In regards to what you do get, this will explain it...give you an example
All students successfully completing the School Certificate receive a portfolio.
From 2006, the School Certificate credential will contain two documents:
1. A School Certificate Testamur, which looks like this:
SC Testamur (front)
SC Testamur (reverse)
2. A Record of Achievement, which shows all Stage 5 (Years 9 and 10) courses and School Certificate tests completed. It includes, where appropriate:
- the Stage 5 courses that a student has completed and the grade (A-E) awarded by the student's school for each course. The Course Performance Descriptors describe typical performance by students in each grade at the end of Stage 5
- the results achieved by the student in the School Certificate tests. For each test the mark awarded (out of a possible 100) is shown. Except in the case of the Computing Skills test, the band achieved is also reported. Band 1 is the lowest band and band 6 is the highest. See the knowledge and skills typically demonstrated by students in each test band, and recent performance data
- the mandatory requirements in Languages, Design & Technology, Music, Visual Arts, and Personal Development, Health and Physical Education. Mandatory requirements are reported as 'Completed', or, where they have not been met, as 'Not Completed'
- a statement as to whether the student is eligible for the School Certificate.
An example of a Record of Achievement for a student:
SC ROA (front)
SC ROA (reverse)
Life Skills. Where students undertake a course based on Life Skills outcomes and content, achievement in the course is reported as 'Completed'. A separate Profile of Student Achievement provides details of the specific Life Skills syllabus outcomes achieved.
source: Board of Studies