Questions to People With a Religion/No Religion. (2 Viewers)

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Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
Rise in Atheism lately has compelled me to make this topic.
So, I have a few questions to people willing to answer them.

And yet at the same time a compelling undercurrent is at work. A study done by the Graduate Center of the City University of New York found that the percentage of the population that describes itself as "nonreligious" more than doubled from 1990 to 2001, from 14.3 million to 29.4 million people. The only other group to show growth was Muslims.

Question 1:
Do you believe in a God? Which Religion?

Question 2:
Do you believe it's okay for people to be having Sex under the Age of 18?(protectetion)

Question 3:
Do you believe it's okay to have Sex with someone you have no Intention of marrying? (protection/no protection)

Question 4:
Do you believe in evolution? What aspects? Other theories about the Creation of Mankind?

Question 5:
Are you open minded to "Evidence" of either "God being Real" or "God not being Real"? depending on your existing beliefs.

Question 6:
Have you ever contemplated suicide?

Question 7:(almost done)
Do you believe in legalising Drugs?/or Drugs being optional?

Question 8:
Do you believe in the Death Sentence? (capital punishment? under what circumstances)

Question 9:
Are you fine with homosexualism?

Question 10:
Would you sacrifice your life for a cause? (list a few)

Question 11: (final)
Have you considered any of the other religious beliefs? seriously?


Edit (Generator):

sam04u said:
Generator said:
It would be nice (and academically sound) if those contributing had some idea as to what your agenda, sam04u. Is there anything in particular that you are trying to prove, or are you just exploring what you consider to be the 'rise of atheism'?
Oh, well I would have elaborated when the questions had arisen, but at risk of not infecting the topic. (I tried hard to ask questions in a way in which the responses would be as close to true. Trying not to link the ideas to anything being portrayed by the media by choosing words which were not usually associated with the topic.)

Then, I began looking for trends, and most importantly... opinions which were more different to the rest of the group.

The idea was finding the stance (on a very, un-defensive approach) of "Atheist/Agnostic" people on alot of the situations we're facing now.

Basically, It's quite obvious that a few 'HEAVY' contradictory ideas became obvious. (almost immediately).
Question 9, and Question 10.

But, the data is still not completed. By the end I will have a better understanding of how these ideas collate.

Alot, of general ideas have come up. But, non convincing enough.
(Generally though, non-religious people don't care how other people run their lives from what I can see. By the support for homosexuality, drug-abuse, unplanned pregnancies, and i'm guessing almost anything else.)

This isn't a strike on the group. Just one 'Assumption". I should be sleeping though, feeling really sick.

-need more posts.
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Premium Member
Jul 14, 2004
1. No.
2. Yes.
3. Yes.
4. Yes.
5. Yes.
6. No.
7. Yes.
7. No.
9. Yes.
10. I would die for my country's freedom, but that's about all I can think of right now.
11. I was Catholic until about 18.


Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
Question 1:
Do you believe in a God? Which Religion?
Yes, Islam.

Question 2:
Do you believe it's okay for people to be having Sex under the Age of 18?
Yes, with protection.

Question 3:
Do you believe it's okay to have Sex with someone you have no Intention of marrying? (protection/no protection)
No, either with or without protection.

Question 4:
Do you believe in evolution? What aspects? Other theories about the Creation of Mankind?
Yes, I believe alot of what has been said in regards to 'evolution'. But just like atheists/agnostics that argue "there is no evidence of god". I answer, "there is no evidence of man evolving from animals".

Question 5:
Are you open minded to "Evidence" of either "God being Real" or "God not being Real"? depending on your existing beliefs.
Sort of. (But, it would need to be alot of evidence.)

Question 6:
Have you ever contemplated suicide?
I think once, as a young kid. (sad, but true)

Question 7:(almost done)
Do you believe in legalising Drugs?/or Drugs being optional?
Well, I don't disagree with soft drugs being legal (as long as it's monitored and people who take drugs can't be under 18 or participating in any government-funded education programs) for their own benefit.

Question 8:
Do you believe in the Death Sentence? (capital punishment? under what circumstances)
Yes, for really heinous crimes in people with (repetion) and have commited a serious crime before.

Question 9:
Are you fine with homosexualism?
Not really. It's kinda sickening in my opinion.

Question 10:
Would you sacrifice your life for a cause? (list a few)
Yes, my country (for a cause I believe in), My family, and a serious cause I believe in.

Question 11: (final)
Have you considered any of the other religious beliefs? seriously!?
Yes, I've considered all faiths. Including no faith.

(Please post here, not going to make assumptions just want other people opinions.
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Paris Hilton

New Member
Mar 29, 2006
Question 1:
Do you believe in a God? Which Religion?

Perhaps. No religion tho

Question 2:
Do you believe it's okay for people to be having Sex under the Age of 18?(protectetion)

Yes. Unwise but none of that "oh you are going to hell" stuff. What was that era? uh, 14 and married? which country? a lot of them? was also religious? yeah?

Question 3:
Do you believe it's okay to have Sex with someone you have no Intention of marrying? (protection/no protection)

Its not intention silly. Its with no foresight of it. I've been with my guy for 3 years, recently moved in with him and people have asked whether we are, and we don't rule it out, but we try not to think about it cuz it scares us. Like my boyfriend's parents - they were highschool sweethearts, never got married, but have three children and still all love each other...

Question 4:
Do you believe in evolution? What aspects? Other theories about the Creation of Mankind?

Yes. Everything. Creation seems really absurd if you believe in every literal aspect. Dinosaurs fit in where?

Question 5:
Are you open minded to "Evidence" of either "God being Real" or "God not being Real"? depending on your existing beliefs.

Evidence of God? How can you be "open minded" with evidence? Its either evidence or not evidence damnit.

Question 6:
Have you ever contemplated suicide?

I think most teens do brush over it. Perfectly common among the religious and non religious.

Question 7almost done)
Do you believe in legalising Drugs?/or Drugs being optional?

I don't quite frankly care, and drugs is a bit of an umbrella term. You know not all drugs are illegal...

Question 8:
Do you believe in the Death Sentence? (capital punishment? under what circumstances)

Doesnt particular concern me. Although I do feel that if the crime shows no possibility of improvement - ie serial child rapists, they can die thank you.

Question 9:
Are you fine with homosexualism?

I use to live with 2 gay guys, and two of my best friends are gay. What do you think>?

Question 10:
Would you sacrifice your life for a cause? (list a few)

Probably. I think if the world really turned conservative or really turned to follow a really extreme way of thinking, then most probably

Question 11: (final)
Have you considered any of the other religious beliefs? seriously?

I didn't consider but I did read a lot. I often enjoyed finding common traits among them, and finding beauty in their texts. Other than that, I did not value them as potential ways to live life.


Nov 14, 2005
Question 1:
Do you believe in a God? Which Religion?

Question 2:
Do you believe it's okay for people to be having Sex under the Age of 18?
Yes, with protection.

Question 3:
Do you believe it's okay to have Sex with someone you have no Intention of marrying? (protection/no protection)
Yes, with protection.

Question 4:
Do you believe in evolution? What aspects? Other theories about the Creation of Mankind?
Yes, I see extremely strong evidence for evolution.

Question 5:
Are you open minded to "Evidence" of either "God being Real" or "God not being Real"? depending on your existing beliefs.
Yes, if the evidence supported it

Question 6:
Have you ever contemplated suicide?

Question 7:(almost done)
Do you believe in legalising Drugs?/or Drugs being optional?

Question 8:
Do you believe in the Death Sentence? (capital punishment? under what circumstances)

Question 9:
Are you fine with homosexualism?

Question 10:
Would you sacrifice your life for a cause? (list a few)
Yes, my family and friends

Question 11: (final)
Have you considered any of the other religious beliefs? seriously!?
Yes, have been to church/sunday school. Know a little about Islam, but think that no religion is more likely than another ie I would be diest if i did believe.


Question 1:
Do you believe in a God? Which Religion?

I believe in a concept most easily described as "God" in Western discourse. Weak Deism/Panendeism.

Question 2:
Do you believe it's okay for people to be having Sex under the Age of 18?(protectetion)


Question 3:
Do you believe it's okay to have Sex with someone you have no Intention of marrying? (protection/no protection)

Go for it, just don't hurt anyone.

Question 4:
Do you believe in evolution? What aspects? Other theories about the Creation of Mankind?

I believe in evolution. I do however believe that this Universe was created by something higher.

Question 5:
Are you open minded to "Evidence" of either "God being Real" or "God not being Real"? depending on your existing beliefs.

Yes--I enjoy reading material which supports both camps. I'm not sure that the matter can ever be decided, though(agnostic tendencies).

Question 6:
Have you ever contemplated suicide?


Question 7:(almost done)
Do you believe in legalising Drugs?/or Drugs being optional?

Yes--but that's political, and not religious. I'm a classic liberal....

Question 8:
Do you believe in the Death Sentence? (capital punishment? under what circumstances)

No. It cheapens the state and by extension, all of us. Killing with a bit of paper and a uniform is still killing.

Question 9:
Are you fine with homosexualism?

No problems.

Question 10:
Would you sacrifice your life for a cause? (list a few)

1. Defense of family/friends
2. Defense of freedom (not necessarily "country)
3. Protecting the weak/poor/oppressed
5. Democracy

Question 11: (final)
Have you considered any of the other religious beliefs? seriously?

Yes. I was brought up a Christian. I have read the Koran, the Bible, the Tao Te Ching, and intend on reading some Hindu and Buddhist lit. as well.


1. No,
2. yes,
3. yes,
4. yes - how can you ignore the evidence?
5. Yes - if someone presented me with new evidence, I'd consider it,
6. no,
7. which drugs? But no, not really,
8. no,
9. homosexualism? Is that even a word? Yes, I'm fine with it,
10. probably something like curing HIV, world poverty, all that crap,
11. If by consider you mean 'looked in to', yes. If you mean seriously converting, no.


Aug 17, 2002
sam04u said:
Rise in Atheism lately has compelled me to make this topic.
I prefer to call it a decline of religion rather than a "rise of atheism", but ok.

I'll answer the questions but I would suggest that you don't turn this into a huge discussion about the existence of God. There is already another thread on that topic and Generator does not need to be looking after two already extremely controversial threads on the same issue.

1. Do you believe in a God? Which Religion?
No, I do not hold a positive belief in my head that God exists (nor do I hold a positive belief in my head that God does not exist).

Additionally, I do not believe that it is possible to know whether God exists or not and am therefore agnostic.

2. Do you believe it's okay for people to be having Sex under the Age of 18?(protection)
Yes, absolutely.

3. Do you believe it's okay to have Sex with someone you have no Intention of marrying? (protection/no protection)
Yes, with protection, absolutely.

4. Do you believe in evolution? What aspects? Other theories about the Creation of Mankind?
Yes (to evolution).

5. Are you open minded to "Evidence" of either "God being Real" or "God not being Real"? depending on your existing beliefs.
Yes, absolutely.

6. Have you ever contemplated suicide?

7. Do you believe in legalising Drugs?/or Drugs being optional?
No. (I assume you mean the currently prohibited drugs.)

8. Do you believe in the Death Sentence? (capital punishment? under what circumstances)

9. Are you fine with homosexualism?
Yes. (Edit: Maybe it is a word?)

10. Would you sacrifice your life for a cause? (list a few)
Yes, in two situations. To save a huge number of people from death, or to save someone I absolutely loved and cared about who had a substantial chance of living for a reasonable length of time.

11: Have you considered any of the other religious beliefs? seriously?
Assuming you mean looked at with an intention of ascertaining the religion's veracity, then yes.

I also did scripture in primary school for a few years, but like the tooth fairy and Santa Claus, one progresses.
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MoonlightSonata said:
9. Are you fine with homosexualism?
Yes. (That's not a real word, by the way.)
I knew it... Homosexualism would be the state of being/supporting homosexual/ality by choice, like feminism, racism, Marxism. [/grammar Nazism ;)]


Jan 2, 2004
Question 1:
Do you believe in a God? Which Religion?

No I don't believe in God, of any religion.

Question 2:
Do you believe it's okay for people to be having Sex under the Age of 18?(protectetion)

With nothing to do with religion, I think it's ok, ideally only if both parties are in a stable relationship (only because morally, it leads to complications of sorts, such as emotional trauma, and misunderstandings)

Question 3:
Do you believe it's okay to have Sex with someone you have no Intention of marrying? (protection/no protection)

Um.... yeah I suppose. If you fully intend on marrying the person, then, depending on age, protection isn't so important (as at that point, you should be in a fully functioning, trusting relationship) but if you don't have any intention of marrying them, you should always use protection.

Question 4:
Do you believe in evolution? What aspects? Other theories about the Creation of Mankind?

I agree with all aspects of evolution. I also don't think its too far-fetched that there have been the existence of several "world cycles" where humans have existed, died out, then re-evolved.

Question 5:
Are you open minded to "Evidence" of either "God being Real" or "God not being Real"? depending on your existing beliefs.

Yeah sure. If God made contact, I'd listen to him for sure.

Question 6:
Have you ever contemplated suicide?

Yes. (I don't care to elaborate)

Question 7:(almost done)
Do you believe in legalising Drugs?/or Drugs being optional?

Again, wrestling with myself here (with nothing to do with religion). Because I know what drugs can do to a person, how it effects them and how it can change them, so drastically, I'm inclined to say no.

If people want to take recreational drugs, thats none of my business, but if someone (and people I loved) asked me my opinion, then I'd tell them that they shouldn't.

Question 8:
Do you believe in the Death Sentence? (capital punishment? under what circumstances)

No. An eye for an eye is not the way to sort things out. And since I believe in karma, they will get what they deserve eventually.

Question 9:
Are you fine with homosexualism?

Yeah sure. I'm not homosexual, and I don't ever intend to be, but homosexual people don't harm me and I don't harm them, so I don't see why it should be an issue. If they try to force homosexualism upon me then I have a problem, but the vast majority of gay people I know are lovely people.

Question 10:
Would you sacrifice your life for a cause? (list a few)

Yes, but its not something I'd do lightly. I would do it for my family, I can see myself doing it if it came to between myself or my kids (in the distant future) or if my death would mean saving the lives of many other people.

Question 11: (final)
Have you considered any of the other religious beliefs? seriously?

It sounds pretty arrogant, that you when you say "other" I take it you mean "other than Christianity". Christianity isn't the definitive religion, just for your general information. edit: ok, you obviously didn't mean that, and I apologise in advance for jumping the gun. :)

Yes I have, I'm a non-practising Buddhist, and I'm always open to talking and learning about all other religious beliefs. At one time in my life, I probably seriously considered becoming Christian, mainly because when you are surrounded by it everyday (at school with friends etc.) you start to think about their way of thinking much more. But the phase lasted maybe all of a few days, because to me, Christianity leaves a lot to be desired for, especially in terms of the logic of its arguments.

Also, because Buddhism has culturally been very closely tied to Asian culture, which is something I struggle with, it was very tempting to adhere to a more "Western" kind of thinking. But again, one cannot change what they believe purely for convience. It doesn't work like that.

I also considered being Jewish at one point, only because both the Buddhists and the Christians were giving me the major shits. But again, that was a phase.
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Aug 17, 2002
Yes, my intelligence is forever tainted and my ego irreparably damaged. Oh how shall I ever go on.


Jun 30, 2004
in the wigwam of a Marsh-wiggle
Question 1:
Do you believe in a God? Which Religion?
not a real committed, steadfast belief. I guess Christain, but its too uncertian to put anything on it

Question 2:
Do you believe it's okay for people to be having Sex under the Age of 18?(protectetion)
i dont think it should go any younger than 16

Question 3:
Do you believe it's okay to have Sex with someone you have no Intention of marrying? (protection/no protection)

Question 4:
Do you believe in evolution? What aspects? Other theories about the Creation of Mankind?
yes, comparative anatomy is pretty convincing, all the DNA hybridisation stuff, most of the science actually. However it all had to start not so keen on the Big Bang theory

Question 5:
Are you open minded to "Evidence" of either "God being Real" or "God not being Real"? depending on your existing beliefs.

Question 6:
Have you ever contemplated suicide?
umm possibly once years ago

Question 7almost done)
Do you believe in legalising Drugs?/or Drugs being optional?

Question 8:
Do you believe in the Death Sentence? (capital punishment? under what circumstances)
in general no. Unless there is an absolute 100% certainty...every case is different. No

Question 9:
Are you fine with homosexualism?

Question 10:
Would you sacrifice your life for a cause? (list a few)
no extremist things. But say someone needed help then i would risk it i guess. I suppose i might for someone i love or care for deeply like family

Question 11: (final)
Have you considered any of the other religious beliefs? seriously?
not really, i dont feel a need to be held to a religion, and havent bothered to research and think 'right, ill believe in that then'


Sep 30, 2004
Uni Grad
Question 1:
Do you believe in a God? Which Religion?

No. I am quite strongly against any organised religion, and on the question of god, i consider myself to be atheist. (I can tolerate beliefs of the existance of gods, however not the arbitary packaging that comes when religion is organised)

Question 2:
Do you believe it's okay for people to be having Sex under the Age of 18?(protectetion)

Of course. I do however find the age of consent (at 16) a bit arbitrary.

Question 3:
Do you believe it's okay to have Sex with someone you have no Intention of marrying? (protection/no protection)

Yes, definately. Considering we are looking at this from a religious framework, To have significant life decisions such as this (and the above) dictated without reason by old men in some far away land, is in my view both shallow and oppressive. Dogma is to be avoided.

Question 4:
Do you believe in evolution? What aspects? Other theories about the Creation of Mankind?

Yes. Evolution is the most plausible, owing itself to reason and logic.

Question 5:
Are you open minded to "Evidence" of either "God being Real" or "God not being Real"? depending on your existing beliefs.

Yes, obviously if god can be shown to exist, then im all ears. However, no solid evidence has ever been presented to me by theists.

Question 6:
Have you ever contemplated suicide?

No. And i cant imagine i ever would. You only live once.

Question 7:(almost done)
Do you believe in legalising Drugs?/or Drugs being optional?

I assume you refer to the so called 'recreational drugs'. I couldnt give a definitive yes/no response as i cannot profess to being knowledgeable enough on the issue to form a solid opinion. However, from what i have seen, i do err on the side of maintaining the status quo.

Question 8:
Do you believe in the Death Sentence? (capital punishment? under what circumstances)

No. Not under any circumstances. Its simply state sanctioned 'revenge' murder.

Question 9:
Are you fine with homosexualism?

Yes, i see nothing wrong with it. I am all for legalising homosexual marriage etc. I do admitt to having reservations on the question of child adoption for gay couples though.

Question 10:
Would you sacrifice your life for a cause? (list a few)

Not a 'cause' as in any organisation or belief. Maybe if it were to save loved ones or a significant number of people, i would be open to the idea.

Question 11: (final)
Have you considered any of the other religious beliefs? seriously?

No. I cannot see myself ever attaching myself to a religious belief.


Jun 12, 2004
1. no
2. yes - as if you can try to stop them anyway
3. yes - i don't intend to ever get married
4. yes - all
5. i'd like to think i'm open minded, however there has been no strong evidence to suggest that god exist
6. yes
7. yes - all drugs should be legal, i don't think our body should be under the control of the govt
8. no - what if they get it wrong? they can never bring back someone
9. yes - i love them, i'm bi myself
10. yes - to save the world (sorry can't give more detail)
11. yes - i believed in christianity for about two weeks


An iron homily
Nov 28, 2004
Question 1:
Do you believe in a God? Which Religion?

I believe in a god in a rather abstract manner - more as a metaphor for life itself I guess. The closest classification for me would probably be agnostic but I'm not sure.
Question 2:
Do you believe it's okay for people to be having Sex under the Age of 18?(protectetion)

What someone chooses to do with their own body is their own business so long it is their own free choice. So that's a yes.
Question 3:
Do you believe it's okay to have Sex with someone you have no Intention of marrying? (protection/no protection)

Yes. I don't see what a marriage should have to do with deciding to have sex with someone. That said, there are people who have certain expectations - it wouldn't be fair to have sex with someone by leading them to believe you intended marriage when you did not. Ultimately though, I believe it should be about mutual choice and attraction.
Question 4:
Do you believe in evolution? What aspects? Other theories about the Creation of Mankind?

Yes I believe in evolution.
Question 5:
Are you open minded to "Evidence" of either "God being Real" or "God not being Real"? depending on your existing beliefs.

Thats a tricky question - if only because god as I view him doesn't need ratifying so I really couldn't care less. If however you mean evidence of some divinely powerful sentient being as portrayed by the Judaeo-Christians/Muslims, it'd take a LOT of proof. And I mean alot.
Question 6:
Have you ever contemplated suicide?

Question 7:(almost done)
Do you believe in legalising Drugs?/or Drugs being optional?

Depends. When it comes to it, I have alot of distaste for the idea of drugs (including alcohol and nicotine products) as they are in essence addictive and misuse can really stuff you up. So I don't want anyone endorsing things like that that could lead people I care about being hurt.

On the other hand, if a substance(ie its not immediately harmful/addictive) can be controlled what right does someone have to say whether someone uses it in safe limits? So on that principle I'd say an uneasy yes to things like marijuana.

Question 8:
Do you believe in the Death Sentence? (capital punishment? under what circumstances)

No, but not for religious reasons. I think its wrong because there is no way to go back from it - there are so many variables in existence that I don't want someone to wrongly die. I also don't think it fits what the legal system should be, it should be about discipline not vengeance.
Question 9:
Are you fine with homosexualism?

I have absolutely no qualms with homosexuality. Which is not to say I agree with all the facets of the subculture that is attached to it.
Question 10:
Would you sacrifice your life for a cause? (list a few)

I would risk my life for a lot of things, but I'm not sure how many I would sacrafice it for - I don't think I'm quite mature enough to know that yet.
Question 11: (final)
Have you considered any of the other religious beliefs? seriously?

I have never considered taking up with religion and I doubt I ever will as while I have no problem with faith, I take a bit of issue with religious institutions. I have however looked into various religions, though not with the intent of taking them up myself.


Jan 12, 2006
Question 1:
Do you believe in a God? Which Religion?

Question 2:
Do you believe it's okay for people to be having Sex under the Age of 18?(protectetion)

Question 3:
Do you believe it's okay to have Sex with someone you have no Intention of marrying? (protection/no protection)

Question 4:
Do you believe in evolution? What aspects? Other theories about the Creation of Mankind?

Question 5:
Are you open minded to "Evidence" of either "God being Real" or "God not being Real"? depending on your existing beliefs.
Yes, but I havn't seen any yet. That said, my beliefes in Same Sex Relationships, Womens equality etc would not change.

Question 6:
Have you ever contemplated suicide?

Question 7almost done)
Do you believe in legalising Drugs?/or Drugs being optional?
To some degree, yes.

Question 8:
Do you believe in the Death Sentence? (capital punishment? under what circumstances)

Question 9:
Are you fine with homosexualism?

Question 10:
Would you sacrifice your life for a cause? (list a few)
:: My Family and their defence

Question 11: (final)
Have you considered any of the other religious beliefs? seriously?
No. Growing up in Croatia/Serbia when I did makes you lose any piece of faith you may have once had. Too much bad shit in the world.
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