What is so different about it though.
I've heard that 1917 is made easier to pass second semester because it caters for a big portion of people who failed it in first semester.
Then again that is hearsay and could just be a bogus claim.
I've just heard that COMP1917 Semester 1, and particularly Richard Buckland, is one of the greatest things about UNSW? The course is supposed to be super fun and engaging, and Richard is meant to be a great lecturer. I'm just upset I missed out on all that hype. Semester 2 COMP1917 was pretty typical and self-interested. I enjoyed the content, but I could imagine someone coming into Computing for the first time to be really bored.
Then again, one of my friends who did it in Semester 1 really disliked the way the lectures were set up. Apparently you had to watch them all online?
I would actually go ahead and say about 65% of my class was made up on midyear transfers/late starters/international students.
i remember richard saying everyone in session 1 2013, passed except for 1 person
Really? No way could that be true. A bunch of people in my COMP1917 Semester 2 class were there cos they didn't pass Semester 1. But tbh, a lot of the ones who didn't pass Sem 1, I don't think passed Sem 2 either. Some were just in a really bad place for the entire year, and others were just obviously not cut out for Computing.