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School bars same-sex partners at formals (1 Viewer)


jay son em el
Mar 6, 2008
Gay Captain said:
I want to kiss guys in public in conservative/religious areas to piss off old people for lulz

any takers? (must be hot :eek:)
Lol. I'm there.


New Member
Oct 31, 2007
im taking my girlfriend to my year 12 formal =] both of us go to the same all girls school.


Feb 25, 2006
nascent said:
im taking my girlfriend to my year 12 formal =] both of us go to the same all girls school.
Yeah but lezo's are hot gay guys are just fucking disgusting


Jan 30, 2008
yeah the principal would even probably have a tug in the bathroon at the formal watching lesbians hook up.

Gay Captain

Dec 6, 2005
BackCountrySnow said:
they're catholic. No one likes a catholic...
The third word of the article is Anglican.

Another product of our education system that teaches multiculturalism and environmentalism but not reading :D


New Member
Oct 11, 2007
Maryborough, Qld
nascent said:
im taking my girlfriend to my year 12 formal =] both of us go to the same all girls school.
yea, I know, I've known of chicks that have taken each other to the formal at our school before, never been anything said against that. Though I don't think there has been two guys yet...


Save Sderot
Aug 15, 2004
Hunters Hill
The social well-being of the child (there is a good chance that they are under 18) must also be conidered by the school, and whilst some of you may be accepting of the students' right to bring who they want to the formal the fact is:

1) The school makes the invitation and so should be able to invite who they want.

2) Whilst many of you are more mature adults open to alternate lifestyles, a group of 120 teenage males may not be so.

3) Part of a student's enrolment at a school, particularly a religious one is to hold the ethos of the school. In this instance a Christian school frowns upon homosexuality and therefore so long as the students are enrolled at the school, they should respect the rules, guidelines and ideals of their educational institution.

If you have a problem with this blame the Church not the school.


MOSSAD Deputy Director
May 30, 2005
ZaraKu said:
Another example of why I hate living in this country...
Yeah, go somewhere where you can express yourself freely...like the Islamic Republic of Iran


Passive-aggressive Mod
May 10, 2004
jimmayyy said:
while i think u should be able to root whichever sex you want, i think its a bit silly for students to be in such an uproar about it their school not digging same sex partners. i mean, it is a religious school? wasnt this sort of, foreseeable?

ps im mad whacked sorry if that doesnt make sense
Well half the time the student doesn't get to choose what school he goes to. The parents do.


Active Member
May 25, 2007
Let the homosexual couples go together at formals. They are only expressing themselves.

Or if you are homosexual, just make a stand and get people to refuse to go to the formal with you.

Gay Captain

Dec 6, 2005
Posting lol-worthy comments from news.com.au and heraldsun websites from this article, complete fucking nut cases in bold

"To Michael Lee of Newcastle, what about the rights of students who might be uncomfortable about gay couples attending the formal? Do you dismiss their opinion as you believe "It is their issue" and not yours. You are putting yourself up on a pedestal of ritcheousness. This country was founded of Christian principals yet you seem to think that because they don't fit in with your lifestyle they are wrong! Simple fact is that the Gay community seem to think they are entitled to special treatment. YOUR NOT!!! You are like everyone else. Get over it!!!!"

"Those who would destroy our society have now almost won this particular battle; we're very nearly completely cowed. That's why they're now pushing adult incest - it's the new 'civil liberties' cause celebre and they will use the same PR and agitprop playbook as used for homosexuality. As a social psychologist, I find all this fascinating but as a parent it's frightening."

"Good! Its a school formal!!! Similar in tradition to, oh i dont know, marriage! Between a MAN and a WOMAN. Good on the school for helping teach pupils needed life skills instead of copping out to modern day political correctness!"

"...Angela is right: the 'liberties' cause means the destruction of the moral fibre of our society. The same arguments that have normalised abortion, stem cell research, homosexuality etc will in time justify polygamy, incest and likely beastiality. If everything comes down to what I believe is right in my own eyes, then soon nothing will be wrong. We're treading a dangerous path, and to insist, like some have here, that we must stop private schools from teaching differently is to invoke some twisted version of communist mind control. I would remove my child from a school that allowed children to bring same-sex partners to any event."

Thank God this school is prepared to take a stand on this issue. Boys going with boys to a school formal indeed. What would Jesus do? He would invite a girl.

Sarah of Sydney - 'God created Adam & Eve, not Adam & Steve' - for a good reason. This is how He wanted it to be, because He knew it would work. We could reproduce and live life happy & in love. 'Adam & Steve'? Look at the problems it is causing already, it is wrong and a sin. We need to start standing up for His creation, and not let the world end up like Soddom & Gamorrah - destroyed for it's homosexual activities.

Ben of Canberra - well said. You've stated it correctly. It will always be Adam and Eve - not Adam and Steve !! Funny how those who decide there are no moral absolutes think they are absolutely right !!

I really do not comprehend why the gay folk do NOT understand the word, NO! The year 2008 has nothing to do with this except to distinguish how far society has fallen over the years. The beliefs have NOT changed in 2000 years, nor should you expect them to change just because there are more gays around. Your intended insults of "Homophobia" mean nothing to the rest of us, in fact I take it as a compliment....

To Hamish, It is fair enough wanting to be treated the same, but gay people are not the same. People who are not "normal" (normal as "conforming to the standard or the common type; usual; not abnormal; regular; natural") but homosexual behaviour is not normal in mainstream society. A minority cannot and should not set the standards for the majority which is what they are trying to do. Homophobe you say??? Whatever helps you sleep at night, as I am neither afraid of gay people or afraid to air my opinion. You might ask what is normal?? I'd say nature/biology is a pretty good benchmark of what is normal, let's start with that and move forwards with the argument.

I think what the school did was morally RIGHT. Enough of this PC crap thing. Being Gay is a lifestyle choice, it is only a sexual act. Being Gay is not the same as being chinese or muslim or english for that matter. If some people wants to engage in homosexual acts, then fine I have no problem with it, but to pretend that they are a RACE of their own and deserving of a special status is absolutely nonsense. Vast majority of australians find homosexuality to be distasteful. So those people who engage in such sexual activity should do it in their own time and stop trying to impose their views on other people. Now we have incestious father and daughter pleading to australia that their relationship is normal and that we should respect and acknowledge their relationship ?!! Is that progress ? What if one of the seniors wanted to bring his father who, are in gay incest relationship together ? Are we supposed to hail it as progress and support it ? Gay people have their own clubs and events that explicitly bans hetero people. At ther end of the Day, it is only a lifestyle choice, so do it in your own time and stop trying to bludgean us with what you do. We are NOT interested !!!

oh for Heaven sake you immature lot, we are not discussing, nor is this story about animals engaging in homosexual activities. Penn states his/her interpretation of "normal" in a mainstream society is based upon nature/biology HINT: MEN & WOMEN, REPRODUCING THE WAY NATURE INTENDED (and dont even bother to go into the IVF / infertility argument, you get the gist of what is meant). To my knowledge this school is not a homosexual school, so why should it have same sex partners attending? Simple if you dont like the rules DONT GO - HOW SIMPLE DOES IT HAVE TO BE?

Haha, knew this would happen, of course let's compare ourselves with animals who are a lesser species and not as advanced as us humans supposedly are. HOw about we put a bunch of same sex homosexuals on an island and see who's left in 100 years? Sounds to me if it was natural and normal they would be able to reproduce and survive, as all living mammals do. FYI Suzanne, cancer isn't "normal", it is a DISEASE. Next argument. Geez it's really hard airing an opinion which may not align with the advancement of homosexual rights and entitlements blah blah blah. You could get crucified for that sort of thing, like most of us who have dared to share an opposing view.

"At the start of 2006, there was no one at the school who was openly gay, now there are dozens". Who said it's not infectious?

How could the school continue to call itself Christian if it allowed this. If you want to be openly gay then fine, there are plenty of state schools and other non-religious private schools who will gladly cater for you. But Christianity identifys homosexuality as a sin, one of thousands of sins true, but still a sin. To claim otherwise disqualifies you as a Christian. And a Christian school should teach Christian values. I would expect any Christian organisation to make this stand as I would expect them to make a stand against all sins. Does this policy discriminate? Of course it does. Every law we has discriminates. Vehicle licence laws descriminate against 10 year old drivers. Drink driving laws discriminate against drunk drivers. Laws are there for a reason. Everyone seems to be so quick to jump on the "Your'e a bigot" bandwagon without actually looking into the reasons behind that law.

Once again the gay community is at it again. Oh poor us we are so hard done by. I was watching the nes yesturday and saw the interview with the Head Principle who stated that this was the first time he ahd heard of this. So maybe if the student's had gone and spoke to the principle in the first place and not gone straight to the media to once again preech that you are so hard done by, you may have had the suport you needed. If they want to bring there gay partners I think that would be fine, but as I think they should have written permission from every year 12 student parent's befoer they are allowed. At the end of the day GOD created Adam and Eve, not Adam and steve.

Schools must be allowed to set their own rules. Religious schools have every right to ban behaviour which is not in accordance with their religious teachings. Its about time we stopped the tail wagging the dog, and I applaud the stance the school has taken.

Someone has to uphold standards in the community. May the school be strong.

They want to party with the "partners" they have the Mardi Gras! Go to that!!

Homosexuality is not a condition to which a person should be reconciled, but is a distortion of his or her nature which should be controlled and overcome. To be afflicted this way is a great burden to a conscientious soul. But through the advice and help of doctors, through a strong and determined effort, and through prayer, a soul can overcome this handicap.

It's a pity more gays didn't boycott events. I reckon everyone would be happier if they did. They could stay home with their partners and do whatever and everyone else could get on and have a good time without having to see same sex couple fawning all over each other.

Homosexuality is both un-natural and unhealthy. Living that way only leads to a dead-end. It has best been described as a "treatable disorder". Yet I am amazed that some people can be so easily co-erced into justifying it or even promoting it with trendy PC buzz-words like "alternative lifestyle" and "diversity". If you can't believe that, then just ask a simple question of reasonableness, "If everyone did it (i.e. lived that way), would society be better off (for it)?" The answer is obvious. Homosexuals need to be helped from their problem (and not hated), but to promulgate the false notion that their lifestyle is OK, is only hurting them in the long term. This school has every right to say who can attend the formal. As the students have plenty of opportunity to mix with their classmates during school time, I'm sure they could handle just 4 hours out of the year with a girl at the formal. After all, their mothers and sisters are girls. (If they can't handle that, they may need big help.) Or do these students just want a bit of publicity and financial compensation, while being aided and abetted by Qld's Anti-Discrimination Commissioner, who perhaps needs a few notches on her gun as the end of the financial year approaches? I am delighted to learn that these few students are boycotting the formal. Also, we would be changing schools very promptly if our children attended one which condoned homosexual behaviour
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