Agreed - I like serving happy, nice customers! I work at the Concierge Desk at a 5 star hotel/casino.
Rules for the guests:
1. Do I look like
a fucking receptionist/reservations chick? NO therefore NO I cannot check you in/out, nor can I make a booking or reserve a room for you, and no I do not know the different rates and room types because it's NOT MY JOB TO KNOW. Go to Reception.
2. I'm going to offer to take your bags whether you have 1 or 50 because that's my job... If you have a small bag and it's on wheels take it yourself - we're here to assist/help and if you need HELP/ASSISTANCE... if you have 50 how bout you give me a hand and stop standing there like a lazy f*cktard?
3. When the hotel is at 100% occupancy and I'm just starting my 4am shift and drunk dickwits are coming in after a big night out reeking of alcohol... NO available rooms means NO available rooms! We're here to make money (even if we charge you the highest rate coz you're so drunk you can hardly stand up) but we can't give you a room if we don't have any available!
4. When the Spring Races are on don't even think you can get a room without booking like a year in advance... the chances of your success are about as likely as me becoming an highly regarded mathematician (i.e. never EVER going to happen)
5. Again, on my 4am shifts... I am extremely tired and have probably had about 3 hours sleep - I am not going to find it amusing when you stupid drunks try and a) put your arm around me and ask if you can flirt with me; b) try and hug/kiss/whatever me or c) propose to me or ask if I'll be yours for the night... I am NOT in the mood. Tip me and you might get so much as a smile. Other than that just let me delivere my newspapers in peace.
6. The doors lock after 12am for security reasons and for YOUR BENEFIT - don't press the doorbell 50 times at the connecting doors to the casino side of the complex, and wait for me to walk all the way over there before you read the sign telling you to use your key!
7. Yes you must wear a swimming costume of some sort in the jacuzzi. Please, for your sake, for the guests' sakes and for mine!
8. Please do not fall asleep, NAKED on the chair in the hallway coz you locked yourself out of the room when you drunkenly mistook the front door for the bathroom door... it is not a pleasant sight for me to start my day when delivering the newspapers at 4:30am... ESPECIALLY if you are a male in his late 40s!!! (But if you do, please do me a favour like the last guy and make sure your legs are CROSSED when you pass out!)
9. When we have 95 departures and probably about 80% of these rooms need help with their 100 odd bags each, and need their cars brought up, and they're all family and had a wedding reception the night before and there's only myself and a guy on his 2nd shift because the roster was f*cked up, NOW IS NOT THE TIME to enquire about the 100 different tours you want to go on because I will tell you where you can go stick the tour brochures that you don't bother to read anyway!
10. We can't do EVERYTHING... we can try our best but if I can't get the phone number to some overseas music channel and you don't know what channel it is, just because you want to hear your 'favourite' song... too f*cking bad. Wait a while, most of those shows tell you their numbers because they want you to call - they get commission for it. Have a bit of patience I have more important things to do. Like polish my trollies (lol).
11. Indians... learn the meaning of 'travelling light' which does NOT mean 5 bags per person each weighing about 40 kilos each (!!!!!!!) Also we are not your slaves, don't treat us like we are while shouting in our faces and bobbing your head in every different direction.
12. Americans... learn to f*cking READ. And stop asking how far away everything is... if it's further than 10 minutes away it's too far. And btw Aussies tip better and tipping is not even a major part of our culture (as it is in yours!)
12. Chinese... PLEASE do not spit on the stairs at the entrance. Or anywhere for that matter. It is so f*cking disgusting.
13. Yes I'm a girl and I'm doing this job for 2 reasons - because I want to, and because I can (and thirdly... it's damn good pay!) Sure it's nice when you guys refuse in a very gentlemen-like way to let 'a girl' carry your bags... but it's my job, it's hard enough for girls to get these jobs simply for that reason! (Trust me, my boss told me that one). And ladies, I CAN do my job so don't tell me that you'll need a 'guy' to lift your oh-so-heavy make-up cases because I wouldn't be in this job if I couldn't do it.
14. Do not rock up with 14 BIG BAGS between the two of you on a day where everyone arrives at once and I'm the only one on and then not help me. In fact, don't bring 14 bags at all! You don't need them for a 2 night stay!
15. When you book a taxi or limo BE THERE ON TIME... the drivers crack the shits at us when YOU'RE not there on time, and then YOU crack the shits at US because you took so long they just left.
To the Staff
1. Reception - we are not your slaves. Don't make us run around like chooks with our heads cut off doing all your little tasks you cbf doing yourself when we've got our OWN jobs to do. Do what you're being paid to do, I'm not getting paid to do your job.
2. VIP services - in the time it takes you to tell us about the tours/limo bookings/car hire that YOUR VIP guest wishes to book, and the miscommunication and misunderstandings about what EXACTLY they want, and then the time it takes to correct and re-correct any errors in the process, and THEN for me to call you back and confirm that everything is booked and find out they want to cancel their skydiving tour and they don't want an audi convertible anymore because they've decided a holden statesman is sufficient.. you could have called up the companies and had everything sorted and finalised yourself and when the guests call you for information/cancellations, you don't have to call us to ask us and then call them back because you can speak Japanese and I can't. Oh and I don't f*cking care about those 2 bags sitting at the door for your big spending VIP casino player because he was too lazy to take them up to his room when I've got all my normal guests arriving at once (including the 14-bag couple!) whom I am not going to drop for the sake of 2 bags.
3. Guest Services - You do shit all during the day anyway apart from stand there and look pretty (and most of you can't even do that) so how bout you help us out a little and STOP PALMING OFF the few guest queries you receive to our desk! We have enough to do already!
I'm sure there's plenty more I can add to this extensive list however my brain's turned to mush in this lazy study vacation week off uni and I can't think of anymore at this stage.
Contrary to the tone of my post I actually really
love my job... just don't like idiot/'posh'/f*ckwit guests (or staff) that we in the hospitality industry too often come across and have to serve with a smile!

Treat me with the same respect I treat you!