If you get the chance, watch it in performance. One of the most AMAZING things I have ever seen!
So basically, it surrounds the idea of a little girl missing.
Ordinary enough.
However it deals with Ray and Sylvies grief,
we may feel like we are solving the mystery but so much of it is convoluted, she is kept medicated, hears fake calls etc.
Each of the characters they go to could essentially be guilty.
Are any of them?
Sid Craven-plays on our paranoias. idea of 'played with her' becomes molested
Social issues present. What really happens behind closed doors?
Creepy parts- Ray attempts to take advantage of Veronica, the passionate kissing of Sylvie dressed as Ruby (creeped me out in theatre)
Ray- character is picked apart, originally stands as the typical breadwinner male... but the layers fall away until Sylvie accuses him of Rubys death, an affair with Veronica is revealed and he is even aggressive towards his wife.
Each of the characters appears as a stereotype and then takes it to the extreme and then refutes it
IDENTITY is a major part. (many HSC questions around this)
Many represent atypical Australians e.g. war veteran, suburbanites, aspiriring teenager etc
Think about how it fits into the Australian Contemporary Theatre bracket.
The fairytale thing is really prominent- obviously based on red riding hood, and many sort of allusions to story books and tunes and the 'wizard' pied piper etc
Childrens innocence questioned.
Structure- each character has a routine, points to another one and sends them door knocking down the street. the importance of the 'dead end' cul de sac street is a HUGE metaphor
Will they ever find Ruby?
Stranger Danger
Can anyone get over something like that?
Use of voice over- we only have a disembodied version of ruby, no actual visage other than a mannequine.
Nightmarish, surrealistic. "Heightened naturalism".
Dont worry too much, it will come to you