The Iraq War (2 Viewers)

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Feb 2, 2005
Aryanbeauty said:
The difference is Osama wants to kill you while Bush and Israel does not.
Thats what i meant - its all based on perspective isnt it? If he wants to kill me - then I will be like he is a terrorist a criminal A BASTARD and stuff? on the other hand if he wants to kill some one that you hate - THEN IS FUCKEN LEGEND - A CHAMP - A freedom fighter etc.

Christmas is coming - SANTA will protect me :santa:
Aug 22, 2005
Aryanbeauty said:
Deaths caused by Saddam and Islamic terrorists, NOT by US soldiers. I also saw on TV people dancing on the street when Saddam was sentenced to death.
I also saw on TV people dancing in the street and burning American flags when 9/11 happened.


Mar 9, 2004

Dose of foreign policy realism for Bush

Michael Gawenda in Washington
December 8, 2006


JAMES BAKER, who was George Bush snr's secretary of state, has delivered what amounts to a total repudiation of the Middle East democracy project of the son of his former boss.

Mr Baker, who co-chaired the Iraq Study Group, did not say this in so many words, but it was clear as he made the rounds of the media that the study group was recommending such a comprehensive change of direction in Iraq it would amount to a complete rejection of the younger George Bush's foreign policy.

Some observers described the recommendations, and the earlier confirmation of Robert Gates - CIA director in Mr Bush snr's administration - as defence secretary, as proof of the return of the foreign policy "realists", men close to the elder Bush who had asked them to save his son's presidency.

Mr Baker certainly seemed to be recommending a return to his style of foreign policy: negotiations with regimes in the region no matter how reprehensible, and shuttle diplomacy to get a peace process going between Israel and the Palestinians and Israel and Syria. He did not mention democracy in Iraq - or any other country in the Middle East - and the report alludes to it only in passing as an ideal that the regimes in the region may not want to consider just yet.

The report has some damning statistics - more than 25,000 American forces dead or injured, many thousands more Iraqis dead and wounded, and more than $US400 billion ($507 billion) spent on the war - with no victory in sight.

However, the idea that Mr Bush snr sent Dr Gates and Mr Baker to save his son is not completely credible. To begin with, Congress appointed Mr Baker to head the study group. Dr Gates actually supported the war in Iraq, but believes the postwar occupation was hopelessly botched by his predecessor, Donald Rumsfeld.

Dr Gates told the Senate Armed Services Committee during his confirmation hearings on Tuesday that the US was not winning in Iraq but he rejected the idea of a timetable for withdrawal of US forces from the country.

President Bush will not suddenly become a "realist". He has too much invested in his democracy project to accept some of the report's recommendations. He will almost certainly rule out talks with Iran and Syria unless Iran agrees to halt its nuclear program.

But since the Republicans were "thumped" in the midterm congressional elections on November 7 Mr Bush has admitted he is aware of how dire the situation is in Iraq and that big changes of policy are needed.

He has three major reviews under way - by the Pentagon, the State Department and the National Security team - that will be completed in the next few weeks. He will do nothing until these are completed.

He certainly will not wish to be seen to be doing the study group's bidding, despite his praise for the work of these "eminent Americans".

Mr Bush knows, however, that he has weeks, not months, to announce a change of direction on Iraq. It must involve a plan to speed up the training of the Iraqi security forces, as recommended by the study group. But that will not be enough for the Democratic-controlled Congress, and for some members of his own party.

White House officials suggest that Mr Bush is ready to restart the peace process between Israel and the Palestinians, something the British Prime Minister, Tony Blair, has been urging for some time.

But beyond that, it is hard to see Mr Bush agreeing to anything that smacks of a timetable of withdrawal from Iraq. Unless, of course, the situation goes from dire to total chaos, at which point a pullout may be the only option.

Democrats demand words be quickly put into action

Michael Gawenda in Washington and agencies
December 8, 2006

DEMOCRATIC Party leaders in the newly elected US Congress have welcomed the Iraq Study Group's report, describing it as a rejection of President George Bush's failed policies and demanding its main recommendations be quickly implemented.

The new Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid, said the report reflected the views of most Americans who had voted for a change on Iraq in the November 7 midterm congressional elections, in which the Democrats won control of both houses of Congress.

"It calls for redeployment, it calls for a change of course. Now, the President has the ball in his court," Senator Reid said.

Mr Bush is due to meet the British Prime Minister, Tony Blair, today. He is expected to discuss steps to advance the Middle East peace process and start talks between Israel and the Palestinian Authority President, Mahmoud Abbas.

The British Government gave a brief, favourable welcome to the report. "We get the impression that their thinking was broadly in line with our own," the Foreign Secretary, Margaret Beckett, said. "But obviously we need to read and digest their formal recommendations."

The Iraqi Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki, who received a copy of the report and had discussed it with its chief authors, said he agreed with some of the main conclusions. But his brief statement made no reference to a warning that Mr Maliki's Government must meet certain "milestones" in its performance or risk losing US "political, military or economic support".

Saleem al-Jubouri, a spokesman for the Iraqi Accordance Front, the main Sunni Arab bloc in the Iraqi parliament, said: "We find some of its points positive but, on the whole, we feel it's vague and avoids some issues. We don't want to see an immediate withdrawal that would cause chaos but we wanted a timetable for withdrawal.

"We think the issue of addressing Syria and Iran is an admission of their massive interference."

A Syrian foreign ministry official described the report as objective, "especially with regard to the role of Iraq's neighbours in achieving security and stability in the country". But the Israeli Prime Minister, Ehud Olmert, said any peace talks with Syria are unlikely in the near future.

The Democratic war critic John Murtha said it did not go far enough in urging a quick withdrawal of US forces.

John McCain, the favourite for the Republicans' presidential nomination, said he did not support talks with Iran unless it halted its nuclear program. "It's very hard to negotiate with organisations that do not accept Israel's right to exist," he said.
Nov 15, 2006
54247 said:
Iy youve watched Sky news recently a hater of Saddam when he was in power now wishes he was back due to the worsening situation
Did you know that Sky news is owned by Rupert Murcdoch, the owner of fox news which you claimed as unreliable propaganda?


May 19, 2006
Well objectively speaking, theres a huge difference between say ABC or moreso SBS than Murdoch's programs in regards to Iraq. Not to mention Aljazeera who actually have reporters on the scenes UNDERSTANDING BOTH SIDES obviously through their arabic capabilities thus showing a fairer analysis. Once you take that into account it and you compare various versions of news programs then you view murdoch's programs then, YES murdoch's programs are unreliable propaganda


Aug 15, 2006
Bayview Heights
54247 said:
Just if i can get one thing through your mentality Aryan can you please stop putting words in my mouth and saying stuff like "those people are crying because of muslim terrorists whom you supported." or "who even want to see your own people die in thousands and claim victory while only less than 150 Israeli soldiers and civilians are killed."
truth Check, you supported hizbollah, you supported palestinian terrorists actions notwithstanding their crime against innocent civilians yet call all israelis terrorists and such. perhaps its time for you to clean up your own mentality before minding others.

since the war on terror has begun, ive felt more at risk from terrorists then before the whole conflict began. Its also evident through many statistics on the web. The war on terrorisn has escalated the tensions obviously but i dont see it heading for the greater good as the organisations have only become stronger and more influential... A drastic failure. At the current rate, in 50 to 60 yrs who knows we might be under the rule of terrorists because if we cant even eradicate say Al quada then how are all the hundreds going to be stopped as the war becomes more and more intense. Force may not be the way to end this dilemma but the current Bush administration and Israel is only good with force which im afraid results in more problems
Remember the War was not started by USA or Israel in either case, the war was declared on the west by Muslim terrorists, notably Al-Qaeda. What did the US do to muslims to be a target of islamic extremists Al-Qaeda? Never in a million years US or Israel (even UK,Australia etc)sit idle and watch its citizens terrorised by these blood thirsty savage islamic terrorists who want to dominate the world with their narrow minded interpretation of Islam. If the war was against Islam US have every power to exterminate muslims from this world and solve the problems once and for all. The war is against islamic extremists, who declared war against the west, anything that came in their way. They picked the wrong enemy and they have to pay for it. There is no such easy solution and the west had dealt with communism for over 50 years and islamic terrorism is the enemy of todays civlised world as communism was. I wonder what you people suggest to deal with terrorists organisation such as Al Qaeda?

I mean in yr 11 in NSW the majority of students study "war" and the overlying theme in this case is that it has no benefits and result in many atrocoties. Our own education system teaches us that War should be avoided at all costs and if the beaurocrats really wnat a conflict then let them fight it out but dont kill thousands of innocent young soldiers or civilians.
No one prefer war over peace. I believe almost every australian prefer WAR instead of living under islamic law as interpreted by Al Qaeda. Saddam also had a chance to avoid war, by letting UN inspector in his country prove to the world that he did not have WMD by peaceful means as you suggested, instead he defied UN resolutions , refused inspections and ignored US ultimatum. War was the last resort.


May 19, 2006
I wonder what you people suggest to deal with terrorists organisation such as Al Qaeda?

As in if they use terror such as horendously blowing up innocent people it doesnt mean that we do the same thing except 10 times worse, namely jet fighters etc etc because it results in more innocent people being killed.

"The war is against islamic extremists, who declared war against the west, anything that came in their way. They picked the wrong enemy and they have to pay for it."

I actually dont see how their paying for it, their groups have grown and become more influencial. Before september the 11th it wasnt common knowledge to know about ossama or al quada. Now however everyone knows about them and im afraid theyve become a greater threat which is EXACTLY WHAT THEY WANT. These types of groups want war as its the only way they can effectively become more powerful. Therfore the fact that we've responded to their barbaric decleration of war on the West actually makes our cause a failure. You refered to the Cold War, not a single bullet was fired and the US EFFECTIVELY won the war without mass killings. However this war on terror has basically been going into a country and carpet bombing it. I mean what impression would that leave on locals. It is a very hard situation for the US in Iraq now as a civil war is has begun and their stuck in the middle in a heck of problems. I dont know how their going to get out of it without ripping off the Iraqis. Im reffering to ripping off in areas such as ; making sure they totally rebuild the destroyed infrastructure, stopping the civil war and hopefully once that has occured making sure that the oil field still look the same since before the war
Mar 25, 2006
West Pennant Hills
Yeah I tend to agree with you there 54247, before September 11 I had never heard of Al-Qaeda or Osama bin Laden or Jemaah Islamiah etc. but now you hear about them practically every day or at the very least on a weekly basis.

By waging war against them we're giving them a reason to exist and the publicity that the 'War on Terror' is getting is only serving to enhance the visibility of Al-Qaeda's cause, which in turn only aids them in gathering support.

I have to correct you on the Cold War, though, as there were indeed many bullets fired. The Vietnam War, the Korean War, the Arab-Israeli War of 1973-74 and the invasion of Afghanistan in 1979 by the Soviet Union were all fought as part of the Cold War. Known as proxy wars, the US and Soviet Union never engaged face to face but instead aided the militaries of other nations. In Vietnam, for example, the North Vietnamese were backed by the Chinese while the US supported the South.

The similarities between the Cold War and the War on Terror are actually quite numerous: The way in which the Government attempts to rally the people against a single, common enemy; the use of the media to create a sense of fear; the spreading of democracy as a noble motivation etc.


Aug 15, 2006
Bayview Heights
54247 said:
As in if they use terror such as horendously blowing up innocent people it doesnt mean that we do the same thing except 10 times worse, namely jet fighters etc etc because it results in more innocent people being killed.
What same thing have we done that Al Qaeda did? Which US jet killed 3000 people ? Your comparison of Al Qaeda and US military is getting ridiculous. You pretend you respect innocent lives, the reality is you don't. You have no respect for innocent people killed by Al Qaeda. When did US military jet killed innocent civilians as Al Qaeda did?

I actually dont see how their paying for it, their groups have grown and become more influencial. Before september the 11th it wasnt common knowledge to know about ossama or al quada. Now however everyone knows about them and im afraid theyve become a greater threat which is EXACTLY WHAT THEY WANT. These types of groups want war as its the only way they can effectively become more powerful. Therfore the fact that we've responded to their barbaric decleration of war on the West actually makes our cause a failure. You refered to the Cold War, not a single bullet was fired and the US EFFECTIVELY won the war without mass killings. However this war on terror has basically been going into a country and carpet bombing it. I mean what impression would that leave on locals. It is a very hard situation for the US in Iraq now as a civil war is has begun and their stuck in the middle in a heck of problems. I dont know how their going to get out of it without ripping off the Iraqis. Im reffering to ripping off in areas such as ; making sure they totally rebuild the destroyed infrastructure, stopping the civil war and hopefully once that has occured making sure that the oil field still look the same since before the war
So you are suggesting US government do nothing and just let it go when Al Qaeda attacked World Trade Centre? I am beginning to think that yourself are its supporters. No one on this earth will let attacks like that let it happen without fighting back. never in a million years islamic terrorist will threaten US or Israel without retaliation.

During the Cold War Soviet Union did not attack USA, Soviet Union did not sent jet fighters to bomb New York City, that is why US did not attack Soviet Union. On the other hand, Al Qaeda attacked New York City, they also attacked US embassies around the world. And US did the right thing in retaliating and it will continue to do so. No matter the cost or the price US will fight terrorists as long as they exist.

brucemaster said:
Yeah I tend to agree with you there 54247, before September 11 I had never heard of Al-Qaeda or Osama bin Laden or Jemaah Islamiah etc. but now you hear about them practically every day or at the very least on a weekly basis.
Shows you are quite ignorant about world affairs. I was only about 12 or 13 when US embassies in Tanzania and Kenya were attacked by Al Qaeda, by that time I already knew about Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda, long before september 11, 2001 because I watch news and heard it on the radio. Of course they are gaining more popularity with their savage acts such as 9/11, and madrid train bombing, London tube bombings, numerous attacks on western target in saudi arabia and vicous beheadings of innocent people. And you are here suggesting US should just sit idle and watch these islamic terrorists roam around the world and kill people at their will? A perfect wish for Al Qaeda, but its not gonna happen, even if the rest of the world surrender to Al Qaeda and muslims, US and ISrael will never!


Apr 3, 2006
Aryanbeauty said:
So you are suggesting US government do nothing and just let it go when Al Qaeda attacked World Trade Centre?

And US did the right thing in retaliating and it will continue to do so. No matter the cost or the price US will fight terrorists as long as they exist.
War is not an appropriate retaliation, war does not solve problems. By 'fighting' the 'terrorists', US is only fuelling support (eg. in countries where US has invaded and bombed etc.) also by over reacting and sensationalising the acts of terror, it only heightens the feeling of terror amongst the population and so therefore aiding the terrorists' purpose.
I am not suggesting the US govt. do nothing, but they should respond in another way. In a peaceful way that does not directly cause the death of more innocent lives, and that does not launch into a war and situation where they cannot 'win'.


Aug 15, 2006
Bayview Heights
imaginarylife said:
War is not an appropriate retaliation, war does not solve problems. By 'fighting' the 'terrorists', US is only fuelling support (eg. in countries where US has invaded and bombed etc.) also by over reacting and sensationalising the acts of terror, it only heightens the feeling of terror amongst the population and so therefore aiding the terrorists' purpose.
I am not suggesting the US govt. do nothing, but they should respond in another way. In a peaceful way that does not directly cause the death of more innocent lives, and that does not launch into a war and situation where they cannot 'win'.
What exactly are you suggesting to deal with terrorists such as Al Qaeda? War and violent retaliation at its utmost form is the best way to deal with terrorists, thats the only language they speak and they understand. If they shot me with a gun, I will shoot them back with a missile. Thats the way to go when dealing with terrorists, such as Al Qaeada, Hizbollah, hamas and Islamic jihad. Its my way or no way.
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Feb 2, 2005
well at this stage both usa and iraq are losing - iraq losing more of course.

Had the iraqis given support to the USA - we could have safe heaven in IRaq now. But they didnt - due to a lot of factors.

Plus internal problems - with different sects/tribes etc. Plus outlying neigbour issues - Syria Iran.

Really though USA underestimated Iraq and 'war on terror' to a great extent. They didnt plan anything - i mean they doing all the planning now. I just hope whatever happens the USA stay and get some more support and finish the job there. otherwise - its breeding hole for terrorism


Aug 15, 2005
Aryanbeauty said:
What exactly are you suggesting to deal with terrorists such as Al Qaeda? War and violent retaliation at its utmost form is the best way to deal with terrorists, thats the only language they speak and they understand. If they shot me with a gun, I will shoot them back with a missile. Thats the way to go when dealing with terrorists, such as Al Qaeada, Hizbollah, hamas and Islamic jihad. Its my way or no way.
because, you know, this method has been so successful at creating peace in the israeli-palestinian conflict. all its done is made palestine and surrounding areas more extreme and more likely to support extreme parties. hardly a solution which will lead to long term peace.


Active Member
Dec 12, 2005
gerhard said:
because, you know, this method has been so successful at creating peace in the israeli-palestinian conflict. all its done is made palestine and surrounding areas more extreme and more likely to support extreme parties. hardly a solution which will lead to long term peace.
Talking and conciliation hasn't exactly being a great sucess either. Israelis give up Gaza, Palestinians elect Hamas etc.


May 19, 2006
"What same thing have we done that Al Qaeda did? Which US jet killed 3000 people ? Your comparison of Al Qaeda and US military is getting ridiculous. You pretend you respect innocent lives, the reality is you don't. You have no respect for innocent people killed by Al Qaeda. When did US military jet killed innocent civilians as Al Qaeda did?"

Well i actually respect all innocense and dont belive in a concept which i believe the Bush administration and Israel's have tended to poses which is our lives are worth more than say the iraqis or palestinians or lebanese or whoever because both countries have a loooong history of war. Now obviously there will be innocent people being killed during war time. It would be ridiculous to think other wise. However have you forgoten Hiroshima Nagasaka. Yes it was a retalliation but dropping attomic weapons on major cities!!!... (im finding it hard to put in words) Sept 11th isnt a fraction of the terror commited in that instance and theirs hundreds of examples say for instance the USA's emergency shipment of missiles to the israeli offence force during the recent lebanese war used to blow up a few UN workers or a basement of filled with 60 families trying to escape. Maybe you need to re-assess your views on actually respecting all innocense and not simple your typical US AND Israeli citizens. Although you havnt stated that you "dont respect other innocense"; by simply and blindly following such a failure, Iraq which has maaaany innocent casualties, it implies you dont respect their deaths.

"Shows you are quite ignorant about world affairs. I was only about 12 or 13 when US embassies in Tanzania and Kenya were attacked by Al Qaeda, by that time I already knew about Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda, long before september 11, 2001 because I watch news and heard it on the radio."

How on earth can you possibly call him ignorant. Lets not run around in circles here and get straight to the point! Since september the 11th, the fear of terrorism has risen WITHOUT REASONABLE DOUBT. Now the arguement may arise..." So what u want the US to sit on its arse and do nothing". Well obviously not because its the current superpower therefore it has more responsibility to get rid of these arseholes than other western nations. But hang on waging 'war on terrorists' is obviously what these terrorist groups want as i have previously mentioned therefore from the outset its a loss. War is never a good option and only people who dont value innocent soldiers etc etc being killed follow such barbaric acts. Now obviously the war on terror is set to end these terrorists monstrous plots of killing innocent people which sounds pretty good but if we think for a while on how to really prevent such atrocoties we will come to realise that war is NOT the answer as we can CLEARLY see in Iraq. To be honest i think the US should have used its resources to inject various NON CORRUPT arab officials in various Arab countries to internally exterminate the radical groups. This is beacuse arab citizens in general perceive the Bush administartion is infidels and it would be more likely that they would side with the radical organisation that the US.

"even if the rest of the world surrender to Al Qaeda and muslims, US and ISrael will never!"

Aryan can you please hide some of your hatred toward Muslims... PLEASE. Fine alquada is perfectly fine but what the hell... Muslims!! what a generalisation... what sought of objective and fair observer of world events are you with such a hateful mentality.

"Talking and conciliation hasn't exactly being a great sucess either. Israelis give up Gaza, Palestinians elect Hamas etc."

I totally agree Talking and conciliation hasnt really been that succesful but im afraid your example is terrifyingly terrible. Since when did Israel ever have the right to step on gaza let alone setting up settlements. Thats like saying well the indonesians have withdrawn from various parts of Queensland after illegally invading it but now their going to show how peaceful they are and remove their illegal settlements out of Aus and back to indonesia!!! LOL. So maybe if Israel doesnt get too greedy and never took land passed the green line then people wouldnt resort to groups such as HAMAS.

Now back to the main question of what is or was the best way in eliminating radicals everywhere, namely iraq in this instance. War is a failure in Iraq as we can easily see through the tragic failure today, negotiations dont seem to work.
I think the funding of non corrupt arab groups to exterminate radicals would always have been more beneficial then the current situations actually in both afghan and iraq. Any other suggestions?
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Aug 15, 2006
Bayview Heights
54247 said:
Well i actually respect all innocense and dont belive in a concept which i believe the Bush administration and Israel's have tended to poses which is our lives are worth more than say the iraqis or palestinians or lebanese or whoever because both countries have a loooong history of war. Now obviously there will be innocent people being killed during war time. It would be ridiculous to think other wise. However have you forgoten Hiroshima Nagasaka. Yes it was a retalliation but dropping attomic weapons on major cities!!!... (im finding it hard to put in words) Sept 11th isnt a fraction of the terror commited in that instance and theirs hundreds of examples say for instance the USA's emergency shipment of missiles to the israeli offence force during the recent lebanese war used to blow up a few UN workers or a basement of filled with 60 families trying to escape. Maybe you need to re-assess your views on actually respecting all innocense and not simple your typical US AND Israeli citizens. Although you havnt stated that you "dont respect other innocense"; by simply and blindly following such a failure, Iraq which has maaaany innocent casualties, it implies you dont respect their deaths.
Actually it was you who support those terrorists who killed innocent Iraqis, those innocent iraqis killed daily in Iraq are not by US troops but by muslim terrorists, both Sunni and Shia and Al Qaeda elements of foreign fighters. Therefore, as you support those, you disrespect those innocent civilians killed plus those of hundreds of thousands of civilians killed by Saddam Hussein, by supporting him and wishing his rule for more years in Iraq by Opposing his removal from power by US. Yes you said Saddam was better. I said Saddam should be removed at all cost.

And for Hiroshima bombing, the victims of Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings are just a fraction of what Japanese soldiers hacked to death with their sword in China and elsewhere. Japanese soldiers killed tens of millions of civlians while Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings killed roughly 200,000. Their victims includes all asians east of India and allied countries. It is not even worth comparision in terms of cruelty. It is completely justified and in fact more bombs should be dropped to equal the number of innocent civilians killed by Japanese Troops.

And what justifies Al Qaeda to attack WTC killing close to 3000 people, what has US done? What is your justification of that attack? If 9/11 was justified on the gorund that America support Israel in its war with lebanon, does that mean Lebanese are Al-Qaeda and they support Al-qaeda? Clarify your stance here.

How on earth can you possibly call him ignorant. Lets not run around in circles here and get straight to the point! Since september the 11th, the fear of terrorism has risen WITHOUT REASONABLE DOUBT. Now the arguement may arise..." So what u want the US to sit on its arse and do nothing". Well obviously not because its the current superpower therefore it has more responsibility to get rid of these arseholes than other western nations. But hang on waging 'war on terrorists' is obviously what these terrorist groups want as i have previously mentioned therefore from the outset its a loss. War is never a good option and only people who dont value innocent soldiers etc etc being killed follow such barbaric acts. Now obviously the war on terror is set to end these terrorists monstrous plots of killing innocent people which sounds pretty good but if we think for a while on how to really prevent such atrocoties we will come to realise that war is NOT the answer as we can CLEARLY see in Iraq. To be honest i think the US should have used its resources to inject various NON CORRUPT arab officials in various Arab countries to internally exterminate the radical groups. This is beacuse arab citizens in general perceive the Bush administartion is infidels and it would be more likely that they would side with the radical organisation that the US.
I call him ignorant because he never heard about Al-qaeda before 9/11 while they already made countless headlines with US embassy bombings in kenya and Tanzania that killed more than 250 people and injuring more than 4000 people. They already made news with attacks on USS Cole in yemen killing 17 sailors. And here he claimed people know Al Qaeda only after 9/11 or war on terror etc. The fear of terrorism rising is not the fault of US, it is the fault of Alqaeda that they attack US targets and kill innocent civilians to achieve publicity. Actually terrorist want governments to submit to their demands under threat of attacks and it is NOT obvious that they want governments to declare war on them. The war on terror made them on the run and their safe haven of Afghanistan has been reclaimed for normal afghan people. Osama who lived a luxury life in Kabul and Kandahar has been hiding in caves ever since, that is Not obviously the way he wanted to live his life. You are like followers of British ex PM Neville Chamberlain who wanted to surrender to Hitler because they think war against german War machine cannot be won. Under great leaders such as Winston Churchill and Franklin Roosevelt that the allies under US and Britain proved them wrong and they can defeat invincible germans. Neville Chamberlain prefered diplomacy over war in dealing with Hiler and surrendered Alsace-Lorraine, Rhineland, Czecholsovakia, Austria one by one. Only WAR solve the problems and only WAR and fighting back will solve the problems of terrorism. Iraq war has been only about four years and how many years Saddam Hussein ruled ? 30 years? Give me 30 years and we will compare and contrast life under Saddam's 30 years and 30 years without Saddam. I am confident that people in iraq will be billion times better off without Saddam.

Now, what resources are you talking about? Money? Military? Most Arab governments where terrorists usually hailed from such as Saudi Arabia have more than enough money to spend on security and they already got the best of weapons and training from US military. regarding corruption, trying to find NON corrupt arab government will be harder than trying to find a needle in a stack of hays. Besides it is not US fault nor responsibility that they are corrupt, it is their own responsibility to sort out those corruptions before pointing finger at US.

Yes, you proved me right on what I always believed, many muslims actually support radicals islams and terrorists such as Al-Qaeda because they think US or Bush administration is against islam. Because they are brainwashed by islamo fanatic religious leaders such as Sheikh Halily. Once again it is NOT US fault but it is theirs, there is no justification whatsoever for supporting islamic terrorists. Statistical records shows that most muslims killed after 9/11 are by their fellow muslims notably islamic terrorists. So who hate muslims US or radical islams? Who killed more innocent muslims? The answer is islamic terrorists. Remember that before you said US hates muslim, US fuel muslim hatred etc etc.

Gerhard said:
because, you know, this method has been so successful at creating peace in the israeli-palestinian conflict. all its done is made palestine and surrounding areas more extreme and more likely to support extreme parties. hardly a solution which will lead to long term peace.
There were limits to what other terrorists organisations demand, such as IRA demand on brits withdrawal from Northern Ireland, BAsque terrorists demand for independence, however Al Qaeda demands islamic rule over the world which we will never accept in a trillion years. Negotiations with Hamas and Islamic Jihad will never success as long as their demand is complete destruction of Israel which is NOT acceptable to Israel, therefore the only option available is fighting back, there may not be long term peace by fighting terrorists, there is no longterm peace by not fighting back either. By fighting them and strike them hard, they are on the defensive and suffering ends and Israel have that FEEL GOOD factor at least. Even if Hizbollah terrorists killed 120+ Israeli soldiers and civilians at least Israeli soldiers killed 500+ terrorists and another 700+ terrorists supporters. So It feels good to be on the offensive side ;)


May 19, 2006
"Actually it was you who support those terrorists who killed innocent Iraqis, those innocent iraqis killed daily in Iraq are not by US troops but by muslim terrorists, both Sunni and Shia and Al Qaeda elements of foreign fighters. Therefore, as you support those, you disrespect those innocent civilians killed plus those of hundreds of thousands of civilians killed by Saddam Hussein, by supporting him and wishing his rule for more years in Iraq by Opposing his removal from power by US"

Im begging you please just find a post where i suppored the insurgency in IRAQ!!! like what the hell why would you say something like that? what sought of ideas come up during your thinking... probably something like this... "because his against the US and Israel therfore his with the terrorists" Well i have some news for you US and israel arnt always right and its not a situation as simple as bush makes it seem to be ie"your either with us or against us." Its blatanly obvious the US is losing the war thus causing all this instability, thus resulting in all these deaths. Please if you can just comprehend that.

"Yes you said Saddam was better. I said Saddam should be removed at all cost."
Yes i only said saddam was better COMPARED with the current situation in Iraq. Why you may ask even though his a monstrous dictator?... Well simple less innocent were killed under saddam IN RATIO with the 3 years the US has been in there.

"It is completely justified and in fact more bombs should be dropped to equal the number of innocent civilians killed by Japanese Troops."
So hang on a sec!! you made a rather valid point saaying how the japanese killed many chinese. But that doesnt bludy mean you drop an attomic weapon on 2 major cities. Are you human? that literally guarantees the deaths of bludy every japanese in that region... innocent japanese. shows how much you value innocent lives. I mean yes it prevents the jap army from continueing there operations but it kills innocent lives. Even till nowadays the families are suffering genetically such as bourne with 1 eye or leg or just lookin in human. Please hows dropping an atomic weapon justifed Ever? i want you stance on this at the same time thinking of better ways in stopping innocent deaths!!?

"And what justifies Al Qaeda to attack WTC killing close to 3000 people, what has US done? What is your justification of that attack? If 9/11 was justified on the gorund that America support Israel in its war with lebanon, does that mean Lebanese are Al-Qaeda and they support Al-qaeda? Clarify your stance here."

The current US foreign policy will always be a magnet for terror attacks from radicals. Why? well israel has a huge part to do with it as the US backs its atrocities in Palestine with weaponry or the atrocoties in lebanon (not just the recent war but all 5 or so barbaric attacks in lebanon.) So alqaeda or whatever group wll obviously want to in one way or another inflict barbaric attacks on either the US or Israel. Thats not to say they are a represenatative of lebanese or palestinian people but they see it as their duty to atleast put up resistance against say the israeli offence force or the Bush war machine however not directly one on one obviously because they would be anialiated so they do such things as flying planes into a building. Now you may ask well why do so many arabs follow these people and dance on the streets when some barbaric attack occurs well simple... they view the US as the supplier of weaponry to israel and allowing it to commit various illegal acts such as occuping land or just simply blowing up a 100's of people at a time.and as EXPHATE said previously wouldnt you want revenge if your mother father son dauter etc etc were killed. Therfore they want revenge on either the US or Israel. So stop posing questions such as what has the US done? because the current administartion are definatelynot angels but rather war loving machines. to the second part of your question. Its bludy obvious Lebanon isnt al quada because they have a democratically elected government who is bludy backed by the US... the sinuora govt. Just because Al qaeda says we want to avenge the US or israel because of what theyve done in lebanon that doesnt mean lebanon now becomes under the sphere of al qeada!? however some may support alqeada simply beacuse of revenge ambitions. But thats bed=sides the point, lebabnon is democratic and isnt under the sphere of alquada.

"The fear of terrorism rising is not the fault of US, it is the fault of Alqaeda that they attack US targets and kill innocent civilians to achieve publicity. Actually terrorist want governments to submit to their demands under threat of attacks and it is NOT obvious that they want governments to declare war on them."

Bullshit who are you trying to KID. So your basically saying that the US hasnt helped inflame the threat of alquada world wide and that alqeada one handedly gained all this publicity? The second part however is actually quite correct. Terrorist do put forward demands and if they arnt delived they threaten and hope the people in power declare war on them. Thats exactly correct but buy you declaring war on them, your literally submitting to their demands as its the best outcome for them. this is because they dont have value for their lives as their not scared of death secondly they gain publicity and thirdly they gain maaaany people therby growing in force and power resulting in a bigger bludy problem?

"the war on terror made them on the run and their safe haven of Afghanistan has been reclaimed for normal afghan people. Osama who lived a luxury life in Kabul and Kandahar has been hiding in caves ever since, that is Not obviously the way he wanted to live his life."

Umm afghanistan is far from "reclaimed for normal afghan people". The bludy Taliban is still out in force. And also you make it as if you have a direct dial connect with Osama and you know the type of life he lives for example he was living in luxury at this time but umm now he dislikes his life as his living in caves. WTF... you know shit all about osama. We cant even capture the bloke we dont even know for sure if he's dead or alive we relly on his right hand man to tell us... a very reliable sauce ayyy!!!

" Only WAR solve the problems and only WAR and fighting back will solve the problems of terrorism"
Please try and be a bit more human WAR doesnt solve shit. You gave an example of how Hitler was deafeated. Well you correct but even till nowadays various germans adore hitler and still see him as ther hero. In my point of view, tahts a loss of the WAR. WAR will Not solve the problem of terrorism simple because these people dont have value for life. How are you supposed to beat an enemy like that especially if waging ar afainst them helps them recruit more.

"Yes, you proved me right on what I always believed, many muslims actually support radicals islams and terrorists such as Al-Qaeda because they think US or Bush administration is against islam.

No actually your very wrong there. the only reason and i mean the ONLY reason people may support terrorist attacks is simply because they want revenge. As ive mentioned before, they see the US or Israel as the ones who killed a family member or blow up their whole contry. Lets take a recent example of Israel. Hizballah kidnapped 2 soldiers and what exactly did Israel do... REVENGE. They blow the F*** out of lebanon what for...well... 2 soldiers. and further lots in israel supported the atrocity as they viewed the lebanese as kidnapping 2 of their beloved men and have the aim herting Israel in one way or another. Therefore when the US or Israel start killing ... not kidnapping but killing arab people theirs obviuoslt going to be widespread hatred.

"Besides it is not US fault nor responsibility that they are corrupt, it is their own responsibility to sort out those corruptions before pointing finger at US."

Hang on why shouldnt they ahve a right to point the finger at the US. The bush administration thoght themselves as cowboys and cound fix the situation. what exactly has happened. Both bludy Iraq and Afghanistan have been drastic failures as in both cases the terror has increased. Now that the US has put itself in the middle it does have a responsibility in fixing the inflamed stuation, geting ridd of terrorists, rebuliding the infrastructure and ummm yeh leaving the oil fields untouched lol.

By fighting them and strike them hard, they are on the defensive and suffering ends and Israel have that FEEL GOOD factor at least. Even if Hizbollah terrorists killed 120+ Israeli soldiers and civilians at least Israeli soldiers killed 500+ terrorists and another 700+ terrorists supporters. So It feels good to be on the offensive side

Ladies and Gentleman here i have for you, the typical zionist mentality. WOOOOW you killed 500 terrorist blow the country into smithorines destroyed the countries physical environment killed hundreds upon hundreds of civilians and YPU HAVE THE FEEL GOOD FACTOR. well i got some news for you, the HEzballah group is likely to take government soon i bet you, your feeling VERY GOOD NOW. That barbaric war has only given Hezballah power and a higher amount of influence. You need to understand that the fighters that Israel killed wanted to die defending their country especially against Israel. So lets see what this minor war israel conducted, achieved.
A) More arab hatred toward israel
B)More support for Hezballah
C) Cant forget the US...more hatred
D)higher tensions between the two borders, a recipe for mar wars and innocent deaths

Its very simple, War doesnt avhieve anything but rather inflames things but most importantly kills innocent lives. You need to understand that innocent lives are abit more important than you "FEEL GOOD" factor or just feeling good your on the offensive. Or is it just you dont value the blood of iraqi, afghani or lebanese innoetn lives, the same way you value say an Israeli??? Your stance here please?
Last edited:


Aug 15, 2006
Bayview Heights
54247 said:
Yes i only said saddam was better COMPARED with the current situation in Iraq. Why you may ask even though his a monstrous dictator?... Well simple less innocent were killed under saddam IN RATIO with the 3 years the US has been in there.
The current situation is war and more people are NOT killed under US occupation, comparing a ratio of 4 years of war and 30 years of Saddams rule is it a fair comparison? No matter how hard you tried to justify your support for Saddam's rule, the majority of Iraqis, 19 million Shiite and Kurds prefer Iraq without Saddam Hussein only another 6 million Sunni iraqis support him, including you and a few other people here in this board.

So hang on a sec!! you made a rather valid point saaying how the japanese killed many chinese. But that doesnt bludy mean you drop an attomic weapon on 2 major cities. Are you human? that literally guarantees the deaths of bludy every japanese in that region... innocent japanese. shows how much you value innocent lives. I mean yes it prevents the jap army from continueing there operations but it kills innocent lives. Even till nowadays the families are suffering genetically such as bourne with 1 eye or leg or just lookin in human. Please hows dropping an atomic weapon justifed Ever? i want you stance on this at the same time thinking of better ways in stopping innocent deaths!!?
The answer is how do you justify the killings of tens of millions of civilians in asia by Japanese soldiers, as long as you can justify that I have a billion reasons to justify the use of Atomic weapons. The fact that US actually gave warnings to Japanese people through leaflet means they actually care for innocent lives, comapred to Japanese who invaded neutral countries rape women in millions killings tens of millions without any warnings or reason. And That is what you justify, tens of millions of asian innocent civilians are on my side compared to 200,000 japanese civlians which you think more important. people are born with all shapes of disability, big deal.

The current US foreign policy will always be a magnet for terror attacks from radicals. Why? well israel has a huge part to do with it as the US backs its atrocities in Palestine with weaponry or the atrocoties in lebanon (not just the recent war but all 5 or so barbaric attacks in lebanon.) So alqaeda or whatever group wll obviously want to in one way or another inflict barbaric attacks on either the US or Israel. Thats not to say they are a represenatative of lebanese or palestinian people but they see it as their duty to atleast put up resistance against say the israeli offence force or the Bush war machine however not directly one on one obviously because they would be anialiated so they do such things as flying planes into a building. Now you may ask well why do so many arabs follow these people and dance on the streets when some barbaric attack occurs well simple... they view the US as the supplier of weaponry to israel and allowing it to commit various illegal acts such as occuping land or just simply blowing up a 100's of people at a time.and as EXPHATE said previously wouldnt you want revenge if your mother father son dauter etc etc were killed. Therfore they want revenge on either the US or Israel. So stop posing questions such as what has the US done? because the current administartion are definatelynot angels but rather war loving machines. to the second part of your question. Its bludy obvious Lebanon isnt al quada because they have a democratically elected government who is bludy backed by the US... the sinuora govt. Just because Al qaeda says we want to avenge the US or israel because of what theyve done in lebanon that doesnt mean lebanon now becomes under the sphere of al qeada!? however some may support alqeada simply beacuse of revenge ambitions. But thats bed=sides the point, lebabnon is democratic and isnt under the sphere of alquada.
The Terrorist actions will always be magnet for US and Israeli military actions. Besides, Israel did not attack lebanon in 2001, even if you want to justify Israel bombings of Lebanon for 9/11. Can you tell me what has the US done to Muslims/Al Qaeda to warrant 9/11? It was the muslim terrorists who declared war on US first, NOT the other way around. US attitude towards islamic extremists were basically " Live and let Live" It does not interfere really even if islamic extremists attacks countries such as Russia, India, Thailand. Phillippines, Afghanistan etc. Only after Islamic terrorists attack US target that US decalred war on them. What did Bush administration did before 9/11 to anger muslim terrorists? And Israel did not declare war against lebanon, it declared war against terrorists Hizbollah. Israeli atrocities in Palestine? Are you trying to tell us palestinian suicide bombers are innocent civlians as well? As long as Palestinian commit atrocities against israeli civlians such as bombing bus and cafes, rocket attacks etc Israel will always retaliate with its might and the consequence will always be painful. Would nt Israeli want revenge when their mothers or childrens were blown up by Palestinian suicide bombers, thats it if you justify those revenge attacks by Palestinian.

Bullshit who are you trying to KID. So your basically saying that the US hasnt helped inflame the threat of alquada world wide and that alqeada one handedly gained all this publicity? The second part however is actually quite correct. Terrorist do put forward demands and if they arnt delived they threaten and hope the people in power declare war on them. Thats exactly correct but buy you declaring war on them, your literally submitting to their demands as its the best outcome for them. this is because they dont have value for their lives as their not scared of death secondly they gain publicity and thirdly they gain maaaany people therby growing in force and power resulting in a bigger bludy problem?
Al Qaeda threat to US has been redeuced to the level of nil and there has not been a single attack on US soil, despite numerous attempts by your so called now powerful Al Qaeda. By declaring war is NOT submission as you wish, if US submit to Al Qaeda US will have Islamic Sharia Law and Osama will be the Caliph of the world and that is far from happening. In fact he is so afraid of US soldiers that he is hiding in a cave, yeah a homeless millionaire. Does that mean britain and US submit to Nazi by declaring war on Germany? Does Israel submit to Hizbollah by declaring war on Hizbollah and killing 500+ of terrorists and another 700+ terrorists supporters? Publicity is not a problem in fact they are gaining negative publicity in the west and among many muslims for killing so many innocent muslims. What you suggest, simply sit idle while terrorists run around killing as many people as they want is submission. Yes more people join islamic terrorists because many muslims are religious bigots and they support terrorists actions as long as its in the name of their religion and again a proof that Islam is evil.

Umm afghanistan is far from "reclaimed for normal afghan people". The bludy Taliban is still out in force. And also you make it as if you have a direct dial connect with Osama and you know the type of life he lives for example he was living in luxury at this time but umm now he dislikes his life as his living in caves. WTF... you know shit all about osama. We cant even capture the bloke we dont even know for sure if he's dead or alive we relly on his right hand man to tell us... a very reliable sauce ayyy!!!
Taliban once ruled the whole of Afghanistan with islamic sharia law where women were stoned to death for wearing lipstick thats a YAY for you. Now they do not control any areas and are only underground. They are not eliminated but definitely NOT ruling afghanistan as they once did. Once again, a proof that your support for terrorists supporter Taliban and Islamic extremist Taliban, instead of democratically elected government by the afghan people. Shows what kind of person you really are. Cheering at any gain and success of terrorists!

Please try and be a bit more human WAR doesnt solve shit. You gave an example of how Hitler was deafeated. Well you correct but even till nowadays various germans adore hitler and still see him as ther hero. In my point of view, tahts a loss of the WAR. WAR will Not solve the problem of terrorism simple because these people dont have value for life. How are you supposed to beat an enemy like that especially if waging ar afainst them helps them recruit more.
While Hitler murdered millions of Jews, Poles, Gypsies, Homosexuals, Russians and other slav, declaring war on Hitler and putting his atrocities to an end is not a success? It sounds you want Hitler to rule longer to commit more atrocities just like you wished Saddam Hussein to rule Iraq for more years so that he can murder more shiite and Kurds? Clearly shows once again, while trying to appear as peace lover, failed to see the other side of not fighting a war and made yourself a supporter of vicious dictators and tyrants. If terrorists recruit more, more terrorists will be killed cause we are stronger ;)

Hizballah kidnapped 2 soldiers and what exactly did Israel do... REVENGE. They blow the F*** out of lebanon what for...well... 2 soldiers. and further lots in israel supported the atrocity as they viewed the lebanese as kidnapping 2 of their beloved men and have the aim herting Israel in one way or another. Therefore when the US or Israel start killing ... not kidnapping but killing arab people theirs obviuoslt going to be widespread hatred.
Firstly they did not only kidnap soldiers, they also killed half a dozen? soldiers in the process and also launch rocket attacks on northern Israel. 2ndly if they don't want to be bombed the shit out of them then they should not kidnap , simple as that. Why not live peacefully without kidnappings and respecting eachothers side of borders? And if arabs are supporting terrorists because of that then they are fooling themselves cause more muslim civilians are killed by muslim terrorists whom they supported than Israel or US does .

Hang on why shouldnt they ahve a right to point the finger at the US. The bush administration thoght themselves as cowboys and cound fix the situation. what exactly has happened. Both bludy Iraq and Afghanistan have been drastic failures as in both cases the terror has increased. Now that the US has put itself in the middle it does have a responsibility in fixing the inflamed stuation, geting ridd of terrorists, rebuliding the infrastructure and ummm yeh leaving the oil fields untouched lol.
Only idiots like you would blame Bush administration of barely 6 years old for the corruption of almost 1500 years old arabs culture and 50 years old governments. Corruption is probably ingrained with islam. Calling Afghanistan a failure is a failure for Taliban and terrorists, yeah thats sad for you cause its free from islamic extremisms which you dearly supported. They are no longer ruling ha ha.

Ladies and Gentleman here i have for you, the typical zionist mentality. WOOOOW you killed 500 terrorist blow the country into smithorines destroyed the countries physical environment killed hundreds upon hundreds of civilians and YPU HAVE THE FEEL GOOD FACTOR. well i got some news for you, the HEzballah group is likely to take government soon i bet you, your feeling VERY GOOD NOW. That barbaric war has only given Hezballah power and a higher amount of influence. You need to understand that the fighters that Israel killed wanted to die defending their country especially against Israel. So lets see what this minor war israel conducted, achieved.
A) More arab hatred toward israel
B)More support for Hezballah
C) Cant forget the US...more hatred
D)higher tensions between the two borders, a recipe for mar wars and innocent deaths

Its very simple, War doesnt avhieve anything but rather inflames things but most importantly kills innocent lives. You need to understand that innocent lives are abit more important than you "FEEL GOOD" factor or just feeling good your on the offensive. Or is it just you dont value the blood of iraqi, afghani or lebanese innoetn lives, the same way you value say an Israeli??? Your stance here please?
Ha ha typical islamic terrorist mentality, supporting tyrants such as Saddam Hussein and Hitler, supporting terrorists such as Al Qaeda and Hizbollah. If feels good obliterating hizbollah terrorists with 500 pound bunker buster especially those who cheer Allah fukbar 5 times everyday.

Answering your predictions

A. Arabs already hates Israel at the maximum level of hatred. So much so that they begin to glorify Hitler.

B.More Support for Hizbollah is NOT a problem as long as Hizbollah does not attack Israel, if they attack, maybe another 1200 dead lebs on the list ;)

C. Hating US only makes your ownlife miserable, like it or not US is here to stay powerful and rule the world at least for this generation.

D. War always brings more death to arabs than to Israelis, then if they want more death; they can declare war anytime. feel free to get battred and bitchslapped by cute hot sexy israeli soldiers once again. :rofl:

It feels good to be on the offensive side than suffering at the hands of islamic terrorists, its fun to make them run, to make them cry and to make them feel hopeless. I do respect innocent civlians of Afghans, Iraqis and that is why I suport a war to give them freedom and to put an end to years of tyranny by Saddam and Taliban which you supported. While you clearly does not respect innocent civlians of Iraq by supporting terrorists who killed them and Saddam Hussein who killed more Iraqis than anyone else.


May 19, 2006
" As long as Palestinian commit atrocities against israeli civlians such as bombing bus and cafes, rocket attacks etc Israel will always retaliate with its might and the consequence will always be painful. Would nt Israeli want revenge when their mothers or childrens were blown up by Palestinian suicide bombers, thats it if you justify those revenge attacks by Palestinian."

You missed a step... If Israeil is illegally occupying any part of Palestine, making 'jew' only roads setting check points at will (on palestinian territory) doing some of their sniper practises on children or tesing their plane missiles on random palestinian villages then obviously people that is palestinians have nothing to live for. This will result in them commiting extreme acts. Its pretty useless in promoting domocracy in Israel when they dont practise what they preach. You need to concentrate on the actions rather than listening to words. As long as israel continues to opress palestinians then people will do extrem things such as blowing up themselves!! obviuosly due to extreme oppression For people who are interested in the way Israelis treat normal palestinian citizens and knowing the other sie of the story i seriously suggest you watch 'GAZA STRIP' by James Longley. It isnt influenced by any pro
zionist lobby groups thus showing the absolute truth.

"Israel did not declare war against lebanon, it declared war against terrorists Hizbollah."

Well if that was the case then why did they literally bomb the shit out of Christian cities who in no way support shiate hezballah or Sunni villages who also arent linked with hezballah? I dont know if you know this but theres a concept of "actions speak louder than words" You seem to take words over actioans which truly shows an indoctrinated mind. Yes Israel declared war on Hezballah but their actions were muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuch more than that.

"Yes more people join islamic terrorists because many muslims are religious bigots and they support terrorists actions as long as its in the name of their religion and again a proof that Islam is evil."

Shows how intellectual you are lol. You see the religon is very peaceful but it is radicals who make it seem be evil. When you have very oppresive bodies such as Israel in palestine then as ive mentioned before, people will look to extremes as they have nothing to live for. This is either due to their families being illegally kept in jail by Israel or their family all slaughtered or the israelis just amking life too hard by randomly announcing that no one is to leave their home today. It is that reason why peopl join radical groups... because of the Nazi like oppression not because of the religion. I mean look at all mjor religions, Christianing, Islam, Judaism and hindus. All of them are very peaceful when followed properly. Bu if we parrallel them with say various acts then obviously, it is an invention tot he religion and isnt truly part of it. This includes Alqeada, thats defiantely noy islamic or the MAJORITY of Israel because thats definately...definately not peaceful and for christianity say the catholic massacres thats definately not christianity.

"Only idiots like you would blame Bush administration of barely 6 years old for the corruption of almost 1500 years old arabs culture and 50 years old governments. Corruption is probably ingrained with islam. Calling Afghanistan a failure is a failure for Taliban and terrorists, yeah thats sad for you cause its free from islamic extremisms which you dearly supported. They are no longer ruling ha ha."

Thats not what i was talking about. I acknowledged that theires a huge corruption problem in arab countries. But if Bush thought that he can fix the drastic problems then if we look so far at THE ACTIONS well its far from working. Therfore due to the US's fault of escalating the situation in both countries then its actually now their obligation to atleast reaturn some sustainable peace in those countries. With regards to Afghan and lets also include Iraq, are you actually saying that its not a failure for the US. Please its not the Zionist menatlity of not hacking loss... sorry but the bludy secretary of defence, GATES admits that the US is at a loss. But as in you can still believe your winning, tahst fine by me atleast i'de know how indoctrinated and up your self you are. lol

"Firstly they did not only kidnap soldiers, they also killed half a dozen? soldiers in the process and also launch rocket attacks on northern Israel. 2ndly if they don't want to be bombed the shit out of them then they should not kidnap , simple as that. Why not live peacefully without kidnappings and respecting eachothers side of borders?"

You see you keep missing a step thinking that Israel is an angel. Hezballah kidnapped soldiers because the Israeli offece force illegaly hold hundreds of lebanese citizens... ill say that again Illegally. So if Israel wants to live peacefully then if they return their illegal detainees than who knows peace will finally be on the agenda. However the media never shows how israel illegally kidnaps soldiers which maybe explaind why many people cant understand why hezballah commited such acts. All i can say is that the current menatlity of the Israeli admin will never achieve peace.

"Ha ha typical islamic terrorist mentality, supporting tyrants such as Saddam Hussein and Hitler, supporting terrorists such as Al Qaeda and Hizbollah. If feels good obliterating hizbollah terrorists with 500 pound bunker buster especially those who cheer Allah fukbar 5 times everyday."

How many times do i have to repeat myself. Fund me one post where ive simply acknowldged say Hitler or saddam without also criticising or only preffered them when their would be less innocent killed (eg saddam in iraq compared with the US). Also youve got in wrong. Hezballah is a ligit resistance. The only reason you call them terrorist is because there currently the only organisation that has given the Israeli offence force a bit of a a shaking. By the way is that the Ship (on you signature) which needed to be toed away LOL. And to that second part, you basically admitted that you wouldnt mind blowing up every muslim. You typcal zionist. I still dont understand why? Can you tell me why Zionist people wish to slaughter every muslim on the planet?

"A. Arabs already hates Israel at the maximum level of hatred. So much so that they begin to glorify Hitler.
B.More Support for Hizbollah is NOT a problem as long as Hizbollah does not attack Israel, if they attack, maybe another 1200 dead lebs on the list
C. Hating US only makes your ownlife miserable, like it or not US is here to stay powerful and rule the world at least for this generation.
D. War always brings more death to arabs than to Israelis, then if they want more death; they can declare war anytime. feel free to get battred and bitchslapped by cute hot sexy israeli soldiers once again. "

A) Incorrect, we dont glorify hitler but we parrallel hitlers actions with the way Israelis are treating arab neigbours
B) As long as Israel continue to illegally hold the sheba farms (part of lebanons terriory) and hold hundreds of lebanese soldiers then that is a legitimate right to atack. As in if that happened to our citizens here in Aus or the US or Israel then obviously their will be a response in one way or another. Stop holding double standards making at as if lebanese citizens are a class below us here in the west. geeez!!!
C) I love the US, are you menatlly insane. I just hate the Bush administration and that view is held widely here in Aus and also in the US. thankgod his admin is out in 2 years. Sorry i can understand currently how your upset over Bush's loss. I feel for you.. lol
D) Showing again how you value human lives. Its as if your playing say a playstation game.. "well atleast more arabs get killed" like what the hell. Are you barbaric or WHAT. I hope your the extrem of zionism and not the moderate. LOL
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