Science extension scaling considering dropping (1 Viewer)


New Member
Sep 23, 2021
HI guys I've started a similar thread last year but now with some new knowledge am really stressing over my decision. I am doing 13 units and am dropping either bio or extension science. Previous info I received stated that the scaling was minimal due to the 1 vs 2 unit difference i the courses and the fact that I was getting a good mark in Bio 80-90% range.

However, after seeing ATAR results for 2021 and 2020, as well as using the Atar calculators, it seems that science extension has a large scaling benefit if receiving good marks around 35-40 out of 50 compared to Bio in the 80-90 range out of 100. I was initially worried about 11 units as my maths mark was relatively low and may have brought my mark down even with science ext, but the data seems to indicate that even a 60-70% in maths and a 40/50 in science ext will enable me similar marks to an 85% in Bio with room to improve.

Is someone able to confirm or deny this info and how say hard would it be to maintain a high mark in science ext?


Jan 29, 2022
Well, you would be hard pressed to find anyone doing science extension - only 715 people did it! Which do you prefer, biology or science extension? Do you like science extension or are you just doing it for the "scaling benefits"?

I haven't done science extension personally but do consider how scaling is based off your performance relative to your cohort - in other words, marks can be deceptive. Music 2, for example, had a median score of 89 - that would scale to an ATAR of 91.20. The same "score" - 89 - would scale to an ATAR of 96.80 for Physics, which had a median score of 77!

Science Extension has a median score of 37. This mark would scale significantly lower than an 85 in biology, so if you like biology more do it! Your happiness and marks will thank you.

One of the biggest mistakes prospective HSC students make are "reverse engineering" marks without any realism. Marks may be easy to say but that instills a false sense of confidence. Maths scales well, and a mark of 80 may seem "easy", but if you don't have interest in the subject/aren't willing to put in hard work that 80 will seem impossible!

Also do not pick a subject purely for the scaling benefits. Yes, I chose 4U maths, which scales the best, but I enjoyed the subject, even if I didn't really work hard. I chose Physics because I thought it would scale well. In the end, I did horrible in the HSC, so much so Physics wasn't counted in my ATAR, I hated the subject, and I hated the teachers and class. I would have done another subject, even if it scaled worse, such as History instead.


Le Phénix Trilingue
Aug 22, 2019
Krak des Chevaliers
Uni Grad
Science Extension focuses on the application of scientific research skills, ultimately allowing students to produce a Scientific Research Report. It is a subject designed to be taken by students who have performed favourably and/or shown interest/aptitude in any of:
  • Biology
  • Physics
  • Chemistry
  • Earth and Environmental Science
  • Investigating Science
Given the nature of this subject in addition to its name, it can be inferred that this subject is inherently more difficult than the Stage 6 science subjects listed above, which is an aspect that you may wish to consider. Of course, your interest and performance potential in Science Extension compared to Biology prevail over factors such as scaling and difficulty, although being aware of all of these will enable you to make an informed decision regarding which subject to drop and which to keep.

The information provided in the first paragraph of your post is correct. While performing favourably in a 1 unit subject is surely beneficial in terms of your ATAR, a 1 unit subject cannot make the same contribution towards your ATAR as a 2 unit subject. In the event that a student performs well in Science Extension, this will result in favourable performance in 1 unit out of 10 units that will count towards a student's ATAR. On the other hand, in the event that a student performs well in Biology, this will result in favourable performance in two units out of 10 units that will count towards a student's ATAR, leaving the student with 8 units worth of subjects to worry about, as opposed to 9, should they take Science Extension. Additionally, the more favourable a student's performance in any subject, the less significant the effect that scaling will present.

Lastly, keep in mind that taking Science Extension means that you must adhere to the corequisite of taking one or a combination of the above-listed science subjects. If you are only taking Science Extension and Biology, you can drop Science Extension, but you cannot drop Biology and keep Science Extension since this would no longer meet the corequisite, unless you are doing another science subject alongside Biology and Science Extension.

I hope this helps! :D


New Member
Sep 23, 2021
Well, you would be hard pressed to find anyone doing science extension - only 715 people did it! Which do you prefer, biology or science extension? Do you like science extension or are you just doing it for the "scaling benefits"?

I haven't done science extension personally but do consider how scaling is based off your performance relative to your cohort - in other words, marks can be deceptive. Music 2, for example, had a median score of 89 - that would scale to an ATAR of 91.20. The same "score" - 89 - would scale to an ATAR of 96.80 for Physics, which had a median score of 77!

Science Extension has a median score of 37. This mark would scale significantly lower than an 85 in biology, so if you like biology more do it! Your happiness and marks will thank you.

One of the biggest mistakes prospective HSC students make are "reverse engineering" marks without any realism. Marks may be easy to say but that instills a false sense of confidence. Maths scales well, and a mark of 80 may seem "easy", but if you don't have interest in the subject/aren't willing to put in hard work that 80 will seem impossible!

Also do not pick a subject purely for the scaling benefits. Yes, I chose 4U maths, which scales the best, but I enjoyed the subject, even if I didn't really work hard. I chose Physics because I thought it would scale well. In the end, I did horrible in the HSC, so much so Physics wasn't counted in my ATAR, I hated the subject, and I hated the teachers and class. I would have done another subject, even if it scaled worse, such as History instead.
I don't mind science extension but tbh only really chose it because I thought it scaled well. I will enjoy the subject if I keep it however and don't really think I could say I like Bio or it any differently. I have 3 other kids in my science extension so I'm not too sure how ranking works with so little people. Really just looking for some advice, as you said before that a 37/50 in science extension would scale worse than Bio. Is this due to the scaling or the fact that most other people taking the course would receive a much higher mark. Tbh I'm not too sure how difficult it science ext would be but I know the assignment coming up soon is large. So obviously i'd rather not study and complete an exam that I would be dropping anyway when I can concentrate on other subjects that need attention.


New Member
Sep 23, 2021
Science Extension focuses on the application of scientific research skills, ultimately allowing students to produce a Scientific Research Report. It is a subject designed to be taken by students who have performed favourably and/or shown interest/aptitude in any of:
  • Biology
  • Physics
  • Chemistry
  • Earth and Environmental Science
  • Investigating Science
Given the nature of this subject in addition to its name, it can be inferred that this subject is inherently more difficult than the Stage 6 science subjects listed above, which is an aspect that you may wish to consider. Of course, your interest and performance potential in Science Extension compared to Biology prevail over factors such as scaling and difficulty, although being aware of all of these will enable you to make an informed decision regarding which subject to drop and which to keep.

The information provided in the first paragraph of your post is correct. While performing favourably in a 1 unit subject is surely beneficial in terms of your ATAR, a 1 unit subject cannot make the same contribution towards your ATAR as a 2 unit subject. In the event that a student performs well in Science Extension, this will result in favourable performance in 1 unit out of 10 units that will count towards a student's ATAR. On the other hand, in the event that a student performs well in Biology, this will result in favourable performance in two units out of 10 units that will count towards a student's ATAR, leaving the student with 8 units worth of subjects to worry about, as opposed to 9, should they take Science Extension. Additionally, the more favourable a student's performance in any subject, the less significant the effect that scaling will present.

Lastly, keep in mind that taking Science Extension means that you must adhere to the corequisite of taking one or a combination of the above-listed science subjects. If you are only taking Science Extension and Biology, you can drop Science Extension, but you cannot drop Biology and keep Science Extension since this would no longer meet the corequisite, unless you are doing another science subject alongside Biology and Science Extension.

I hope this helps! :D
I am taking chemistry as well so the corequisite would be met anyway. My main dilemma is that my maths grades are relatively low compared to my other subjects and therefore do not currently count as I have 13 units. I am doing fairly well in Bio maintaining around an 85% grade so it compensates. I was initially convinced on dropping science extension as half my maths counted and would have likely brought my grade down. However, information and results I've gained from individuals and atar calculators suggest that even with a lower maths grades a higher science ext mark in around the 40/50's range (some suggest even 35) would be equivalent to an 85% in Bio and ofc there is the potential to improve these marks. I understand that atar calculators are not the most accurate measurements and am slightly sceptical of the perceived advantage but really would appreciate any help and information.


Le Phénix Trilingue
Aug 22, 2019
Krak des Chevaliers
Uni Grad
I am taking chemistry as well so the corequisite would be met anyway. My main dilemma is that my maths grades are relatively low compared to my other subjects and therefore do not currently count as I have 13 units. I am doing fairly well in Bio maintaining around an 85% grade so it compensates. I was initially convinced on dropping science extension as half my maths counted and would have likely brought my grade down. However, information and results I've gained from individuals and atar calculators suggest that even with a lower maths grades a higher science ext mark in around the 40/50's range (some suggest even 35) would be equivalent to an 85% in Bio and ofc there is the potential to improve these marks. I understand that atar calculators are not the most accurate measurements and am slightly sceptical of the perceived advantage but really would appreciate any help and information.
Are you taking 2 units of maths (Mathematics Standard or Mathematics Advanced)? If so, would dropping maths not solve the issue considering that you appear to have more potential in Science Extension and Biology compared to maths? Or is taking maths essential, e.g. is taking maths required in terms of a particular university degree that you are pursuing?

Evidently, it would be a good idea to determine the best subject combination with which you will complete year 12, which would consist of your best-performing subjects. Since your performance in maths is not as good as that of your other subjects, perhaps you should consider dropping maths instead.


New Member
Sep 23, 2021
Are you taking 2 units of maths (Mathematics Standard or Mathematics Advanced)? If so, would dropping maths not solve the issue considering that you appear to have more potential in Science Extension and Biology compared to maths? Or is taking maths essential, e.g. is taking maths required in terms of a particular university degree that you are pursuing?

Evidently, it would be a good idea to determine the best subject combination with which you will complete year 12, which would consist of your best-performing subjects. Since your performance in maths is not as good as that of your other subjects, perhaps you should consider dropping maths instead.
Yeah unfortunately dropping maths is pretty much out of the questions since it is relevant for some uni course I may wish to apply for. Which really is annoying since I know if I drop maths and keep Bio and Science extension that would actually help boost my atar but yeah both parents and teachers recommend otherwise.


Jan 29, 2022
I don't mind science extension but tbh only really chose it because I thought it scaled well. I will enjoy the subject if I keep it however and don't really think I could say I like Bio or it any differently. I have 3 other kids in my science extension so I'm not too sure how ranking works with so little people. Really just looking for some advice, as you said before that a 37/50 in science extension would scale worse than Bio. Is this due to the scaling or the fact that most other people taking the course would receive a much higher mark. Tbh I'm not too sure how difficult it science ext would be but I know the assignment coming up soon is large. So obviously i'd rather not study and complete an exam that I would be dropping anyway when I can concentrate on other subjects that need attention.
Ranking won't matter in small cohorts as long as you all do well - try to avoid being cut-throat but help each other out. Write notes together, test each as a group. Case in point: I ranked last internally for one of my subjects, with only 12 people in my class, but we all did well so I got a Band 6.

A science extension HSC paper from 2020 can be found here (
Unfortunately, it's hard to reads more like an English/Humanities paper than a Science one. But do consult the marking guidelines.

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