental 'core' of Bored of Studies will remain the same - it will always be first and foremost a collaborative student community.
DeltaOne1 said:
Paying $20 and already half way through the HSC and wont need the notes in 6 months is to me, a rip off, as I really only need to pay $10 (As we (Year 12) only have 6 months left.
I am not entirely certain as to why you have this expectation, or as to how you would propose we implement such a scheme.
If we allowed you to pay $10 now on the basis that you only have six months left, should we charge you only $5 in three months time? And then $1.66 in five months time? Should we give them away for free on or after the day of the exam (which would be a different day for every course)? Do we go and reconfigure our merchant interface periodically in order to update the price? Wouldn't everyone wait until the last minute to buy membership? Doesn't that completely deprive the scheme of any value for us? What about Year 11 students who have more than six months to go - do they get the discount? What about Year 10 students? How would we even know what year they're in?
I don't know of any other products the price of which decreases as a particular date approaches.
Study guides, Excel books, etc, have always been and always will be a fixed price. Why would you expect online content to be any different?
It all seems to be quite unreasonable.
Xayma said:
I'm guessing that these premium notes will have a form of DRM on them.
Yes and no.
Whilst the resources will be protected, that protection will be provided through a custom-designed interface on the main Bored of Studies website. The resources will be accessible so long as the user has Macromedia Flash Player installed and is logged into their premium account. The user will be able to view and print resources through the site, but not otherwise save or copy them.
The Macromedia Flash Player is installed on 98% of Internet-enabled desktops worldwide.
helper said:
Good luck with the model but as a Teacher who comes on to answer questions and help out people, I wonder if I will keep giving my time for free, when this is becoming a commercial model.
... for the last 3 years I have been coming on to help people, especially in the lead up to the HSC. Without asking for a cent.
What have I received from it?
Nothing, except fo the satisfaction of passing on help to people who need it.
Yes the Admins deserve the recognition and I have no problem with that. At the same time, people who have helped out in the background with the forums are also what helped make this site so useful.
The use of commercialism to pay for ongoing costs I have no problem with. I have been involved in too many voluntary organisations that then set up a parallel profit making branch and bled the volunteers dry. I have been on both sides of this and that is why I made my original post.
I would appreciate it if you could outline how you feel the introduction of this scheme would devalue your contributions - as I said to DeltaOne1, Bored of Studies will still and will always be first and foremost a collaborative student community.
We are endeavouring to keep a very strict separation between premium services and services that are free or that rely on voluntary contributions. It is our hope that premium services will be supported by premium memberships and that the free services will be supported by the volunteers - each of the two branches should be perpetuated by its own ilk, with no messy crossing over.
In fact, we hope to be able to use the revenue from this scheme to pay high-achieving premium members to produce additional content of very high quality for future premium members. Students can meanwhile continue to support and provide free 'good will' assistance to each other through the forums.
helper said:
I can soon see people posting links to the "Premium content" in reply to answers, with the response to obtain a better answer then pay for it.
I am not sure why this would occur.
We would obviously encourage members to continue assisting each other in exactly the same manner as is done now. Posts consisting of unhelpful "buy the study guide" or "look it up" remarks seem to be relatively infrequent - and those that I have seen have only been in response to very straightforward 'Googleable' queries.
I suppose premium members may be unwilling to share their premium content with non-premium members, but I don't think that necessarily precludes the provision of helpful answers - if the person is the type that would have helped someone before obtaining access to premium content, it seems likely that they would still opt to help someone afterwards - and I suspect that the best contributors are not currently undertaking the HSC anyway.
helper said:
Also can I make a suggestion that it might be worth while giving priority access (bandwith or database access) to premium members.
Yes, we considered this and are investigating whether it is feasible or not. An additional mirror server accessible only to premium members may be made available during the peak HSC period (but we make no guarantees).
It's worth pointing out that premium members will continue to receive additional and unannounced perks in that fashion for the entire duration of their membership.

It's just our way of rewarding those who decide to make the extra contribution.