Um your school's rank has nothing to do with your rank. You only have to worry about your rank within the school- you'll obviously do better if you're first in your year.
I think the 'school rank' is only worked out later. Eg. if everybody gets marks in the 90s in one school in English, and everybody at another school gets marks in the 70s, the first school would be ranked above the second school.
But some schools try to get rid of low performers to keep a high 'school rank'. when I was applying for Selective High, I heard rumours that you have to get more than 75% in your classes at James Ruse to stay in the school. Then you have other schools like mine (I'm no longer at a selective high) which is open to everyone, including those with learning difficulties, and people who need others o read their exams for them.
So I don't believe in "School Rank". It only really tells you how willing your whole school is to work (not comparing the really good, ultra-competitive people at the top), or how stuck up and exclusive another school wants to be. It should be the person, not the school, that matters. :burn: