I had a rich friend whose parents were billionaires. She actually showed me a copy of their bank statement to prove it. I was a naive kid back then, so I didn't know that she was a b--ch.
I still remember the time when I went to her "house". It seriously looked like a mansion, except for the fact that it was actually an extremely luxurious apartment in a really rich area of town. Her room was nearly the size of my family's entire apartment. She had two other siblings, and each sibling had their own room, so you can guess how large the apartment was. (Or at least, that's how I saw it at that time. I was young and short back then.) Her family had a swimming pool all to themselves. And this apartment was in Hong Kong, where apartment prices are sky high, so you can only imagine how much it must have cost to rent or buy the place...
She always came to school bringing brand name bags and accessories (like Prada or Gucci). She also wore different brand name shoes (actually, boots, because she loved boots), all with real fur, each day. She was driven to school by her parents in a Ferrari, was picked up by her sisters in a Ferrari... you get the idea. She was really, really rich.
Buuuuut, I decided to dump her as a friend because she turned out to be a b--ch for tl;dr reasons. She moved schools and I never saw her again. Good riddance. Friends that are that rich really affect the way you behave, usually in an incredibly bad way.
Oh, and I had another rich friend who I just dumped recently for other tl;dr reasons. She wasn't as rich as the friend I just talked about, but she was certainly a wealthy millionaire. She lived in one of the most expensive places to live in my country. She ate $8+ meals for lunch and dinner every single day. (This is extremely expensive in my country.) She went overseas for at least two weeks every long holiday, every year. Her family's so wealthy that her parents approve of her spending four years of her life studying the Arts in UK (History or something similar) and then spending another six years of her life in a film school, learning how to achieve her dead end dreams. (I'm saying this because she doesn't actually have the "genius talent" or the emotional capacity to be able to achieve her dream job. Her dream job actually requires her to have talent and emotions and give a f--k about people that won't benefit her.) That's how wealthy she was.
When I hung out with this other ex-friend, I kept insulting others behind their backs. (Because she does it all the time. Except that she insults them in front of their faces, something which I never dared to do.) So I decided to end things between us.
Err, anyway, yeah. Rich people usually have bad personalities and are bad influences on you. (There are always exceptions.) I learned my lesson.