Appendix II: Analysing Sources – “Run Campo!”
What is the nature of the source?
What is the source (type of source, i.e. letter, speech)?
What is the content?
Look at - intentional content, what is unintentional content?
Point of view
Who was the source made for? – Private or public individual, experts, peasants
Why was the source made? – Purpose or motive
Format of source indicates purpose
What language/images are used?
What is the perspective of the source?
Knowledge about who made it - their position, upper or lower class?
Particular country, class, gender?
How do you know?
What is the origin of the source?
Who made it?
When are where was it made?
Is the source reliable?
Is it complete and correct?
Is it factual?
In what ways is it limited? In what ways, is it biased?
Do other sources corroborate/contradict?
What is it reliable for?
What are the chances of it being a correct representation of what it is portraying (keeping in mind its purpose)
For example - a memoir can be an unreliable source because the person who wrote it is looking back n retrospective. They might be bitter, they might romanticise an event or they might be trying to cover something.
What does the source tell you?
Usefulness: to what extent is it going to help with your historical investigation? (E.g., an account of a battle on the western front may be reliable, but will not be useful if you are studying use of propaganda at home)