In my opinion and my own experience, the best way for you to improve your listening skills is to go to the following website that my French teacher provided me-
and to watch the short 2 to 3 minute videos on there while at the same time also following the 400 to 500 word French text in the respected transcript provided for the video. It would be best to read the transcript first a couple of times and to understand the meaning of all the words and the gist of the text before watching the video and following the text. Repeat this process until all or most of the French sinks in, if you have the time. If time isn't on your side, I reckon you should repeat this process for at least five times for one video for you to get some benefit out of it, which equates to 20-30 minutes of your time. There should be something on there that you like as there are sets of videos dedicated to a wide range of topics such as French culture, language, literature, and world events and affairs. There is also stuff on science and world history, if I recall correctly. If you are confused about how to use it, I typed more thoroughly about it in a thread here in the French board titled 'How to pick up French quickly'.