hey hey fellow tafe-onians!!
first off i'd just like to say wot a brilliant idea!!! im currently studying an advanced diploma in financial services (accounting) and in my communication subject we were given an group assignment in which we had to develop: "Something useful for accounting students to use to assist in their TAFE studies"...and guess wot?! my group decided to propose how one would go by creating a resource website for TAFE students that was much like BOS.
The proposal is supposed to:
*outline the proposed idea
*explain why it is needed and what it will contribute to students and tafe
*estimate resources required and show how the proposal would meet financial criteria
*outline who would be responsible for developing/producing the idea, and a likely time-frame for developing it
*conclude with a simple plan of action re: the idea and a brief comment on the team's learning/experience in developing the idea
i was just wondering if anybody had any ideas/information that is relevant to this concept and/or my assignment?
Cheers guys!