So I've fallen in love with the cover girl of the Good Universities Guide 2011... (1 Viewer)


Active Member
Feb 21, 2008
There's probably more girls on here, than there was at the party I was at Last night :|

Fucking sausage fests...
Had 4 guys (including me) and about 15 girls at the party I went to - its not that great (especially since they won't stfu.)


Cult of Personality
Sep 19, 2009
Isn't that good though? In that they're... talking to you?


Cult of Personality
Sep 19, 2009
/me is getting interesting images played in his head



Oct 13, 2009
Isn't that good though? In that they're... talking to you?
Shadowdude, I know this has been said to you many times before, but you really must get out more. A lot of the posts I read of yours are about your inability to talk to girls. I don't understand why you can't. So what is it exactly? Why are you so socially awkward?
I don't mean this in an offensive way, I'm just genuinley curious.


Cult of Personality
Sep 19, 2009
Shadowdude, I know this has been said to you many times before, but you really must get out more. A lot of the posts I read of yours are about your inability to talk to girls. I don't understand why you can't. So what is it exactly? Why are you so socially awkward?
I don't mean this in an offensive way, I'm just genuinley curious.
I'm Asian - by definition, I don't go out =P

More seriously, if you want to know - okay, here's my reckoning - and since you seem genuine, I'll give you the manifesto:

Firstly, I have an inability to talk to one girl - which, unfortunately and perhaps tragically, is the woman I am completely infatuated/attracted to. And it's not due to social awkwardness or anything, it's really the distance barrier between myself and wherever she is right now. Throw in a few aggravating factors such as paranoid friends and some aspects of the paragraph to follow... it's not looking good for me. I resolved to myself last year the next time I saw her would be the time I would start a series of events that would hopefully end with our marriage (because I'm old school like that =P)

Anyway, I think in most general situations, I'd be able to converse - but only if the other person talks to me first. However, the other person would have to carry the conversation because I'm naturally shy and thus I don't carry conversations well. If you ask me a question, I'll answer it. If you ask me to comment on something, I'll do it. But I note that I will not be the one to ask the questions or ask for comments.

Other than that, as stated, I am naturally shy - though I will attend parties (because I figure sitting alone sucks), but will affix my attention to the food and drink tables or the TV or something else. I'm not the person who will go and actively seek out conversation, but rather wait to be talked to - because I don't have that type of personality. I am an introvert, but in the company of friends - I morph into an extrovert, and perhaps talk the most out of all.

I believe that I am 'socially awkward' (if it can be called that) because I grew up in a very sheltered environment. I was not allowed to go out for the most part, and thus never got to talk to other people much. Thus, fast forward ten or so years - girls now expect you to be the master of chatting and wooing, and unfortunately I don't have this prerequisite fulfilled and essentially talking to any new girl from my perspective is with a view to dating them. I have negligible and essentially zero knowledge on boyfriend/girlfriend relationships, and yeah.

Fortunately, there are some exceptions to that rule - and I've developed meaningful acquaintances with some females at my school, and was able to just go up to them and talk to them normally.

For males, I don't follow the usual sports. I am a staunch oppositionist to AFL and NRL, and my two favourite sports to watch and play are football and cricket. I also don't go gaga over cars or see it necessary to embellish my walls with pictures of scantily clad women as seems to be the norm with some males. I'm not that great at sport either, though I am enthusiastic about it. Otherwise, I never got to go out and thus didn't make social circles at places such as sport and things like that. My friends only come from school.

My preference to academic study and things along those lines have perhaps alienated me from making more social connections wherever I've gone - though at university, the premise of clubs is an exciting one for me - though I'm not sure if I'll be able to muster the courage to go up to the booths and sign up. I may need 'emotional support', that is a few people who'll go with me. I've found that I usually would like them wherever I go, whether it be going up to the canteen or talking to a teacher. I find the conversation I can develop with my friends and the feeling of security and the like is pleasing to me.

Moreover, I have very... niche tastes. For example, girls in my year often went "OMG MELISSA DIED ON PACKED TO THE RAFTERS!" or "lol did you see jersey shore (or whatever it is) last night?" and guys would often be like "Yeah, Dragons are gonna win!" or "V8 supercars, yeeee". Fortunately, if the topic strayed to cricket or football - I'd be able to converse with some more of the boys, and I did do that especially in the final years of school. However, my preference to nightly TV is Jeopardy! - an American TV game show which has its clues in the form of answers and the responses must be in the form of questions. And so my chattings would be on the lines of: "That Larissa person is good! What is it... $225 000 in 6 days?" or "How about that clue on Word Origins last night? Tough Final."

Music - you may think - would be a point of connection, but while everyone listens to Muse or Usher or whatever, the majority of my music comes from the Eurovision Song Contest and FIFA game soundtracks. Lately, I've found a liking to some popular music - Lady Gaga comes to mind, as does Katy Perry and perhaps Paramore. And as stated, due to my image as 'the person who likes that weird music', people won't discuss music with me usually.

The books I read are also very... obscure. Nicholson Baker and Max Barry are my two favourite authors - though I've only read one Baker book, but I like his style. In addition, look at my subjects. They are very 'elitist' in a way - for example, I was the only one who did MX2 at my school.

In summary: I'm eccentric and weird. And I alienate myself or others because of it.


Jun 8, 2009
I'm Asian - by definition, I don't go out =P

More seriously, if you want to know - okay, here's my reckoning - and since you seem genuine, I'll give you the manifesto:

Firstly, I have an inability to talk to one girl - which, unfortunately and perhaps tragically, is the woman I am completely infatuated/attracted to. And it's not due to social awkwardness or anything, it's really the distance barrier between myself and wherever she is right now. Throw in a few aggravating factors such as paranoid friends and some aspects of the paragraph to follow... it's not looking good for me. I resolved to myself last year the next time I saw her would be the time I would start a series of events that would hopefully end with our marriage (because I'm old school like that =P)

Anyway, I think in most general situations, I'd be able to converse - but only if the other person talks to me first. However, the other person would have to carry the conversation because I'm naturally shy and thus I don't carry conversations well. If you ask me a question, I'll answer it. If you ask me to comment on something, I'll do it. But I note that I will not be the one to ask the questions or ask for comments.

Other than that, as stated, I am naturally shy - though I will attend parties (because I figure sitting alone sucks), but will affix my attention to the food and drink tables or the TV or something else. I'm not the person who will go and actively seek out conversation, but rather wait to be talked to - because I don't have that type of personality. I am an introvert, but in the company of friends - I morph into an extrovert, and perhaps talk the most out of all.

I believe that I am 'socially awkward' (if it can be called that) because I grew up in a very sheltered environment. I was not allowed to go out for the most part, and thus never got to talk to other people much. Thus, fast forward ten or so years - girls now expect you to be the master of chatting and wooing, and unfortunately I don't have this prerequisite fulfilled and essentially talking to any new girl from my perspective is with a view to dating them. I have negligible and essentially zero knowledge on boyfriend/girlfriend relationships, and yeah.

Fortunately, there are some exceptions to that rule - and I've developed meaningful acquaintances with some females at my school, and was able to just go up to them and talk to them normally.

For males, I don't follow the usual sports. I am a staunch oppositionist to AFL and NRL, and my two favourite sports to watch and play are football and cricket. I also don't go gaga over cars or see it necessary to embellish my walls with pictures of scantily clad women as seems to be the norm with some males. I'm not that great at sport either, though I am enthusiastic about it. Otherwise, I never got to go out and thus didn't make social circles at places such as sport and things like that. My friends only come from school.

My preference to academic study and things along those lines have perhaps alienated me from making more social connections wherever I've gone - though at university, the premise of clubs is an exciting one for me - though I'm not sure if I'll be able to muster the courage to go up to the booths and sign up. I may need 'emotional support', that is a few people who'll go with me. I've found that I usually would like them wherever I go, whether it be going up to the canteen or talking to a teacher. I find the conversation I can develop with my friends and the feeling of security and the like is pleasing to me.

Moreover, I have very... niche tastes. For example, girls in my year often went "OMG MELISSA DIED ON PACKED TO THE RAFTERS!" or "lol did you see jersey shore (or whatever it is) last night?" and guys would often be like "Yeah, Dragons are gonna win!" or "V8 supercars, yeeee". Fortunately, if the topic strayed to cricket or football - I'd be able to converse with some more of the boys, and I did do that especially in the final years of school. However, my preference to nightly TV is Jeopardy! - an American TV game show which has its clues in the form of answers and the responses must be in the form of questions. And so my chattings would be on the lines of: "That Larissa person is good! What is it... $225 000 in 6 days?" or "How about that clue on Word Origins last night? Tough Final."

Music - you may think - would be a point of connection, but while everyone listens to Muse or Usher or whatever, the majority of my music comes from the Eurovision Song Contest and FIFA game soundtracks. Lately, I've found a liking to some popular music - Lady Gaga comes to mind, as does Katy Perry and perhaps Paramore. And as stated, due to my image as 'the person who likes that weird music', people won't discuss music with me usually.

The books I read are also very... obscure. Nicholson Baker and Max Barry are my two favourite authors - though I've only read one Baker book, but I like his style. In addition, look at my subjects. They are very 'elitist' in a way - for example, I was the only one who did MX2 at my school.

In summary: I'm eccentric and weird. And I alienate myself or others because of it.
You need alcohol mate.

I'm gonna take you out and get you plastered. :)
Dec 18, 2007
Uni Grad
Oh wow, I'm a bit of a Shadowdude it seems...

but not asian.


et tu
Mar 6, 2007
Vespucci Beach
Uni Grad
I'm Asian - by definition, I don't go out =P

More seriously, if you want to know - okay, here's my reckoning - and since you seem genuine, I'll give you the manifesto:

Firstly, I have an inability to talk to one girl - which, unfortunately and perhaps tragically, is the woman I am completely infatuated/attracted to. And it's not due to social awkwardness or anything, it's really the distance barrier between myself and wherever she is right now. Throw in a few aggravating factors such as paranoid friends and some aspects of the paragraph to follow... it's not looking good for me. I resolved to myself last year the next time I saw her would be the time I would start a series of events that would hopefully end with our marriage (because I'm old school like that =P)

Anyway, I think in most general situations, I'd be able to converse - but only if the other person talks to me first. However, the other person would have to carry the conversation because I'm naturally shy and thus I don't carry conversations well. If you ask me a question, I'll answer it. If you ask me to comment on something, I'll do it. But I note that I will not be the one to ask the questions or ask for comments.

Other than that, as stated, I am naturally shy - though I will attend parties (because I figure sitting alone sucks), but will affix my attention to the food and drink tables or the TV or something else. I'm not the person who will go and actively seek out conversation, but rather wait to be talked to - because I don't have that type of personality. I am an introvert, but in the company of friends - I morph into an extrovert, and perhaps talk the most out of all.

I believe that I am 'socially awkward' (if it can be called that) because I grew up in a very sheltered environment. I was not allowed to go out for the most part, and thus never got to talk to other people much. Thus, fast forward ten or so years - girls now expect you to be the master of chatting and wooing, and unfortunately I don't have this prerequisite fulfilled and essentially talking to any new girl from my perspective is with a view to dating them. I have negligible and essentially zero knowledge on boyfriend/girlfriend relationships, and yeah.

Fortunately, there are some exceptions to that rule - and I've developed meaningful acquaintances with some females at my school, and was able to just go up to them and talk to them normally.

For males, I don't follow the usual sports. I am a staunch oppositionist to AFL and NRL, and my two favourite sports to watch and play are football and cricket. I also don't go gaga over cars or see it necessary to embellish my walls with pictures of scantily clad women as seems to be the norm with some males. I'm not that great at sport either, though I am enthusiastic about it. Otherwise, I never got to go out and thus didn't make social circles at places such as sport and things like that. My friends only come from school.

My preference to academic study and things along those lines have perhaps alienated me from making more social connections wherever I've gone - though at university, the premise of clubs is an exciting one for me - though I'm not sure if I'll be able to muster the courage to go up to the booths and sign up. I may need 'emotional support', that is a few people who'll go with me. I've found that I usually would like them wherever I go, whether it be going up to the canteen or talking to a teacher. I find the conversation I can develop with my friends and the feeling of security and the like is pleasing to me.

Moreover, I have very... niche tastes. For example, girls in my year often went "OMG MELISSA DIED ON PACKED TO THE RAFTERS!" or "lol did you see jersey shore (or whatever it is) last night?" and guys would often be like "Yeah, Dragons are gonna win!" or "V8 supercars, yeeee". Fortunately, if the topic strayed to cricket or football - I'd be able to converse with some more of the boys, and I did do that especially in the final years of school. However, my preference to nightly TV is Jeopardy! - an American TV game show which has its clues in the form of answers and the responses must be in the form of questions. And so my chattings would be on the lines of: "That Larissa person is good! What is it... $225 000 in 6 days?" or "How about that clue on Word Origins last night? Tough Final."

Music - you may think - would be a point of connection, but while everyone listens to Muse or Usher or whatever, the majority of my music comes from the Eurovision Song Contest and FIFA game soundtracks. Lately, I've found a liking to some popular music - Lady Gaga comes to mind, as does Katy Perry and perhaps Paramore. And as stated, due to my image as 'the person who likes that weird music', people won't discuss music with me usually.

The books I read are also very... obscure. Nicholson Baker and Max Barry are my two favourite authors - though I've only read one Baker book, but I like his style. In addition, look at my subjects. They are very 'elitist' in a way - for example, I was the only one who did MX2 at my school.

In summary: I'm eccentric and weird. And I alienate myself or others because of it.
add random hot sluts on facebook


Cult of Personality
Sep 19, 2009
Alcohol? The stuff tastes bad =(

Sorry mitchy. I may offer to take you to bars - if we end up befriending each other - though I shan't be getting drunk =P

And yay Phoenix =D

I'm not alone.


And kaz, such as...?


Jul 14, 2008
Gold Coast
Uni Grad
...what do the last bunch of posts have to do with the Good Universities Guide 2011? Try to keep on topic.
Dec 18, 2007
Uni Grad
I'm Asian - by definition, I don't go out =P

More seriously, if you want to know - okay, here's my reckoning - and since you seem genuine, I'll give you the manifesto:

Firstly, I have an inability to talk to one girl - which, unfortunately and perhaps tragically, is the woman I am completely infatuated/attracted to. And it's not due to social awkwardness or anything, it's really the distance barrier between myself and wherever she is right now. Throw in a few aggravating factors such as paranoid friends and some aspects of the paragraph to follow... it's not looking good for me. I resolved to myself last year the next time I saw her would be the time I would start a series of events that would hopefully end with our marriage (because I'm old school like that =P)

Anyway, I think in most general situations, I'd be able to converse - but only if the other person talks to me first. However, the other person would have to carry the conversation because I'm naturally shy and thus I don't carry conversations well. If you ask me a question, I'll answer it. If you ask me to comment on something, I'll do it. But I note that I will not be the one to ask the questions or ask for comments.
Though uni has helped me in this regard somewhat.

Other than that, as stated, I am naturally shy - though I will attend parties (because I figure sitting alone sucks), but will affix my attention to the food and drink tables or the TV or something else. I'm not the person who will go and actively seek out conversation, but rather wait to be talked to - because I don't have that type of personality. I am an introvert, but in the company of friends - I morph into an extrovert, and perhaps talk the most out of all.

I believe that I am 'socially awkward' (if it can be called that) because I grew up in a very sheltered environment. I was not allowed to go out for the most part, and thus never got to talk to other people much. Thus, fast forward ten or so years - girls now expect you to be the master of chatting and wooing, and unfortunately I don't have this prerequisite fulfilled and essentially talking to any new girl from my perspective is with a view to dating them. I have negligible and essentially zero knowledge on boyfriend/girlfriend relationships, and yeah.

Fortunately, there are some exceptions to that rule - and I've developed meaningful acquaintances with some females at my school, and was able to just go up to them and talk to them normally.

For males, I don't follow the usual sports. I am a staunch oppositionist to AFL and NRL, and my two favourite sports to watch and play are football and cricket. I also don't go gaga over cars or see it necessary to embellish my walls with pictures of scantily clad women as seems to be the norm with some males. I'm not that great at sport either, though I am enthusiastic about it. Otherwise, I never got to go out and thus didn't make social circles at places such as sport and things like that. My friends only come from school.

My preference to academic study and things along those lines have perhaps alienated me from making more social connections wherever I've gone - though at university, the premise of clubs is an exciting one for me - though I'm not sure if I'll be able to muster the courage to go up to the booths and sign up. I may need 'emotional support', that is a few people who'll go with me. I've found that I usually would like them wherever I go, whether it be going up to the canteen or talking to a teacher. I find the conversation I can develop with my friends and the feeling of security and the like is pleasing to me.

Moreover, I have very... niche tastes. For example, girls in my year often went "OMG MELISSA DIED ON PACKED TO THE RAFTERS!" or "lol did you see jersey shore (or whatever it is) last night?" and guys would often be like "Yeah, Dragons are gonna win!" or "V8 supercars, yeeee". Fortunately, if the topic strayed to cricket or football - I'd be able to converse with some more of the boys, and I did do that especially in the final years of school. However, my preference to nightly TV is Jeopardy! - an American TV game show which has its clues in the form of answers and the responses must be in the form of questions. And so my chattings would be on the lines of: "That Larissa person is good! What is it... $225 000 in 6 days?" or "How about that clue on Word Origins last night? Tough Final."
Gotta ask, did you watch Ken Jennings 75 nights, holy fuck that man was a God!!!

Music - you may think - would be a point of connection, but while everyone listens to Muse or Usher or whatever, the majority of my music comes from the Eurovision Song Contest and FIFA game soundtracks. Lately, I've found a liking to some popular music - Lady Gaga comes to mind, as does Katy Perry and perhaps Paramore. And as stated, due to my image as 'the person who likes that weird music', people won't discuss music with me usually.
Since Eurovision 2008, 95% of the music I listen to is from the band Terasbetoni :)
I like their music so much that despite having 4167 items in my library their 40 or so songs are basically all I listen to (other than trance/house/etc for ambience).

The books I read are also very... obscure. Nicholson Baker and Max Barry are my two favourite authors - though I've only read one Baker book, but I like his style. In addition, look at my subjects. They are very 'elitist' in a way - for example, I was the only one who did MX2 at my school.

In summary: I'm eccentric and weird. And I alienate myself or others because of it.
Hmm, kinda different here. I alienate myself from others because partly because I lack decent social capabilities, and partly most people seem like massive shitcunts.
That said I've made a few friends at uni and I like them quite a lot, only don't see them now cos it's holidays.
As a gamer, my interest in the outside world is rather limited, however I really want to be more sociable as far as being able to talk to people properly (especially a specific person). Things like seeing movies and hanging out and stuff to build social skills, which would benefit my ability to get employment / succeed at life, though I have subzero interest in going to parties and shit of that nature.
Dec 18, 2007
Uni Grad
At least 50% of threads on here are derailed like crazy right?


Cult of Personality
Sep 19, 2009
I think that if the thread starter doesn't mind the thread being derailed - it should be permitted (as it is their thread), unless it starts to violate TOS things or something where the admins must step in or it'll be illegal. Then again it is the admin's forums... so it's contentious.

And PF, we have more in common than I thought! The avatar deceived me! I assume the embolded things are those which you share... which is pretty substantial and surprising as I see myself ridiculously removed from society =P

So let's start with the concerns:

No, I didn't watch Ken Jennings, I wasn't aware of the show existing then =P . Though he's legendary. I saw a few snippets of his reign via internet and I'm going, "Wow. This game show is awesome. WHY DON'T WE HAVE THIS IN AUSTRALIA?!"

Therefore it is now one of my life goals to convert trivia nights at whatever uni I go to into Jeopardy! nights which will eventually garner me a TV deal and I shall be Australia's answer to Alex Trebek! =P

I started watching mid-season 24, Larissa Kelly was the first notable champion I saw (I did see Dan Pawson but... I don't really want to mention him). She was awesome. I really felt bad when she lost the Tournament of Champions... but now I play along every night with my little Coryat sheet. I'm like averaging $6000 <_<

It's embarrassing somewhat.

On Eurovision '08, that was fantastic. I only watched the Final of that though - because I saw on the news that Russia had won this 'Eurovision Song Contest' and I wondered what it was. Lucky, I flicked to SBS and they were showing it. I've never missed one since =P

I'm still listening to Lena. She has an awesome accent.

Though PF, I'd like to be sociable as well so that I can talk to people - and like doing those activities to build social skills, but I like going to parties in theory (please note that word) because there is food. As an Asian person, food is mandatory =P
Dec 18, 2007
Uni Grad
I think that if the thread starter doesn't mind the thread being derailed - it should be permitted (as it is their thread), unless it starts to violate TOS things or something where the admins must step in or it'll be illegal. Then again it is the admin's forums... so it's contentious.
Yeh, though it does kinda make it untidy and such, so meh, mods can decide.

I started watching mid-season 24, Larissa Kelly was the first notable champion I saw (I did see Dan Pawson but... I don't really want to mention him). She was awesome. I really felt bad when she lost the Tournament of Champions... but now I play along every night with my little Coryat sheet. I'm like averaging $6000 <_<

It's embarrassing somewhat.
Haha oh wow, I just spectate cos it's usually on when I'm having dinner. I try to refrain from ever saying an answer out loud even if I know it, cos my family do it and it annoys the crap out of me.

On Eurovision '08, that was fantastic. I only watched the Final of that though - because I saw on the news that Russia had won this 'Eurovision Song Contest' and I wondered what it was. Lucky, I flicked to SBS and they were showing it. I've never missed one since =P

I'm still listening to Lena. She has an awesome accent.
Yeh, I loved that song and her accent and listened to it for weeks afterwards, the lyrics are kinda simple but don't even care lol.

Though PF, I'd like to be sociable as well so that I can talk to people - and like doing those activities to build social skills, but I like going to parties in theory (please note that word) because there is food. As an Asian person, food is mandatory =P
Yeh food is good, I just find parties unenjoyable (being a non drinker) and seeing people drunk (while at times is hilarious) is generally not much fun for me.

Mature Lamb

wats goin on
May 14, 2009
Uni Grad
To stay on topic, I don't think USyd is that bad. Can it be trusted? Use your validity/reliability skills you have learnt from HSC science :p

Now to get off topic. Shadowdude, this year I want you to make the effort to find two different 'sets' of friends at uni. One 'set' would be your 'more social' friends, who will help you overcome your social awkwardness. At your first lecture, sit next to someone who doesn't look like they raid on WoW every Wednesday night. Introduce yourself, ask what school they went to (don't ask for their ATAR), etc. Try and make an effort to keep the conversation alive, and do this at every lecture. If you think you said something stupid or it's not working out well, sit next to someone else next time. Obviously as you become more comfortable with these friends you'll learn to socialise better. I'm not saying this is the only way to overcome your social awkwardness, but hanging around other socially awkward people (not implying your current friends are socially awkward) won't help.


Cult of Personality
Sep 19, 2009
Well, some people say one should average $36 000 or so before they try out for the show.. and then again I don't know much about those American whatnot categories. So I suppose it's not that bad =P

Still, you may enrich the Jeopardy! experience by playing along and keeping score.

And it's good to know of another Lena fan. My school had an exchange student from Germany who didn't even like her!

I don't drink either - though then again I've never been to parties like that. I assume there'd be a TV I could watch or, I could resort to my primal instincts and ogle at hot chicks... then again, they may have angry, jealous boyfriends. In that case, or in any other, I could always bring a book to read.

EDIT: Mature, you should know that the validity/reliability stuff is incredibly obscurely taught in the HSC!

And... I'll try Mature. Though it shouldn't be too hard... in theory. Everything's always in theory with me <_<

It annoys me sometimes - though it means I'm thinking about it, which I like.
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