Crisafulli is a new Premier and that last thing he wants is his entire first year as Premier overshadowed by a bullshit issue that fringe people care about. Also, it is going to gift Labor an easy vote winner going into the next election. In all likelyhood, Crisafulli will make a deal with Katter for something more important to the latter (funding a road upgrade, sports centre etc). Katter likely knows this, he put the abortion issue infront of Crisafulli, knowing full well the Premier cant allow it to happen, so he can get what he really wants. Politics in action.
Think about it, you are a new Premier and you allow abortion to be banned - you will spend at least the next year wasting oxygen on a matter deeply unpopular with the public, whilst your main agenda (youth crime, cost of living etc) which is popular with the public gets drowned out. Then, you spend the next cycle trying to win over women who will paint you as some dystopian Handmaid's Tale figure. I predict an overpriced road in Katter's district somewhere in the near future.