you see d1ngo, the gods are restless and have cast a reign of post stuff ups upon the ants... any rate, although reality is a construct, how can ants possibly say it is purely their own, for ants are part of a network designed to promote structure and unity. This is the only way in which one ant can believe that they have power over the rest, in that if they fail, the systme fails...
...yet as you have so rightly pointed out, it is possible for an ant to remove themselves from tehe colony and escape to their own twisted sense of self, of the real, but they do not and cannot gain power from this...
...infact, they deny themselves any chance of communal power they once may have had by separating from the bonds which tied them to other ants...
...thus either way, the ant has no hope of power, as part of a group, it loses power by having to rely on the group and conform to structure, yet as an individual it is bound by the limitations of individuality, rejected by the colony and thus can never have power over it...
...the only chance for the ant to gain power is to rise above the status of ant to the level of, say, spider - a being that relies on the ants, but can survive alone...
...this the ant cannot do, for the design and purpose of the ant is a communal one, the rise of one ant brings the rise of the rest, and so they are again expressing the traits of the ant unit... ant can only rise in status if the collective colony no longer sees them as an ant, thus society creates a new reality, however tainted it may be. The problem is that your reality is just that, for you and you only, thus it could never be accepted socially...
...the ants quarrel and ultimatly never acheive a higher purpose, thus securing teh role of the spider as the higher being, the ants do nothing to challenge, as they call it, 'the powers that be'...