teacher bias (1 Viewer)


Jan 25, 2023
What do i do if my teacher has CLEAR bias and favourite students? This is something my whole class agrees on EVEN THE FAVOURITED STUDENTS

there is bias in marks which is extremely unfair and "attention" given to students

myself and others find it really hard to ask questions and help outside of class as we are ignored on email and not given a proper response in person. what do i do or, can i even do anything about it


Bored Uni Student
Jan 11, 2021
What do i do if my teacher has CLEAR bias and favourite students? This is something my whole class agrees on EVEN THE FAVOURITED STUDENTS

there is bias in marks which is extremely unfair and "attention" given to students

myself and others find it really hard to ask questions and help outside of class as we are ignored on email and not given a proper response in person. what do i do or, can i even do anything about it
went through this, like had a heavily biased teacher IMO, still copped a decent atar.

First thing is to not be disheartened, it just means you need to rely on sources outside your teacher. Its common to be ignored by teachers through email, unless they like you or they're genuinely caring teachers.

First thing is try finding online sources to study from, its good to become independent of teachers despite of their quality, independent study is the best IMO since you have to be engaged and proactive in your learning.

Second thing is try speaking to the head teacher, this will be futile but it will make the teacher a bit more on their feet when it comes to bias since they don't want to get in trouble if there is considerable bias.

Third thing is try using forums like this or discords to connect with other students, this will help you further learn outside of class. Always try asking questions for anything you have doubts on, you can find a better perspective that will help you, don't be scared of asking.

Trust me, at times it feels very disheartening especially if you want to keep the subject but just know if you have the determination, no biased teacher can make a significant impact on your end mark given you take the precautionary measures.

If they're very biased, it is imperative you go to higher authorities e.g head teachers, principal and voice your feelings since they'll definitely do something at least, especially if people around you feel the same way.


Jan 25, 2023
went through this, like had a heavily biased teacher IMO, still copped a decent atar.

First thing is to not be disheartened, it just means you need to rely on sources outside your teacher. Its common to be ignored by teachers through email, unless they like you or they're genuinely caring teachers.

First thing is try finding online sources to study from, its good to become independent of teachers despite of their quality, independent study is the best IMO since you have to be engaged and proactive in your learning.

Second thing is try speaking to the head teacher, this will be futile but it will make the teacher a bit more on their feet when it comes to bias since they don't want to get in trouble if there is considerable bias.

Third thing is try using forums like this or discords to connect with other students, this will help you further learn outside of class. Always try asking questions for anything you have doubts on, you can find a better perspective that will help you, don't be scared of asking.

Trust me, at times it feels very disheartening especially if you want to keep the subject but just know if you have the determination, no biased teacher can make a significant impact on your end mark given you take the precautionary measures.

If they're very biased, it is imperative you go to higher authorities e.g head teachers, principal and voice your feelings since they'll definitely do something at least, especially if people around you feel the same way.
thank you, ill definently try self teaching and maybe organise study groups with my classmates where we an all learn as a group

thanks again!


Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2022
What do i do if my teacher has CLEAR bias and favourite students? This is something my whole class agrees on EVEN THE FAVOURITED STUDENTS

there is bias in marks which is extremely unfair and "attention" given to students

myself and others find it really hard to ask questions and help outside of class as we are ignored on email and not given a proper response in person. what do i do or, can i even do anything about it
since these are your school assessment marks which will go towards your atar, i think it would be wise and definitely a good idea to speak to the principal about how your teacher shows bias in marking assessments. remember, your teacher will get in trouble, not you.


Jul 24, 2021
Sydney, Australia
since these are your school assessment marks which will go towards your atar, i think it would be wise and definitely a good idea to speak to the principal about how your teacher shows bias in marking assessments. remember, your teacher will get in trouble, not you.
tbh in most cases the principal doesn’t even end up doing anything. worse cast scenario if the teacher finds out if it’s you ur literally screwed


Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2019
What do i do if my teacher has CLEAR bias and favourite students? This is something my whole class agrees on EVEN THE FAVOURITED STUDENTS

there is bias in marks which is extremely unfair and "attention" given to students

myself and others find it really hard to ask questions and help outside of class as we are ignored on email and not given a proper response in person. what do i do or, can i even do anything about it
becoming one of the favourites is the best op


Unknown Member
May 8, 2021
in your walls
What do i do if my teacher has CLEAR bias and favourite students? This is something my whole class agrees on EVEN THE FAVOURITED STUDENTS

there is bias in marks which is extremely unfair and "attention" given to students

myself and others find it really hard to ask questions and help outside of class as we are ignored on email and not given a proper response in person. what do i do or, can i even do anything about it
try to get the help of the the students your teacher likes. work with them to help pull all your marks up together. for example, if you are ignored/not given a proper response by the teacher, try to ask the favourite students for their input, or ask them to ask the teachers themselves


Bored Uni Student
Jan 11, 2021
tbh in most cases the principal doesn’t even end up doing anything. worse cast scenario if the teacher finds out if it’s you ur literally screwed
the point isnt to hope for them to do something, moreso just make sure the teacher is less biased towards you since they don't want to fear parents reporting etc. (most teachers dont wanna get into this trouble) this is what worked for me, and i received less biased marks in comparison to yr 11 amongst other peers who were being treated less from the teachers favourite.

also not much the teacher can do if you just do banger/good in your exams and assessment, they'll just be harsh. Like if you're writing quality responses and they give you B, 85 e.g, (which happened to me), you can easily challenge that and in my case i got pushed to a 92.
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Oct 28, 2022
Getting deported
Non of my teachers are bias like that (atleast towards me, I made sure they all like me)
But i 100000% wouldn't just not do anything if i was in ur position, speak to ur principal, do whatever it takes even if the teacher hates you. Worse care scenario, see if u can move classes for that topic, it shouldn't be too hard to if u ask ur parent to speak to the principal
If they mark you worse even though ur response was better than others, compare ur response and challenge that.
But yeah, having teachers like that must suck
also, this is my observation, but any teacher that is good at teaching is never biased to anyone, and even if they are slightly bias to one person beacuse they work harder and stuff, this wouldn't be reflected in helping with work/marking. One the other hand all the dropkick teacher I had can't even teach the content and spend more time talking to one group of student in the class. Theres one teacher that absolutely no one likes in my school because shes just like that

Average Boreduser

Rising Renewal
Jun 28, 2022
What do i do if my teacher has CLEAR bias and favourite students? This is something my whole class agrees on EVEN THE FAVOURITED STUDENTS

there is bias in marks which is extremely unfair and "attention" given to students

myself and others find it really hard to ask questions and help outside of class as we are ignored on email and not given a proper response in person. what do i do or, can i even do anything about it
Just become one of the 'favourites' bruh. Saves you ample time given your already debilitated time in HS


Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2009
What subject does this biased teacher teach. If subjective subjects, like English or History, she/he can give much higher marks to those favoured.


Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2022
tbh in most cases the principal doesn’t even end up doing anything. worse cast scenario if the teacher finds out if it’s you ur literally screwed
in my old school, a handful of my friends like 2 years ago complained to the principal about how biased a teacher was in the marking, and their entire classroom got moved right next to the school office so the principal can keep an eye on the teacher. each student in the class also got interrogated one-by-one by the principal to see what the problem was lmao. the teacher eventually was told to leave the school 💀


Active Member
Nov 1, 2021
If you cant beat them, join them. Im not blaming you or condoning the teacher, but... youll have to adapt. If your teacher favours another student cause they make jokes throughout the class, or they do something that makes them favorable - you should mimic that student.

Some teachers like students that suck up, others like students cause that remind them of their younger selves. You just have to be clever in your attempt to be favored.


Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2022
since these are your school assessment marks which will go towards your atar, i think it would be wise and definitely a good idea to speak to the principal about how your teacher shows bias in marking assessments. remember, your teacher will get in trouble, not you.
I had a teacher who was an outright bully. Everyone was terrified of them and they made sure that people were terrified. There was a person in my class who they really hated for no reason, so this teacher got them in trouble for the silliest things. This teacher then thought it would be a great idea to set the due date for an assessment task THE WEEK BEFORE the 2021 HSC exams, which was a problem because the person in my class was an accelerated student (my class were also only given a month's notice, which is the time accelerated students would be prioritising the HSC). Their rationale was that 'you can spend all your time on the assessment task and when that's done, you can dedicate THE WHOLE WEEK to HSC study'. This rationale made no sense since the better idea would be to set the assessment task after the HSC exams because the HSC is the priority. Setting it after the HSC would also mean that without anything else to worry about, the student could get a better mark in the assessment which counted towards the HSC.

This student discussed the possibility of pushing the assessment back with the teacher, and the teacher wouldn't budge. They were in fact furious, and accused this student of being lazy and doing absolutely no work even though the student had been working on the assignment (they started out with a concept for the assignment, then thought it would waste time for HSC study because it was too in-depth so they modified it to something simpler and more achievable in the ridiculous time frame the teacher set). The teacher was also annoyed with the student for modifying their assessment, so they said they were going to speak to the principal about it. The student, however, beat the teacher to it and explained the situation to the principal, and also told them that everyone was terrified of this teacher and afraid to speak out. The principal was horrified to hear that this teacher was being such a bully about the situation, so the principle came down hard on that teacher.

It was a successful outcome... the assessment task was pushed back after the HSC exams and this teacher complained, in her own words, that she was 'floored' at the fact that everyone was terrified of them. They stopped bullying that person in my class (and everyone else for that matter) and the principal sometimes came into our class to inspect how the lesson was going. I know that was incredibly long, but to get back to hscgirl's post, the teacher is the one who will get in trouble for bias (even though this wasn't specifically related to marking, there was bias in the teacher's behaviour towards the student). So remember guys, this is your HSC, not your teachers'. There is nothing wrong with speaking out against bias and subjectivity.
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Active Member
Oct 19, 2022
Uni Grad
What do i do if my teacher has CLEAR bias and favourite students? This is something my whole class agrees on EVEN THE FAVOURITED STUDENTS

there is bias in marks which is extremely unfair and "attention" given to students

myself and others find it really hard to ask questions and help outside of class as we are ignored on email and not given a proper response in person. what do i do or, can i even do anything about it
If you've got a bad teacher or a biased teacher, it's most sensible to just cop it and try your best without their direct help.

If you complain to the principal, they're going to side with the teacher 99% of the time [because teachers are almost impossible to hire, and the last thing a principal needs is more work hiring new staff or counseling angry teachers], and they are very likely to also tell the teacher and the teacher is probably going to work out the students complained and will start treating the not-favorite students even worse.

When/If you go to university, you will have to work with tutors/lecturers/professors/markers and you just have to get use to managing the good and the bad, because you will get both.

It is also useful to not take it too personally, in life some people will like you and some people will not, just tolerate them and try your best to get through the course (any content you end up not learning as a consequence of bias or poor instruction you will have the ability to learn at University or Tafe).

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