Speech on one aspect of Blade runner and Frankenstein (1 Viewer)


New Member
Nov 16, 2012
Hey all!
I have to do an 4 minute speech about one idea presented in both Blade Runner and Frankenstein and how it reflects the composers concerns in their social, cultural and historical contexts.

The problem is that I'm finding it hard to find an idea that isn't used to death :frown2: The only idea I've come up with is the effect of the sublime on the the rejuvenation of the human spirit. I'm not even sure if that's correct!:rolleyes2: but anyway do you think this is a good idea and if so how should go about it?
thank you in advance for your help :smile:


Active Member
May 4, 2012
-Consequences of turning away from nature.
-Destruction from rejecting romantic values: love, compassion all that pussy shit.
-Effects of toiling with nature: reanimating stuff, genetic engineering etc.
-Destructing from scientific/technological dependency. More so in BR.

Are some examples.

Basically both texts are cautionary tales, ie they are warnings. Sublime on the rejuvenation of the human spirit should work, very obvious for 'F' (a whole bunch of quotes on victor finding peace in nature), might be difficult for BR since its not so 'rejuvenation' orientated. I suppose BR expresses a world where without the sublime of nature as society is dominated by technology everyone is depressed etc. I didn't use that idea for my essay so I can't exactly go into depth with it. Just remember, this module is based around using context. So, constantly make connections to the world of Shelley and the world of Scott and how they are reflected in each text, e.g. genetic engineering in Scott's time and galvanism in Shelley's time. All about the context bro! Also another tip is to use the words in the syllabus where you can, markers like it as it seems like you understand it all even more.

If you have time to talk to your teachers or know who the marker is and talk to them, bombard them with questions you have, get them to check your thesis so you know you are on the right track.

I will try keep an eye on this thread to answer your questions for the next hour or so.


New Member
Nov 16, 2012
Ok thanks so much for the reply. This was exactly the idea i was going for i just had a lot of difficulties putting it into words. for BR's context I was thinking of talking about the growing concerns of global warming and destroying our environment. For Frankenstein how the growth of industrialisation separated us from nature and our roots, the only problem with this one is that it is so obvious that i think lots of people will use it. essentially i believe the majority of people i know are either going for nature vs industrialisation or playing god and its impact on what it means to be human. I'm trying to mix the two together :D

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