several studies have concluded that how one performs in their higher school examinations is no real prediction into the success of a person later in life.
Thank you for assuming what I think. Well, now it's my turn to discern what you think. You may say the HSC reflects commitment, perseverance etc. And I agree.
However, I for one, don't think 'success' (brought later in life) is being far too rediculously rich, with a white collar job. For me success is maintaining a sense of myself, continually striving to be better than I am i.e. to always percieve a sense of the 'other' and to have strong relationships with my friends and family.
What have I learnt and achieved this year which will help me attain what I think is success? - I had to prioritise when it came to balancing caring for family members and trying to study therefore solidifying my family relationships. I relinquished my fear of 'failure' or what society tells me is inadequate. I got involved in the community of my school when everyone else was to busy 'studying' during their free's. I went out and had fun with my friends and learnt my limits. I took risks with my learning.
And that's pretty much my whole life story