The liberal party is a broad church which has a place for people of many different beliefs.
It is a conservative party, so it is true that there is no point joining if your main agenda is promoting gay marriage or saving the rainforest - as alex hawke says, the liberal party is not for you. But the problem exists is where people join the liberal party for a core reason (i.e. economic policy, individualism etc) and dont share the same social policy beliefs of people like Clarke. These people who join for non social policy reasons may be substatially more moderate than Clarke and the right wing faction.
Whilst there would be no place for these people to come in and change the entire focus of the Liberal party - they should still be entitled to keep the far right in check. If they didn't do that, as someone said earlier, the liberal party wouldn't be where it is today. As Robert Menzies once said, the Liberal Party is for all australians, not just the people who vote for them, but those who vote against them. Unfortunately some of these Far Right beliefs dont hold check with the australian population. Some do, but many dont.
i guess when clarke stitches up another branch, its taking away that voice. But in all respect to clarke, he's doing nothing which wasn't done by the groupers.