download the second half of milo goes to collegeum.. said:ok i wont lie all is the only descendants album ive heard. but im sure those other ones are good too
phantom limb said:download the second half of milo goes to college
i made a toothpaste for dinner tshirt, with hilarious consequences. i think it had the stephen malkmus one on itphantom limb said:thanks.
see i just used a bonds shirt and a permanent marker, and people couldnt tell the difference. by 'i' i mean 'my brother' but you know....its still MY shirt and allphantom limb said:i never even considered making a shirt because stencilling the people would be a hellbitch to do, and transfers are shit
however i have now decided i am going to learn about emulsion (sp?) in order to make the ultimate toothpaste for dinner shirt
i am not familiar with that oneum.. said:yer its not like its a way hard style to copy or anything. next up is a big white ninja on the bottom of my surfboard, you know the one where he is putting the fishing rod in his mouth?
rent a limo and tell the driver to keep the fuckin screen up. get someone not underage to get the beverages. drink wild and have sex in the limo. lalarockstar01 said:I've got my 1 year coming up and im underage and dont have a car...
any ideas??