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Proposals (1 Viewer)


An iron homily
Nov 28, 2004
There is plenty of good advice in the Getting Started: Major Work Proposal thread or if you have developed a proposal already, I'm sure there are people who can give a good critique.


May 23, 2004
personally i think that u need to explain wat ur doing, in very specific detail, so that the marker can understand exactly wat ur trying to portray in ur major work. [of course this does not mean right a 4000 word proposal, so pick and choose ur words wisely.]
if the marker can see exactly where ur going with ur major work and ur writing is conscise and clear...u should do good.
thats what i think!
t.j. :D


Apr 3, 2003
In front of my computer??
there are a few things that you need to do in order to score well. Firstly it is really important that you explain your intentions, that is what you hope to achieve through your major work, what it will cover and why and perhaps a little about your motives (though this should really be discussed further in your reflection statement.) Make sure you show how your major work theme or subject connects in some way with either or both English Advanced/extension preliminary or HSC courses. It is really important that you show this link and how what you learnt inspired you to base your major work on what you have.

The proposal is a good place to identify your target audience, who do you think your major work will appeal to and for what reasons. Try not to be too generic in what you say...i.e don't say anyone between 8 and 80 could read it, as that begs the question as to why an 81 year old couldn't etc. Try instead to give your audience certain characteristics, interests etc...because things such as maturity and intelligence aren't necessarily defined solely by ones age. You can even make yourself your target audience, explaining that your major work will satisfy your own interests and answer questions that you are looking to answer...your target audience will very much depend on the content of your major work, although I'm sure you understand what I'm getting at.

I'd be more than happy to read what you write, so that I can offer more specific advice if you need it. Good luck writing your proposal and of course with the rest of your major work!


New Member
Aug 2, 2004
my proposal assignment was soo ridiculous, you had to do a proposal in the medium of ur major...sooo poorly constructed an assessment


20 days to go!
Nov 9, 2004
in my room
all done

my proposal didn't go too well, cause i did it before i really had figured out which way i was going... I'm the only person doing e2e at my school, so it's a bit hard to know where i should be up to by now... anyway, didn't go too bad with the proposal, and i actually know what i'm doing now, so yay.



Apr 3, 2003
In front of my computer??
So long as you know what you're doing you'll be fine. Though that being said it's normal to change the focus of your major work a little as you go along...it's all part of the process. Af far as knowing where you should be goes, I think everyone would be at different stages...as long as you work steadily away at it you'll have plenty of time. I spent a long time researching, the writing doesn't take that long...you may find that the majority of your time initially is spent on investigating your form and the topic you'll explore. You're only really too far behind, I think, if you haven't really researched because you don't know what you're doing...but you seem clear about that. You have a lot of time to play with yet, so just find the material you need and write your work...so long as you leave yourself enough time for a reflection statement, and the editing of your work you'll be on track. Good Luck!


New Member
Nov 4, 2006
help! am i on the right track with my proposal?

Statement of intention: Form: I have decided to do a critical analysis. Working Title: Context, Culture and Values. Was Jane Austen a feminist?This title shows what I will be talking about ( context, culture andvalue) and what it will be in relation to ( whether Jane Austen was afeminist) Vision of final product: My critical analysis will be like a discussion inthe sense that my hypothesis is a question . I will be providinginformation to support the question and it is up to the audience to makeup there own mind with the information I give them. Rationale Audience: My critical analysis is suitable for anyone of any age who isinterested in values, Jane Austen, Post-modernism, changing society,different era’s culture’s and literature Purpose: The purpose is to provide audiences with a long debated issue andallow them to make up there own minds based on the information I provide Locate in learning context: ?????????????? Link to outcomes: ????????????????? Inspiration: I was inspired by my love of Jane Austen and classic booksand books we have at home about Jane Austen. I have read a lot of articlesabout certain books and the ones that grabbed my attention were the onesthat suggested that certain authors were something. E.g. racist. So Idecided I would look into Jane Austen and explain my claim that she is afeminist. Reasons for your final choice: I love Jane Austen and In the E1 course wedid an assignment on classic texts and their modern day appropriations andI did mine on Pride and Prejudice. I found out a huge amount ofinformation and gained a huge interest in whether Jane Austen was afeminist and I have now come to my own conclusion which I would like topresent in my Critical Analysis. Evidence of preliminary investigation Experience, knowledge, Skills, researchI have already started collecting books and information from websites.Mostly I have my own opinions which I have gained from wide reading,previous assignments and analysis. Envisaged Method/process Key words that conceptualise each stage:Introduction: background to Jane Austen, her society, values, culture andcontext. How they relate to Feminism. Point1: Emma, clueless and The movies of Emma ( Paltrow version andBeckinsale version) in relation to values, attitudes, context, culture,society about Feminism. Point 2: Pride and Prejudice, Pride and prejudice the movie, pride andprejudice the BBC series and Bridget Jones’ Diary in relation to values,attitudes, context, culture, society about Feminism Point 3: Sense and Sensibility and Sense and sensibility the movie (grant, Winslet, Rickman, Thompson version), in relation to values,attitudes, context, culture, society about Feminism Conclusion: Presentation of my findings and opinions and the evidence thatsupports them. Resource list including annotated bibliography Critical factors for success

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