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Rules for Fat People (1 Viewer)

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Enteebee said:
I weigh 110kg, in year 11 I weighed 80, end of the 1st year of uni I weighed 150. In my experience it is remarkably easy to gain weight based on relatively small lifestyle changes but then a hard, daunting slog to get it off.

For someone to lose 50kg it will take probably an entire year or more, with a good diet and consistent excercise. So while you might be thinking that girl next to you on the train is just another lazy fatass, she might have been excercising for an hour a day and eating right for the past 6 months while being psychologically tortured by every asshole she comes across, so give her a fucking break about squashing you a little on the seat.
I put on 30 during pregnancy, and only 3kg of that was baby.
It is motherfucking painfully hard to lose weight, especially when we're talking in the range of 15+ kilograms. I ended up at the gym with a lot of overweight chicks and their mantra was the same. 'If I don't see results within like, DAYS this is fucking bullshit and I give up'

This thread was meant to be a joke I think, but we've gone all serious. Health promotion needs to be preventative. We need to address what makes somebody become obese and prevent it.

I'm not talking about the fat chick with a muffin top, I'm talking about the chick with 5 freakin aprons hanging from her gut.


Keepers of the flames
Jun 25, 2007
You see though... people THAT overweight imo MUST have something wrong with them, even if they are just lazy and like to eat a lot... for someone to like eating THAT much they must have a severe mental problem.


Enteebee said:
You see though... people THAT overweight imo MUST have something wrong with them, even if they are just lazy and like to eat a lot... for someone to like eating THAT much they must have a severe mental problem.
Some of them are. Some of them aren't.

Obviously that was an extreme example, but you get what I mean about overweight as opposed to obese?
Overweight people, meh, I don't care that much to be honest.

Apparently it's a cycle. They get fat, they get depressed that theyre fat, they try and lose weight, fail, eat more, get fatter, get depressed that they're fatter and then eat more.


Jan 19, 2007

Kudos for losing a significant portion of the weight, but Over the course of 2 years (I'm assuming no gap year) you went from 80 to 150. My strife with people talking about how hard it is too lose weight annoys me when it comes to a situation like this. I fully understand how being very obese can make it hard to exercise, simply moving around must be a chore... But You didn't wake up one morning and go "WOW! I've put on 70kg over night!"

70kg of body weight can't sneak up on you. 70kg does not come around from 'small lifestyle changes'. You had to let yourself get there. There is a huge amount of denial to not notice an 85%+ gain in size.

Heres a simple lifestyle change, I was watching the end of the biggest loser, and one of the contestants, with a heart condition, can only walk 30-60 minutes a day. He lost something like 10+ kg. In a week. Excellent examples like him put others the shame.

As for genetics... please get serious. There are people who will n ever put on weight? Show me them. Put them on doughnut and coca-cola diets. They will get huge. There are maybe like 10 people on the planet who are pretty much 'immune'. Super-rare people with a genetic disorder in their Myostatin gene (i.e: it's broken), which pretty much means "You are born a bodybuilder. Eat, and you shall be huge. Training? Optional." Seriously small population of people.



I would say Pregnancy is a very different situation. Women should be putting on (a controllable) extra and eating well. You need to create an anabolic and resource laden place for a baby; what annoys me is people who put on the weight, and many years later say 'i can't get off the baby fat'. It is connected to the mentality of "I'm married, and I've had a kid. I can let myself go."


Letting yourself go, as a wife or husband, after marriage should be grounds for divorce. Its an absolutely horrid thing to do to your partner. My parents are ridiculously fit, and my father puts me, as ~35 years my senior, to shame! A lot of our family friends are ballooning as they get older, I think it is a harsh thing to do one another.


Keepers of the flames
Jun 25, 2007
Heres a simple lifestyle change, I was watching the end of the biggest loser, and one of the contestants, with a heart condition, can only walk 30-60 minutes a day. He lost something like 10+ kg. In a week. Excellent examples like him put others the shame.
a) he'd be eating a controlled diet, probably 1000 calories or so... this is extremely difficult for someone used to eating say 3000+ calories to do without the guidance, support and pressure that something like the TV show he's on provides. People can get addicted to sugar, people can get addicted to salt...
b) that sort of weightloss will not continue, if he's like 150-160kg I reckon by the end of that show (all up something like 6 months I think?) when he turns back up, he'll be at best in his 120-130's.

I'm not here to make excuses, the lifestyle changes were more take away and no physical excercise, I'd previously been quite heavily in to sport, I just want to make it known that it's not an easy thing. The formula is easy, but actually doing it is extremely hard... and no reputable doctor or trainer will tell you otherwise - We have former olympians, sportsmen and women who have become overweight fatasses and they'll attest to how difficult it is.

People have their reasons for not caring about their bodies at certain times in their life... they could let themselves get extremely busy, or they could have some depressing situation, all of which in the end takes them down a path where once that's gone, they're still left with the kilos.


That's not fat either. It's what happens when you spend 30 years on roids and then stop. The muscle wastes AND THEN WHERE DOES IT GO?


Jan 19, 2007
Steriods don't make muscle out of nothing. The just facilitate more muscle growth. Instead of being limited to 1-2kg gain a month, you pretty much can just gorge and expect most of what you eat to become muscle (you still have to eat reasonably well). Though there are lots of different things you can take, and you should only consider them if you really know what you are doing. (because you need to go into post-steroid cycles to control the estrogen and other stuff until your body gets back to norm).

What i am saying is, you can use steroids for a cycle or two, get the muscle, but it doesn't suddenly disappear once your off. You have it. You got it. Now, your just a normal human again, but have more muscle.

Arnold let himself go. There are plenty of Golden Age bodybuilders in their 60s who still put 20 year olds to shame.

Here's something completely off topic (to 'rules for fat people') that will ruffle some feathers: "Steroids used correctly will improve your lifestyle and extend your lifespan".

*puts on flame-resistant suit, i expect a storm*


Nov 28, 2007
over there
NinjaSauce said:

Heres a simple lifestyle change, I was watching the end of the biggest loser, and one of the contestants, with a heart condition, can only walk 30-60 minutes a day. He lost something like 10+ kg. In a week. Excellent examples like him put others the shame.
^^^^He is allowed to exercise 30-40 minutes up to 4 times a day. And i agree his weightloss does put people outside of the house to shame.

According to BMI i am overweight. I was BMI obese and lost 17kgs, got sick/hospitalised - had an operation and was on bedrest.. put 12kgs back on.
My problem is easy to diagnose. I dont exercise enough. I have good muscle mass and know i dont look as fat as i weigh (if that makes sense) so its easy for me to tell myself its not that bad, but it does impact my self esteem. I am now saying thanks to those who posted comments in this thread that were useful...(not the harsh ones at the beginning of the thread) you have encouraged me (along with the biggest loser) to lose the weight again, get off my bum and exercise.



Apr 29, 2007
Am i fat? im 79 kilos. :ninja:
no but you're an idiot for thinking that by chucking a number into the forum will get you the answer you want.

^CoSMic DoRiS^^

makes the woosh noises
Jan 13, 2005
middle of nowhere
katie_tully said:
the fat i'm talking about is this

as opposed to this

i reckon a fair measurement of the difference between 'overweight but still reasonable' and 'fuck it's the blob ruuuuuuun' should be whether or not you can fit through a regular sized doorway. if you can't, you're too fat to function in society therefore you must either lose weight, or suicide.
i saw a man struggling to get into a shop the other day. not struggling as in he was stuck in the doorframe or anything but it was pretty clear he was sizing up the best way to manouvre himself through the door without getting trapped. it was gross, he could probably have been classed as a fire hazard or something, who knows.


Rocket Queen
Nov 7, 2004
I'm going to make up some arbitrary rules. I think that:
- Your butt should be no more than three times the size of your head.
- If you're female, you should have a discernable waist.
- If you're female, it should be obvious when you are several months pregnant.
- If you're male, you should not have discernable titties. Not even an A-cup.
- No more than 2 chins.
- Toes should be easily visible.
- Arms should be no thicker than my legs.
- You should be able to walk indefinitely without getting puffed.
- You should be huggable. That is, a person's arms should fit around you.
- You should be able to drive a car, no matter how tiny.
- You should be able to put your chin on your knees.

Some rules exclude old, injured or pregnant people.


Jan 19, 2007
scarybunny said:
- Toes should be easily visible.
I'm horrified... I didn't know this was a problem for some people. How on earth do you get big enough that your toes are unable to be distinguished. Wow.

scarybunny said:
- Arms should be no thicker than my legs.
Your legs? :)
It shall be known as the 'scary bunny' standard.

scarybunny said:
- You should be able to drive a car, no matter how tiny.
Oh no! I don't have a driver's license. I'm fat! :rolleyes:

scarybunny said:
Some rules exclude old, injured or pregnant people.
I have a sore hip from sport. Am i excluded? Oh, i have a graze on my shins too.
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