I disagree almost completely with what Malfoy has said. His opinion reflects one side and will result in the worsening of Australia. (Basically, he wants to immitate the American Government with Controlled Immigration as the only differemce.)
Indigenous Affairs
* I would remove children being abused and remove that vile piece of DOCS legislation that says indigenous kids can't be removed to non-indigenous families, which results in shortages of suitable carers for these abused kids. I would jail the perpetrators and not let the law be soft on them for cultural reasons.
* I would remove a lot of the no-strings-attached handouts that get given to indigenous people. I like the idea of welfare splitting - where it's tied to things like whether the kids go to school, or putting a percentage towards the school for feeding the children, or whatnot. I'd also provide incentives in order to encourage indigenous people to move to regional towns, centres or cities because in these remote settlements there's not much chance of either working or getting yourself off welfare.
* I would not apologise. It's not constructive. Instead, I'd try and improve conditions because that's practical rather than symbolic.
They receive benefits because it's almost impossible for many people of those communities to assimilate. Mainly because their community hasn't created a niche in society, taking benefits away from Indigenous people who can't work will "DRAMATICALLY" rise the crime rate, which under your criminal laws would mean laws which are unfair to people who are aboriginal people.
1. You need a chance to change.
2. An aboriginal family who all of a sudden loses welfare and can't find jobs because of lack of requirements will likely turn belligerent and too crime.
* I would be a lot tougher on crime, and I would ensure we had more police. I would also make sure sentences for certain crimes were tougher - rape being foremost among them because I think it's disgusting.
* I would make sure indigenous people were sentenced according to the severity of their crimes if they were involved in child abuse, instead of being allowed to cite 'cultural' defences.
* I would have ensured that policing wasn't politically correct - for example, why weren't those who smashed cars at Maroubra arrested last year, yet a guy who wore an anti-Islam shirt was jailed?
* I would be a lot tougher on the protestors who acted as those at the G20 protest did. There's peaceful protesting (even if I generally disagree with what it stands for, I believe in the freedom of those people to protest) and then there's sheer destructive idiocy. Also, essential services such as schools and hospitals shouldn't be allowed to be neglected just because of protests. That's ridiculous.
You are an imbecile. An Anglo-White Australian man was released on 9months suspended sentence after raping a 14 year old girl in queensland.
All hate crime should be treated equalliy. There is SEVERE inequality in the law right now because of cumstains like you who think that ethnic people are more inclined to rape which far from the truth.
Protest is a HUMAN RIGHT. You disagree to HUMAN RIGHTS? God you're a moron. Why don't we just make you the sadaam hussein or the bush of Australia?
* I would be much, much tougher on immigration, to be honest. I support mandatory detention for illegal immigrants, but only for say, a three-month period. I would also be very selective in who I allow in. Believe me when I say I used to (until a month ago) live in a very ethnically divided community and there were a lot of racial problems there caused by people who came here expecting a handout but who didn't want to adhere to our laws or whatever else.
* I would abolish multiculturalism and replace it with integration. I don't mind if people hold on to their religion, food, dress or whatever else, but if you don't want to respect our laws, customs, or lifestyle, you shouldn't be here in the first place. Multiculturalism is responsible for making our community divided, and it shouldn't be.
You can't steal people Identity you freaking Rodent. Multiculturalism will exist! Despite what idiots like you say. Respect should be shared among ALL people. That's like saying that all people should be "Rock Music, Beach Going, Alcohol Drinking, Surf Monkeys."
People have a right to their own lifestyle and views. Freedom of thought buddy! As long as they aren't commiting any crimes it's none of your business what their views are. Here is my view; "I think women who bath topless at a public place like the beach are fuggen hoes and they want people looking at there tits."
Can you change that view? Why can't they go to a private or nudist beach? Couldn't they go to a tanning salon? A back-yard? Why do they want brown tits anyway?! (OMG THEY'RE TRYING TO BE Non-WHITE! Kick them out!)
As for welfare. Single Mothers can't find work. Divorce has come from idiots like you with mixed views. Now we have easy divorce, women who get the children and now women can't get welfare? It's thinking like yours that will turn Western Sydney into a ghetto with drugs/guns and cop killing. (Since you want a shit load of pigs that will mean more corrupted police patrolling the neighbourhoods.)
Basically you want this to be like the U.S-Gay? Go to the USA IF you don't like Australia, you vegetable.