Some thoughts...
"Distance is a piss poor excuse"...Get a HD average before making a stupid comment like that. Why? Because of course distance is a piss poor excuse when you only need a P average.
"oMgZ it'z ab0u7 th3 w1d3r c0mMu|\|i7y, n0t ju5t j00!1!1!oneone"...Go grow a brain. Are most of the services ones which the vast majority of students will be using? No? Then stfu idiot. Not everyone is seeking/has time for a wider university experience? If
you want one for
yourself, then
you pay for it. Don't ask others to pay for your pointless activities.
She's not forcing people who don't do B Commerce to help pay for her degree.
To add onto this. Omfg you are a total idiot. Emily is paying for her own course. She's not asking others students to pay for it. So Emily is not being selfish as she is paying for her own course. On the hand other, student contributions
force many students to fund useless activities of other students. Now
that, is selfish. Because most students don't use the services which are offered.
So uh yeah, j00 are so cool. Omg I love how you try to make yourself look intelligent by pretending to care about, and have a grasp of, the wider community. I mean, lets ignore how sad it is that you don't even understand the difference between
forced student contributions and Emily paying for her own course.