I was inspired by the movie 28 Weeks Later. Not 28 Days, 28 Weeks, lol. It's the strangest things that give inspiration. Branch out, is my advice.
Check out that movie you've wanted to see. I Am Legend was awesome for emotional inspiration, too. (Characterisation, empathy with the lead, blah blah, you've heard it all before, I'm sure).
Borrow out a book with a cool cover from the library. Don't read the blurb. Just check out the covers and titles. It's a way to expand your horizons.
Download a new CD.
Listen to one song on repeat for hours on end until a particular line strikes you in a new way. (*cough* Fall Out Boy *cough* <-- yes, I'm serious. Pete writes some deep stuff the teenyboppers don't catch that we, EE2 students, do.)
Listen to your teachers when they go on rambling spats - that inspired a complete new ending for my story for me.
Read some of your older stories. Write something completely random. Branch into (gasp) fanfiction. You never know.
Or even, perhaps, read some of the old MWs in the Showcase thread.
Eavesdrop. Really. No, really. Yes, I'm serious.
Again, inspiration hits you in the strangest places.
And yes, I am taking a break, and my teacher is pretty much ecstatic with me. I haven't even looked at my story in almost a week now. It's such a relief. Can't wait for you guys to all catch up so we can yak together about finding the perfect combo of words or the perfect final line or the perfect hook or the perfect analogy or the perfect reference.
Off I go. Bed. Mmm, bed. Swimming Carnival tomorrow. GO CHISHOLM. Wish me cheer-related luck, because *eek* I'm up the front leading.