Sorry if some of these have already been posted but nehoo:
Gift Store
-PLEASE and THANK-YOU when did these go out of fashion, I say it to you don't I?
-PLASTIC BAGS!!!!! for $1 small cards when i can plainly see you have other bags to put it in and i have already asked you 'oh will that be right just to be popped into one of those?' AND YOU FUCKING SAY NO!!!!!!!!!!!
-We close at 5...not 5:10 I DO NOT GET PAID FOR CLOSING AND DON'T APPRECIATE GETTING OUT OF THE STORE AT 5:30 WHEN I STOP GETTING PAID AT 5 YOU FUCKING RUDE ASSHOLE!! (especially when i tell them at 5:05 that we are closed and to please take their purchases to the counter AND THEY KEEP LOOKING!)
-Don't park your pram or trolley in the doorway, we have other customers who need to get into the store too
-Don't let your young kids run around the store, messing up my displays that i took time and care over and picking up, dirtying and breaking our products.
-Don't talk on your phone when i am serving you, i will serve you rudely, you have been warned, oh and i will pretend i haven't seen you for at least 30 seconds
-don't yell at me for our stores return policy, it is written plainly on the receipt and i don't make the rules (also according to law we only have to refund or exchange if the item is faulty so i return policy is actually generous)
-Don't pay for a $1 card with a $100 bill, no, i don't have more change out the back
-Don't ask me for discounts and then get pissy when i say its sticker price only and then try to bargain me down anyway, we are a shop not a fucking market stall
-don't come in and ask for things that are sold in a fucking discount store (we are a nice gift shop) i will be polite about it, but if you ask my out
-don't assume just because i am young that i am not an authority figure, i trained half the older girls in the store, so please don't ask for them when i say no to something.
-Do not cut in line - i can't always see who was next and the person behind you will get pissy with me when i don't serve them before you
i'm sure there are HEAPS more but i can't think of them atm
btw i am a very nice shop assistant