it really just comes down to personal preference. personally I feel that when I handwrite my notes I am actually putting an effort into doing so and as a result of that I am actually thinking about what I am writing down;
e.g Fiscal Policy, when I was writing down the corridor system I realised that I didn't really understand it at the moment I tried to summarise it into dot points on a page, so I went to the RBA site and other sources to fully learn it.
Thats just me, and I have no idea about you or your learning strengths/weaknesses so I can't say what will work the best. I just feel when I'm typing down my notes it just becomes more of a subconscious thing so I don't really pay attention to what I'm writing down, whereas when I handwrite it, I put a conscious effort as I can't constantly "delete" words or write paragraphs about it so these constraints constantly make me think about the best way I can summarise what I know and to do so without making mistakes. If this stresses you out too much, best thing is just to type your notes up.
In the end of the day, it really depends what you want from your notes. If you just want notes for the sake of having a source to revise from after you forget the topic, then maybe its best if you do it digitally, or even better use someone elses notes. If you're trying to "test" you know something and actively learning throughout creating notes, then perhaps handwriting them might be better. Once again this doesn't apply for everyone since everyone's different so you just have to experiment.