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some information for 12 help needed (1 Viewer)


Jul 24, 2005
well after all all these ive slacked off and lazied through since year 7 im in year 11 now with current marks like 55-60% average i finally slapped myself in the ass and thought bout my future and said "holy shit" after doing some research about uais university and tafe courses now i am currently trying to studying as i never have before to reach a high uai as possible my interest are business subject i hope to achieve in uni! therefore i need some help and information for year 12 which is upcoming :( as we all know i do 12 units (6 subjects) for year 12 is it possible to drop one subject? when i thought i heard that 10 units was required for the hsc and also what is my expected uai if i get 80% ish in all subjects

the subjects im doing are:
- english (advanced)
- maths 2units
- business studies
- modern history
- software design and development
- information process and technology

seeing that my time is limited and i better start studying my ass off NOW!!! ill really be thankful for your help!! also give me some motivation while your at it!! :D:D:D GO ME!!!! lol oh by the way good luck to the year 12s of 2005 with the hsc!!!


Active Member
Jun 25, 2004
don't worry i slacked off throughout my whole school life until the END of year 11:d
juz gota work hard now to make up for it.

"the subjects im doing are:
- english (advanced)
- maths 2units
- business studies
- modern history
- software design and development
- information process and technology"

"also what is my expected uai if i get 80% ish in all subjects"
probably 90 or more if u get 80+ in all of dem i guess?


Love Addict - Nakashima
Jan 16, 2005
Hello. :)

Yes, you can afford to drop two units, if you currently have 12. Dropping two units gives you more time to concentrate on your other subjects. However, it means that every assessment mark will be counted towards your UAI. Some people do 12 units so they have "back-up"s.

Your UAI also depends on the scaling of each of your subjects, and your school scaling. If you attend a reasonably ranked school, getting around 80% for all assessments will probably place your UAI somewhere around 90. But again, it depends on your school and subjects. You could ask someone who graduated from your school for their assessment marks and what UAI they got.
Aug 1, 2004
Above you...look up
ok man well ur asking for advice early thats good, thing i gotta tell u is DO NOT SLACK OFF OR HALF-ASS UR ASSESSMENTS say if u average about 70% in assessments IT IS STILL NOT ENOUGH, this will fuck u up even if u do exceptionally well in the actual HSC exams. this happened to me and i only got an average UAI. Study, it'll be worth it in the end because uni is alot of partying anyway ;)


Jul 24, 2005
thanks for the info about being able to drop ur subject i may decide whether or not to drop 1 2units subject incase i need a backup subject to boost my uai scores! my school isnt selective so it wont be as high as a selective school!!! let me guess i prob get a uai or 85-90 even though all my marks are 80+! anyways thanks for the advice :) oh by the way my school is muirfield high school in north rocks in nsw if you want to know which is a quite shit school where druggies, fucked up kids and fights happens alot and only 3 peeps got 90+ in their uai out of 60 students the highest being 99.5 and one gurl got over 90% in all her marks and she got the premier's award for it which isnt so bad!!!
Jun 17, 2005
o...stop stressing...
i tired myself up heaps in year 11... and by the start of year 12 i just couldn't be bothered...now i ams tuffed...trials are coming up and i am dead for sure...
so enjoy 11...keep yourself healthy and be ready for year 12...
i made a big mistake....getting 90s and stuff in 11 doesn't count towards year 12.


Oct 16, 2004
first things first.

year 12 is the only year u need to really try in.


the work is not harder then year11, theres just more of it.

third thing


i cant stress this. i didnt, and now i'm up shit creek. an example

i have my trials in 1 week. and i just finished 3 weeks of holidays.

for holidays i did no study, now i have to get 6hrs of study in each night, because of this.

if i had planned, i could have done 2hrs of work each day of the holidays. thats 7days for 3 weeks. 21 days X 2hrs = 42hrs of study. then 6 subjects. 7hrs for each subject. 2hrs for each topic(provided u have done 3 topics so far, might be more or less depending on topic).

if i had done that, i would have been set. but i didnt, and now i have to get less study done in one week. instead of using the holidays to spread it out and get an easy 2hrs each day( very easy work, split it up into 30mins blocks and its even easyier)

theres advice.

planning is what you need, once you have that, then ur set.


New Member
Jun 18, 2005
same here...and the shit hit the fan in other areas of life, so now ive got no hope of passing. also, the if you do ok in yr 11 - not great, but ok - no one expects anything except you. so when you do really really well in yr 12 cause you saved all your energy, you get your own back against all those who said you'll never make it :)


Jul 24, 2005
oh wow! thanks for the great info!!! for the first time ever ive studied 5hrs striaght without a break directly on maths and i thought that was normal maybe i should study little by little a day to make it a habit and of course set up a planner!!

a few more questions what holla back girl said back there getting 90+ in all ur subs doesnt count towards yr 12 are you sure? because i thought yr11 and yr12 both counted towards the uais or is it just yr12!!

argh due the first time stress ive experienced today i have no idea what the hell im talking bout and cant make a point without getting my head straight! so in result the best advice is to study a little regularly and gain all the basic knowledge required for the hsc stay healthy and clear and just pas the preliminary courses just to make it into year 12 and the entire schoolwork in yr12 will count towards the uais am i right?


Active Member
Oct 21, 2004
year 11 doesnt count towards the yr 12 final result at all i dont think
dont worry bout bad marks in yr 11.. all you have to do in yr 11 is know what you have to do in yr 12 and know how ur going to do it; so prepare urself
use ur yr 11 for trial and error to see what works best for u so u fly thru it in yr 12
on a personal note; i was getting 30s-60s in my subjects, now im getting 90+ in most of my subjects
dont burn urself out in yr 11, cuase if u do that in yr 12 u will be too stuffed to do anything. though some people can handle studying shitloads for both yr 11 and 12 but i dont see the point lol
Nov 4, 2004
- english (advanced)
- maths 2units
- business studies
- modern history
- software design and development
- information process and technology

I cant speak for all your subjects, but its a good idea to maintain a high mark for maths, business studies and SDD, I dont do 2u maths but i am told that you need to know year 11 2u to even pass 2u year 12

as for SDD, the SDD year 12 syllabus is like the year 11 one except further information, if you manage to concrete in SDD well then the year 12 courses only seems like an expansion of knowledge for you, rather than a totally new course for me (i did nothing in year 11), use year 11 also to polish up your coding skills, its more likely your SDD trial and SDD major project are worth the same

business studies year 11 and business studies year 12 there is a quite big difference, but its similar to SDD again, year 11 lays foundation and year 12 expands, to be dead honest i did nothing at all in year 11 for BS, and now studying hard for year 12 BS im finding it not hard but im not scoring crash hot high marks (65%, 25/130 in half yearly :(), my mate has always been getting 90%+ for BS and still maintained it, the average for the half yearly was 30% and he managed 80%, so i think if you get into the 'swing' of things it stays that way

remember to keep study a habit, dont just do SFA all day then do 6pm-12am study, spread it even, keep it regular, do it on intervals, dont just cram, do it 6 days a week for year 11 (when you have no exams) then take just 1 day off to yourself, have a great time and reward yourself, i mean you deserve it, lets say you do 4 hours a day for 6 days thats 28 hours study, you deserve a break and just let yourself know "holy shit batman!, i did alot of work"

year 12 try to do 7 days, i havent had a day off studying for about 3 months (not including 3 days i was sick, i still forced myself and did 30min-1hr)

my advice to you is to pay good attention to summarise notes after every topic is over, dont worry about 'every day', you aren't a gold fish and each topic is usually takes under a term (for SDD even less) and you're not likely to forget, this applies especially to SDD/BS, when a topic is over make a summary in your SCHOOL textbook, organise your BS notes well, make content pages and use post-it notes (small thin 2cm wide and 5cm long ones) and make content numbers for syllabus dot points

i know it sounds stupid and unimportant, but treat year 11 as training ground, test study styles, ill give you example, BS i studied entire course in jacaranda book 200 pages and got 45% in exam, i then did just simple mind maps and got 16/20 for another BS exam, unfortunatley i realised this during year 12 and not during year 11

by practising these great organisational techniques now, once it comes to year 12 its second nature to you

i hope you go well ;D and dont do the same mistakes i did, STAY IN 2u maths!


But pieces of what?
Jun 12, 2004
If you have not done 2u Mathematics at school, then a bridging course is not suggested, as that is to bridge from 2u to 3u.

Instead, I suggest you do Mathematics Skills Programme or take General Mathematics in your first year to cover calculus. :)
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Active Member
Oct 21, 2004
Casmira said:
I cant speak for all your subjects, but its a good idea to maintain a high mark for maths, business studies and SDD, I dont do 2u maths but i am told that you need to know year 11 2u to even pass 2u year 12
Yes you are on the right track with what you are implying. Year 12 2 unit maths is heavily based on year 11 2unit maths. That is, if you are struggling in 2 unit maths in year 11, you are expected to struggle in year 12 maths (which is different to some other subjects where year 11 course isn't really required for the year 12 course). However, this is not always the case. Some people, myself for example, have done jack shit in year 11 and were failing miserably. But that doesn't mean you cannot pick up. It just demonstrates that you need to put in a bit more effort in the subject in year 12. (even though I haven't touched a maths 2unit textbook in like 4 months an am getting well above 90 :p)

also, continuing from casmira's response approach -
im 1 of the few here doing ipt;
yr 12 ipt is very much like yr 11 ipt
the ethical and legal aspects and information processes (7 of them) and the IT, you must know thoroughly before you can even think about doing the content in yr 12.

modern history;
i dont think it counts much unless you are doing germany for y12 which you had to do in year 11.
Even though i did russia in yr 11 it was no help to me in yr 12 when i done it for my national study.

by the way casmira, when i am sick i tend to get more focused and can do more work. i did the most complex (and full of technical bullshit) chemistry assignment the day i was extremely sick lol.
it had all these crazy long 20 letter words in it n stuff. but too bad i didn't rmember a single bit of it when i was not sick lol!!


I'll stab ya
May 24, 2004
Im not entirely sure about the BsciITDipProPrac, since from memory one of the reasons i didnt pick it was due to lack of maths. But definitely with BSc(Computer Science) youd need maths.


But pieces of what?
Jun 12, 2004
miss_gtr said:
Yeah but ive asked many uni ppl who are doing the course i would like to be doing next year, and they all say that its not really necessary.. but i'd take one anyways if i got in.
If you are going to UNSW see my edit. There's a course called 'General Mathematics 1B' which you can do in Semester one. This will then enable you to cover normal university mathematics in future semesters, if you desire.

Ask in the UNSW forum for more info on that. USyd also has bridging courses, if you're going there.

EDIT: Although looking at the syllabus for that subject, again it has the problem of being more of a bridging course from 2u to 3u. So I guess the MSP would be necessary.


To summarise:
At UNSW, you should do the MSP, then take General Maths 1B, then normal Maths 1A and 1B (and from here on you're fine).

At USyd: You should take the 2u bridging course, then enrol in the normal mathematics subjects for your degree.

It might also be possible to do the 2u bridging course at USyd, then enrol in normal Maths 1A straight up at UNSW.

I suggest you email the relevant person at your desired university. For UNSW, that person is: davidt@maths.unsw.edu.au

For your own further reading:




Also, you'll have to find accomodation for the bridging courses.
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Nov 4, 2004
miss_gtr said:
Hey Casmira, i didnt do any maths for senior years either..yet next year i want to be doing IT.. BsciITDipProPrac.. or B Science (Computer Science).. do we have to do a bridging course??
No idea ;D im doing HSC this year just like you, my brother does computer science he didnt do the maths, he didnt need to because he did electrical engineering (which the maths they do makes extension 2 maths look like 1+1=2), he tells me they (uni) expect extension 1 but you could probably get away with mathematics

i gotta bridge my course hard, im only doing general maths and if my 2 fields of uni courses (i dont make it), im diving right into computers :D everyone is telling me too, ive been using them for a long long (too long) time

edit: slide_rule beat me too it, didnt read his post

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