Dear Shelly,
I am presuming this is your first year at Macquarie studying something
other than law. At the end of this year, fill in the quota form (this
will be in the students' centre, or in my room W3A 531 by November) have
it back to me before the third week of January. We take half your UAI
and half your GPA, add the two together and rank you, then we offer the
top 20 people places for a trial run for the following year. If
accepted, you will only be allowed to do the first year LAW subjects, if
you are successful with both of these subjects we will then allow you to
change your status to a combined law student, then completing the rest
of your law degree like any other student. Just bear in mind, you can't
defer this place.
This entry is extremely competitive. We had 146 applications last year
for 20 places. We suggest you take the subjects this semester you enjoy
hence you will get the best possible marks.
Good luck with your studies
Maggie Liston
Undergraduate Enquiries
Division of Law
Macquarie University NSW 2109
phone: +61 2 9850 7098
fax: +61 2 9850 7686
This message is intended for the add