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Redfern Racial Rioting (1 Viewer)


Sep 5, 2003
Originally posted by Egg_666
1. from CNN "Repeated and costly government policy failures have turned Aborigines into a community with Third World health problems cast adrift in one of the Western world's wealthiest societies.

Aborigines now number 400,000 in the 20 million population. The Australian Bureau of Statistics said in 2002 that Aboriginal men have a life expectancy of just 56 years -- 21 years less than the national average. Aboriginal women's life expectancy is 63 years -- 20 years less than other Australian women.

Aboriginals are 10 times more likely to suffer blindness than other Australians, mainly as a result of trachoma, a bacterial infection eradicated in most of the developed world. "

and on the other thing you said... some people have achieved greatness from disadvantaged positions... but aboriginals not only face an EXTREMELY "disadvantaged position" but other factors such as racism... i am also remindind you that it is very few (the VERY talented) who make their way up the social and economic ladder...

2. you fool... read what i said... then respond....

SHE mentioned that her town was boring.... i am TELLING you that where the aboriginals live is a Hell hole....

SHE said that she is not gonna riot cos her town is boring... I am TELLING you that there is a difference between where she lives and where the aboriginals pictured on the news live...

sigh normally i dont say these pointless "you idiot, you fool" things but dam man... cmon its pretty darn easy to see whats going on and you keep missing it...

3. you give cash to a child with no knowledge of fashion or clothes to go to a shop and buy you clothes... dont be surprised if they come abck with some shorts a tshirt and heaps of ice cream

giving money to a people who dont know how to spend it properly.... is just a waste... but then again giving them a little and blaming them for spending it wrongly and then using that as an excuse not to give them more is cruel...

4. percentages baby... mostly its teenagers that get treated like crap... but its always going to be the ones that give the police the most crap are the ones that are going to receive it... from the policemans point of view its just his/her nature... and i aint blaming the police for that... but, like i said before, they are just in the middle of the clash between those that are disadvantaged and the government, unwilling to respond...

i dont blame the police at all... i blame the larger issue (the governments unwillingness to help) for putting them (the police, and the aboriginals in redfern) at this position, forcing nothing else but what happenned..

Ohh please, an extremely disadvantaged position? bullshit. I hardly think aborgines could ve compared with the starving people in third world countries.. get real. These are not the same people who had their land taken form them, it is their decendants who were born into the same land as I was. Aborigines are not more and no less australian than i am, so they shouldn't be treated any differently. Period.
I did read what you said. You had misintrepreted my original response and I was merely correcting you. Please do not attempt to pretend you know where I live or my socio-economic background. And name calling? Yeah, great way to get your point across there.
And this was a resident of Redfern who was talking, one of the girls INVOLVED in the rioting who was going on about how theres nothing else to do. Her words.
And how stupid can anybody be not to realise 'hmm here is money, perhaphs i should spend it on something to futher the quality of my life'. if thats grog, then fine i don't care, but don't bitch when you look back and you have no education, poor health and unemployment. And since when did the child get the cash? Where are the parents??
And what is the answer to the problem then? I see you pointing out the faults but showing no solution. It is a very sad that any child, aboriginal or otherwise, died in such a manner but I fail to see how the 'mistreatment' of aborigines has anything to do with it. I have seen no evidence of the police targeting this child for racial reasons so why should they target the police in such an unproductive and destructive way?

Edit: Do the parents hold no responsibility for the poor outcome for their children? Or is that the governments fault too?
Last edited:


New Member
Feb 12, 2004
Originally posted by OZGIRL86

If your so passionate about aboriginals go and help then yourself.
I'd just like to say (this is just me), it's not so much that i'm passionate about aboriginals, it's more that i'm passionate about equality. and aboriginals as a people are living is very sub-standard conditions.

Has anybody seen the movie "traffic"? there's a quote in that which i feel is particularly relevent to this conversation.

"Ok, right now, all over this great nation of ours, 'hundred thousand white people from the suburbs are cruisin' around downtown asking every black person they see "You got any drugs? You know where I can score some drugs?" *Think* about the effect that that has on the psyche of a black person, on their possibilities. I... God I guarantee you bring a hundred thousand black people into your neighborhood, into fuckin' Indian Hills, and they're asking every white person they see "You got any drugs? You know where I can score some drugs?", within a *day* everyone would be selling. Your friends. Their kids. Here's why: it's an unbeatable market force man. It's a three-hundred percent markup value. You can go out on the street and make five-hundred dollars in two hours, come back and do whatever you want to do with the rest of your day and, I'm sorry, you're telling me that... you're telling me that white people would still be going to law school? "

spin spin sugar

it's gotta be big
Jun 26, 2003
purple haze, galangalangalang
Originally posted by Newbie
i think they should get rid of housing commisions.......

like that one next to the harbour bridge
what a total waste of real estate
NYE fireworks there would have been megawow :D
you should join Young Liberals. you're full of great ideas.

hey egg666, props for being so vigilant. i remember doing an assessment last year for Society & Culture and i had to research the way in which aboriginals were disadvantaged in different areas of life - housing, health, etc. the evidence is actually overwhelming and sort of disgusting that the problems are still so widespread. if anyone can seriously dispute the fact that aboriginals are disadvantaged, go do some fucking research. go look at the australian bureau of statistics site. because you seriously have no fucking clue.


stuck in a moment
Aug 4, 2003
Originally posted by Egg_666

Its was NOT his choice to have grown up in a country where his options are severly limited, it was NOT his choice to have grown up in poverty, it was NOT his choice to have to commit a crime...

these things were FORCED upon him by his position...
Australia provides many opportunities to people of all races, cultures religions etc.No it was not his choice to have grown up in poverty,it was his parents , but why would someone have a child if they cannot manage themselves, his parents brought him into a live of poverty,no one else did......
ohh and whos choice was it for him to commit a crime? was a gun pointed to his head forcing him to commit a crime..no i don't think so. it was his own choice...

spin spin sugar

it's gotta be big
Jun 26, 2003
purple haze, galangalangalang
Originally posted by OZGIRL86
Australia provides many opportunities to people of all races, cultures religions etc.No he was not his choice to have grown up in poverty , but why would someone have a child if they cannot manage themselves, his parents brought him into a live of poverty,no one else did......
ohh and whos choice was it for him to commit a crime? was a gun pointed to his head forcing him to commit a crime..no i don't think so. it was his own choice...
don't be so obtuse. we all act in a way that is directly related to our position, our socialisation, the way we're brought up, our social status. can you understand that?


is a roflcopter
May 17, 2003
Originally posted by spin spin sugar
you should join Young Liberals. you're full of great ideas.

you're thinking of melbournian

no political correctness from me, only capitalist fundamentalism powered by microsoft and wall st and george bush. don't be so obtuse. we all act in a way that is directly related to our position, our socialisation, the way we're brought up, our social status. can you understand that?

spin spin sugar

it's gotta be big
Jun 26, 2003
purple haze, galangalangalang
Originally posted by Newbie
you're thinking of melbournian

no political correctness from me, only capitalist fundamentalism powered by microsoft and wall st and george bush. don't be so obtuse. we all act in a way that is directly related to our position, our socialisation, the way we're brought up, our social status. can you understand that?
right! and i was brought up to be politically aware, so i can recognise economic fascists in the making! can you understand that? :)


is a roflcopter
May 17, 2003
i think we all feel sorry for the lad and angry at the rioting
and this threads about the rioting


Feb 20, 2003
aboriginals mortality rates are similar to that of third world countries

i just hate people having huge rants who have no idea how lucky they are
idea for reality show: get OZGIRL86 and put her in an aboriginal house in redfern, see how she copes


Nov 1, 2002
Club Mac.
Originally posted by Egg_666

2 whole aboriginals? like wow... 2 WHOLE ONES?... were they adopted? because i dont need to defend this one... its just true, simple fact... aboriginals have it fuckin tough... i am not talking about those who grow up in richer households... (richer than redfern) but those who are forced to live in those dumps (most of them)

fuckin good on em for doing so well, but there is a hell of a lot to go, if we can only mention 2...
All i'm saying is that if they're willing to work for it, and not commit crimes, they should be able to make a life for themselves.

so you tell us that YOUR OPINION, that this person is better dead... and when you mention YOUR DOLLARS you're talking about all of us...

Allow me to quote maddox:

"Everyone already knows it's my opinion by virtue of the fact that I said it, no need to restate the obvious you dopey twat."

And i said "my dollars" because i am the one unhappy about them going into housing criminals, others (as yourself) seem quite happy paying for this.

btw, what's with "honey"? Last time i checked i was a guy, and not a Delta Goodrem look alike (i can only assume you though i was the girl in my av)

and wtf is with SCUM??? serious, if that aint a personal attack then i dont know what is.... NO WAIT... sorry i got it.... thats a wide ranging GENERAL attack targetted at no one particular... definitions of stereotype dont come much clearer...
You're right, i am stereotyping jailbirds, big deal, most of them are scum (in my opinion :rolleyes:).


Feb 20, 2003
aborigines have no work ethic due to their terrible history. asians have good work ethic its been built up for centuries and passed on


Oct 12, 2003
Originally posted by poloktim
I don't ever recall mentioning parents. The words their kids don't necessarily mean I'm referring to their parents. I could be, and am, referring to other people in the neighbourhood. If other seventeen year olds encouraged the younger ones to riot. They should be punished.
say what you mean then... THEIR children DIRECTLY implies parents...

and like i have said multiple times, the community did not and would not have known about it... otherwise the parents on the whole would not have allowed it.. its was teen angst mixed with the crap they live in...

i think riot is a bad word... but has been chosen because of its rhyming with the r's (e.g redfern riots) and its been so long since school i've forgotten what that is... starts with an A

"If other seventeen year olds encouraged the younger ones to riot. They should be punished."

there is a reason 17 year olds are not considered adults by law... and that is because they are immature and do not understand the consequences of their actions... they were angry, upset, and depressed and they needed a release...

i, for one, would not punish them and put them in a worse position, but turn the other cheek and treat them better and thereby prevent it from happening again...

Originally posted by poloktim
Strange? You'd rather?
So, as long as the government offers proper healthcare and housing, the community can abuse the children. Well that's what you'd rather. Frankly, pull your head out of your arse. If the government isn't providing what it should than it should be punished too, not instead.
but see your not listening honey :)P) (and ND, I didnt think you were delta goodrem, she is a helluva lot nicer in my fantasies)

you say that i am saying "as long as the government offers proper healthcare and housing, the community can abuse the children. "

but i am saying "the government ISNT offering proper healthcare and housing, and thats where the worst of this abuse is coming from"

Originally posted by poloktim
Violence is a fine way to get someone's attention. It's also a fine way to get yourself condemned. When somebody attempts to use violence to get me to see their side, I try to ignore them.
When someone has attempted every possible means and never made it into the news or gotten any public attention... violence IS THE ONLY MEANS... but ignore them if you want thats your own shit, evil, unsympathetic ignorant way of dealing with issues close at hand...

you wanna stop crime... start thinkinig about these issues... whether or not they were put down through violence or peace...

Originally posted by OZGIRL86
geez you always have to have the last say don't you.
If your so passionate about aboriginals go and help then yourself.
First of all i am not a F***** IDIOT... you don't even know me. I was just expressing my opinion as you seem to be doing. I'm not out on the street rioting and causes a fuss and trouble am i?I'm posting on a forum...
If people make the effort to try and make something out of themselves they will suceed..
They are not forced or secluded to stay and sleep where they are.. They do have a choice so don't give me that bs..everyone has oppurtunities and choices,steps need to be taken to explore these choices...They just don'tmake the effort in the majority of circumstances. They are lucky they are receiving payment, sitting on their backsides contributing nothing to the community... they can get an education from a public school ,then go on to tafe -where they are exempt from paying tafe fees, then gain a qualification to make something out of themselves.
you are taking this way too seriously,so chill
I am signed up to a charity for aboriginals that takes a yearly payment, but that is it... right now i am doing many other things, like going to uni, to make a life out of defending those without defence...

when an opportunity arises i would and will take it... but unfortunately i am only a kid... and can do very little... but i see this a trying to do my bit... trying to make people who are undecided, aware of what the issues are, without allowing them to be sucked in by the crap that you spew about those kids not being disadvantaged... cos the lord knows the worse thing for those kids is more of you around...

Originally posted by Epiphany
Ohh please, an extremely disadvantaged position? bullshit. I hardly think aborgines could ve compared with the starving people in third world countries.. get real. These are not the same people who had their land taken form them, it is their decendants who were born into the same land as I was. Aborigines are not more and no less australian than i am, so they shouldn't be treated any differently. Period.
Aboriginals are not starving... but obviously you havent seen the housing in redfern if you cant compare that...

medical treatment is also severly lacking... similar to that in 3 rd world countries... with aboriginals coming down with diseases officially eradicated in developed countries...

its quite easily comparable actually...
Guyana and the Federated states of Micronesia are both poor 3rd world countries, and both have higher life expectancies than aboriginals in asutralia... and they are just small examples...


that will show you a few more countries with smaller life expectancies

Originally posted by Epiphany
And how stupid can anybody be not to realise 'hmm here is money, perhaphs i should spend it on something to futher the quality of my life'. if thats grog, then fine i don't care, but don't bitch when you look back and you have no education, poor health and unemployment. And since when did the child get the cash? Where are the parents??
And what is the answer to the problem then? I see you pointing out the faults but showing no solution. It is a very sad that any child, aboriginal or otherwise, died in such a manner but I fail to see how the 'mistreatment' of aborigines has anything to do with it. I have seen no evidence of the police targeting this child for racial reasons so why should they target the police in such an unproductive and destructive way?

Edit: Do the parents hold no responsibility for the poor outcome for their children? Or is that the governments fault too?
What is the average person receiving that payout supposed to spend with that money? what? its no where near enough for private school... and public school comes for free... but then look at that public school, disaffected teachers... tired and uncaring principals... no motivation for those kids...

i liked that quote from traffic.... that was good... and that applies, albeit a little differently, to this situation. These kids get treated as highly suspicious for nothing, by the cops (who, i believe, are not wrong in doing so btw) that they think "well i may as well be as mean to them as deserves what i am receiving from them" (although not in those words, but i couldnt think of a better way of describing it)

the rioters werent targetting the police per se... as i have mentioned before, they are targetting the government policy of mistreatment... that the police uphold... it is basically like that phrase "dont kill the messenger" except here they have no access to the sender... and therefore must relay that message through targetting the messenger...

the parents know little better as well but for good reason... bah i am getting soo tired... will explain tomo if you can wait

Originally posted by OZGIRL86
Australia provides many opportunities to people of all races, cultures religions etc.No it was not his choice to have grown up in poverty,it was his parents , but why would someone have a child if they cannot manage themselves, his parents brought him into a live of poverty,no one else did......
ohh and whos choice was it for him to commit a crime? was a gun pointed to his head forcing him to commit a crime..no i don't think so. it was his own choice...
sigh its just repeating what i have said before... which i will gladly repeat tomorow... in ways easier for you to understand... preferably a picture book would be best...

Originally posted by um..
lol yeah
i think neo-conservativism is the latest fad
yeh sigh...

Originally posted by Newbie
i think we all feel sorry for the lad and angry at the rioting
and this threads about the rioting
speak for youself

i feel sorry for both the lad and the rioting... and it sympathy for the aboriginal people that makes me that way

Originally posted by ND
All i'm saying is that if they're willing to work for it, and not commit crimes, they should be able to make a life for themselves.

Allow me to quote maddox:

"Everyone already knows it's my opinion by virtue of the fact that I said it, no need to restate the obvious you dopey twat."

And i said "my dollars" because i am the one unhappy about them going into housing criminals, others (as yourself) seem quite happy paying for this.

btw, what's with "honey"? Last time i checked i was a guy, and not a Delta Goodrem look alike (i can only assume you though i was the girl in my av)

You're right, i am stereotyping jailbirds, big deal, most of them are scum (in my opinion :rolleyes:).
sigh, when i quick quoted these i was wide awake... but the only thing i will reply to that is this...

in Russia you get the death penalty for supplying/selling drugs.. in Russia HEAPS of people are poor.... selling drugs is an occupation for life in russia... it is simply for them to live on... so do you still think it is fair to execute people trying to make ends meat, in a country that has very few other alternatives...

will make comparison tomo... but basically trying to say not all criminals are SCUM its just a much higher percentage of them, than non criminals

Originally posted by guy
aboriginals mortality rates are similar to that of third world countries

i just hate people having huge rants who have no idea how lucky they are
idea for reality show: get OZGIRL86 and put her in an aboriginal house in redfern, see how she copes
too true and btw love your idea!!!

cya tomo to talk more


stuck in a moment
Aug 4, 2003
Originally posted by Egg_666

I am signed up to a charity for aboriginals that takes a yearly payment, but that is it... right now i am doing many other things, like going to uni, to make a life out of defending those without defence...

when an opportunity arises i would and will take it... but unfortunately i am only a kid... and can do very little... but i see this a trying to do my bit... trying to make people who are undecided, aware of what the issues are, without allowing them to be sucked in by the crap that you spew about those kids not being disadvantaged... cos the lord knows the worse thing for those kids is more of you around....

Once again ,you don't even know me...so don't try and think you do..also as I have stated before, the parents bring their children into poverty, by having them in the first place.
First they should be able to manage themselves and get up on their own two feet before having children.. so the parents therefore force their children to be in the same situation as they are. no one else does... the gov't dosn't force them to pop out one after the other..its their own choice once again...
oh and u said they were Forced off their land or something, well if they are not happy living in surburbia no one is stopping them from living back in the bush in their little huts ....the settlers built up Australia, if the aboriginals still ruled the land, nothing would be here, they wouldnt have bothered to build up, make roads house etc,and they wouldn't have support/assistance if the government and other places didn't start it up or didn't exist.so more oppurtunities have arisen for them since....
............u said the worst thing for these kids is more of me around.... geez get a life.....have i knocked u in any way? no....

Originally posted by Egg_666

medical treatment is also severly lacking... similar to that in 3 rd world countries... with aboriginals coming down with diseases officially eradicated in developed countries...

havn't you heard of the public health system?oh and centrelink provides health care concession cards, so medical treatment is available , it is not severly lacking.. and its available at reduced cost, if you have the card, and if medical treatment such as an operation is needed hospitals have waiting lines , or if their is an emergency and the person is brought in by an ambulance regardless of race etc i',sure that they would get medical treatment.plenty of medical treatment is available whether is be from a public health sector or a private health sector..

you don't like to listen to what other people have to say, your just interested in what you have to say...you are no open to what other people have to say, all u do is disagree... disagree ... u don't have to agree, but you should respect other peoples opinions...


Nov 1, 2002
Club Mac.
Originally posted by Egg_666

sigh, when i quick quoted these i was wide awake... but the only thing i will reply to that is this...

in Russia you get the death penalty for supplying/selling drugs.. in Russia HEAPS of people are poor.... selling drugs is an occupation for life in russia... it is simply for them to live on... so do you still think it is fair to execute people trying to make ends meat, in a country that has very few other alternatives...

will make comparison tomo... but basically trying to say not all criminals are SCUM its just a much higher percentage of them, than non criminals
Ok look, not everyone in jail is scum, just the majority of them. (and being poor doesn't excuse people from being scum, it's just that i don't particularly have a problem with dealers, afterall most of them are just providing a service, if a user gets drug fucked it's their own fault). The people i consider to be scum are those who rob/assault/rape/murder, and again, being poor is no excuse for the first 2, and much less the last 2 (i'm sure even you'll agree with me on that).


Jun 15, 2003
Originally posted by Egg_666
and like i have said multiple times, the community did not and would not have known about it... otherwise the parents on the whole would not have allowed it.. its was teen angst mixed with the crap they live in...
There are people who encouraged the children! I'm pretty sure that encourage and forbid are antonyms. ;)

i think riot is a bad word... but has been chosen because of its rhyming with the r's (e.g redfern riots) and its been so long since school i've forgotten what that is... starts with an A
It doesn't matter what you think. No matter what the cause, the hoped action taken, they attacked police and destroyed buildings. That constitutes as a riot. Argue that one with whoever thought of the word riot when the English language was being made, not me.

"If other seventeen year olds encouraged the younger ones to riot. They should be punished."

there is a reason 17 year olds are not considered adults by law... and that is because they are immature and do not understand the consequences of their actions... they were angry, upset, and depressed and they needed a release...
However, according to the Australian legal system, 17 year olds know the difference between right and wrong (which is why the Children's Court exists). Though, I actually have done a backflip there, I don't think the seventeen year olds should be punished by law. But certainly any adult who encouraged the behaviour is being irresposible and needs to be dealt with. There was no excuse for that.

i, for one, would not punish them and put them in a worse position, but turn the other cheek and treat them better and thereby prevent it from happening again...
You don't seem to be understanding, the children aren't to be punished. They're young and vulnerable, they need to be educated on why rioting is wrong, no matter what the injustice. Because the children are young and vulnerable, any person who took advantage of them must be charged with child abuse. Instead of attempting to calm the children down, they edged them on, they encouraged them to remain in danger. That is abuse. No matter what the cause, they abused those children.

but see your not listening honey :)P) (and ND, I didnt think you were delta goodrem, she is a helluva lot nicer in my fantasies)

you say that i am saying "as long as the government offers proper healthcare and housing, the community can abuse the children. "

but i am saying "the government ISNT offering proper healthcare and housing, and thats where the worst of this abuse is coming from"
From what I remember about the English language, the word rather is a comparitive word. "Would you rather eggs or ham?" "I'd rather ham." That example sentence says, instead of eggs, the person wants ham.
You said you'd rather the government take action than the people who edged the riot on (and thus abused the children) be punished. That means, when using the English language that is, that instead of seeing the abusers get punished (so they still can abuse the children), you want the government to take action.
Yes, the government may not be providing what it should, and that is inexcusable. I agree with you there. But, neither are other people, standing there in the street calling young children (as young as ten) to put themselves at risk by damaging buildings and throwing fire.

When someone has attempted every possible means and never made it into the news or gotten any public attention... violence IS THE ONLY MEANS... but ignore them if you want thats your own shit, evil, unsympathetic ignorant way of dealing with issues close at hand...

you wanna stop crime... start thinkinig about these issues... whether or not they were put down through violence or peace...
I'm sorry, I'm shit, evil, unsympathetic and ignorant? If I remember correctly, you're the one justifying children putting their lives at risk, I'm the one calling for something to be done. But yes, trying to protect young children is evil, what was I thinking? I should change my ways. I'll tell you what, the next young child I see, I'll call out to them and teach them how to make a molotov cocktail. That way when they don't do their homework they can throw it at their teacher and I'll wait for someone like you to come and justify why I encouraged him.

I suppose you think the police who were injured had it coming too? Well they must've. They attempted to stop the riot. What were they thinking too? Protecting the population is just so evil. The next time something like that happens, they should just leave it alone, and allow innocent people to be injured or even killed.

Mate, I'm talking about a single incident that happened in Redfern on Sunday night. You're just talking out of your arse. You really are. I am sure, there are a lot of people who agree with me.

when an opportunity arises i would and will take it... but unfortunately i am only a kid... and can do very little... but i see this a trying to do my bit... trying to make people who are undecided, aware of what the issues are, without allowing them to be sucked in by the crap that you spew about those kids not being disadvantaged... cos the lord knows the worse thing for those kids is more of you around...
Oh that is gold. It really is. You've just proven to me, and everyone else on this forum that you're nothing but a hypocrite. "I'm just a kid, there's nothing I can do. Forget the fact that I've justified rioting, so technically I could do that, but no!" Mate, I'm laughing. You seriously made me laugh with that. Why not go down to your nearest train station and burn it down? Oh that's right, that would be the wrong thing to do. Even though you've been preaching that it wasn't. Mate, congratulations, you've both put me in a bad mood and a good mood. Well done.

Aboriginals are not starving... but obviously you havent seen the housing in redfern if you cant compare that...

medical treatment is also severly lacking... similar to that in 3 rd world countries... with aboriginals coming down with diseases officially eradicated in developed countries...
I agree with you here. Something must be done, it seriously must. In my opinion perhaps the government should pay for private health insurance for them. This would make the situation a whole lot better.

This is one of the quotes that I actually agree with you wholeheartedly.

What is the average person receiving that payout supposed to spend with that money? what? its no where near enough for private school... and public school comes for free... but then look at that public school, disaffected teachers... tired and uncaring principals... no motivation for those kids...
For your own sanity, I wouldn't go bashing the public sector. It's not an overly good idea. Unless that is you want to be flamed for an entirely different topic.

the rioters werent targetting the police per se... as i have mentioned before, they are targetting the government policy of mistreatment... that the police uphold... it is basically like that phrase "dont kill the messenger" except here they have no access to the sender... and therefore must relay that message through targetting the messenger...
No, they weren't targeting the police at all. If you disregard all the fire and things they threw at them. Of course they were targeting the police. The fact your arguing makes me question your knowledge on the actual riot.

the parents know little better as well but for good reason... bah i am getting soo tired... will explain tomo if you can wait
The parents know well. I don't doubt for a second that the parents are mortified over what happened. Their babies were put in serious danger.
The people that encouraged such behaviour instead of attempting to calm it, however, are disgusting. Anyone who would encourage a child to do such things is nothing more than a coward.

sigh its just repeating what i have said before... which i will gladly repeat tomorow... in ways easier for you to understand... preferably a picture book would be best...
Questioning intelligence is a surefire way at winning an argument isn't it?

speak for youself

i feel sorry for both the lad and the rioting... and it sympathy for the aboriginal people that makes me that way
I believe that person was speaking for themselves. ;)

sigh, when i quick quoted these i was wide awake... but the only thing i will reply to that is this...

in Russia you get the death penalty for supplying/selling drugs.. in Russia HEAPS of people are poor.... selling drugs is an occupation for life in russia... it is simply for them to live on... so do you still think it is fair to execute people trying to make ends meat, in a country that has very few other alternatives...

will make comparison tomo... but basically trying to say not all criminals are SCUM its just a much higher percentage of them, than non criminals
Oh, you were never wide awake. Not all criminals are scum, some people steal because they need the money. What does rioting do? It costs money to clean up. Money that could've been used to provide better education, housing.

Mate, I agree with you that the Aborigines have it extremely tough. But I'm talking about putting children in danger, while you're talking about the plight of an entire people. I'm most worried about the children involved in the riot, while you're congratulating them. If you don't like the current laws, or system of government, then come election time vote for somebody who shares similar views. Or if you're too young to vote, pester your parents to vote the same way you would.
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