tafe pride
Yeah i'm thinking of doing Science Adv this year and pursing the mathematics and finance option as per http://www.handbook.unsw.edu.au/undergraduate/plans/2006/MATHF13986.html
Basically I wanted to know how many days a week i'd need to attend Uni (3 or more...) and if it would be possible after the first year to transfer to commerce or economics 2nd year.
From what I can see I don't get the chance to actually do any science studies at all, except for one 3uoc course in year 2. Other then that I only do maths or finance + the 3uoc general education.
Any insight would be appreciate. I didn't know whether to ask this in science, or commerce sub forums...
Basically I wanted to know how many days a week i'd need to attend Uni (3 or more...) and if it would be possible after the first year to transfer to commerce or economics 2nd year.
From what I can see I don't get the chance to actually do any science studies at all, except for one 3uoc course in year 2. Other then that I only do maths or finance + the 3uoc general education.
Any insight would be appreciate. I didn't know whether to ask this in science, or commerce sub forums...