no wuckers:
Over the period of time of my Individual Project, my film changed in concept immensely. Originally my idea (and first script) was to explore the issues of drugs in differing societies bucolic and urban. One idea from this script, water, I then morphed into the basis of my film. As water is a natural element and is necessary for most life forms, it engages with audiences on an extremely personal level.
As water was the central theme of my film, I recalled a quote from Douglas Adams Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy: human beings are a device invented by water to transport or to move itself from A to B. We are slaves to water I then realised that my second script explored this theme; my protagonist is recalling his memory through the aesthetics of water. My entire film rests firmly on the soundtrack, as I believe it is the combination of both audio with visuals that creates a unique and individual short film.
To create the distinctive feelings of water, I shot the entire film without any effects, and through using Premiere and After Effects I added effects to suit the scene. By zooming into the old mans eye, I am showing the process of thought that is occurring he is thinking about his son The dissolving between every shot in each sequence makes the audience realise that what is occurring is in memory, and creates the desired interaction between film and the audience. When shooting the family scene, I applied amateur camera techniques (shaking, no framing of shots) and in post, I applied an old film grainy effect to create a sense of history.
By precisely framing every shot to correspond with the rule-of-thirds, the film automatically gains a professional feel. It is also through my casting process that my directorial role allowed my strong vision (especially in my protagonist) to be completed.
I ask the audience to remember Stanley Kubricks words: I would not think of quarrelling with your interpretation nor offering any other, as I have found it always the best policy to allow the film to speak for itself.