Phanatical said:
The SRC should not be dealing in political issues outside those relating to students. Issues like student health and wellbeing are more important than protesting the fucking War in Iraq, Mandatory Detention or any other number of political causes that our SRC funds.
Whether or not you agree with the positions taken by the elected members of the SRC, and the collectives, this is hardly a major problem. The costs associated with these issues that you term non-student-related are
extremely minimal in the scheme of things. According to figures taken from the SRC's submission to the Senate Employment, Workplace Relations and Education Legislation Committee, the following breakdown of expenditure exists:
3.2 SRC Expenditure in Relation to $58 Student Compulsory Fees Collected
... actual expenditure of the 76th Council (2003/2004) of the SRC based on an income of $1,683,057 not including GST.
Compulsory Fee collected is $58 not including GST
Welfare and Advocacy
$2.99 Bursary and Assistance Fund
$8.26 Welfare & Education Research Caseworkers
$2.82 Welfare Liaison Officer (caseworker for affiliated campus sites at Mallet St- Faculty of Nursing, Cumberland College of Heath Sciences, Sydney College of the Arts and the Conservatorium of Music).
$1.44 Directs grants to affiliated campus representatives organisations (Cumberland Student Guild, Sydney College of the Arts Student Association and Conservatorium Students Association).
$3.75 Redfern Legal Centre
$19.27 Total 33%
$8.57 Administration
$3.24 Operating Costs
$1.33 IT Consultants
$1.66 Other IT service costs
$1.26 Capital Expenditure
$16.05 Total 28%
General Activities
$0.13 Second Hand Bookshop
$0.39 Funding to Faculty Societies
$0.81 Orientation Week Activities
$1.33 Total 2%
Direct Representation
$2.18 Stipend of President, Hon Treasurer, Ed Officer & Women's Officer
$0.56 Funding for student conferences
$1.58 Staff of President, Executive and Council
$1.01 Operating Costs of President, Executive and Council
$1.47 SRC Elections
$5.62 NUS affiliation fee
$0.28 Public Relations Dept
$2.39 Activities/Campaigns of all students and departments of the SRC (largest expenditure on the Education Department)
$15.08 Total 26%
$0.03 General Publications (materials for campaigns and information dissemination)
$5.88 Honi Soit (less $1.17 it generates in advertising revenue)
$0.24 Growing Strong (Women's Publication)
$0.28 Undergraduate Counter-Course & Orientation Handbook
$6.43 Total 11%
What it comes down to is that the damn GST we pay on SRC fees is more than TWICE AS MUCH as all the campaigns they run put together! This
includes campaigns that even you would have to concede are student-related, such as that regarding VSU. What most of the money goes to, as you can see, is welfare, legal, and student publications, as well as our affiliation to NUS, which the university population doesn't really challenge. (This affiliation cost is also less than the GST paid.) So really, it's hardly a central issue.