hey guys...neone got ne info on the shawshank redemption....apparently its a related text to Raw.......its a good movie btw id recommend it to neone!
i've watched at school...just b4 this holiday....kakakaka~~it's really good though~~I also need some analysis on tat movie~~ wat other relavant materials relate to institution and individuals???? HELP~~
Well I'm doing the movie 'Sleepers' becuase its based on a true story... or of course if you're doing Shawshank the thats already a movie so you could always do the book by Lorenzo Carcaterra erm what else? I dunno I dont have any related texts at all an I havent even read RAW... but I'm gonna get the study notes somehow from somewhere I'm not too sure but yeah...
So there's another related text for you use now you have 2. If you find a 3rd one then could you let me know cos I'm having difficulty finding on more. Thanx