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The MQ Get Healthy/Study Thread (2 Viewers)

Apr 3, 2004
Hello all,

This is a support thread for Macquarie University students wishing to loose weight/tone up in a HEALTHY way, whilst at the same time studying hard so we all pass our exams. Please do not feel pressured at any time to post up specific details. It's the process that we're here to focus on and help each other through :)

Non-MQers are welcome to pop in and give support/advice, but otherwise this support thread is for MQers only - sorry! (if this ends up not working we'll take it to a blog page or something)

Here are some questions you may like to answer – feel free to add your own!

1) How many kilos (approx) to get down to ideal weight?
2) Reasons for being at current state
3) Why I want to loose weight
4) How I plan to loose weight
5) Subjects being studied at MQ (for potential studdybuddy purposes)
6) Academic goals
7) How I plan to get my marks up

I’ll start.

How many kilos (approx) to get down to ideal weight: Ideally I’d like to loose at least 2-3 kilos… now, this may not SOUND like much, but you haven’t met my body yet. It HATES loosing weight and has never lost more than 1kg in its entire life. Additionally, I want to gain back a lot of the muscle mass I’m sure I’ve lost over the last few years, so I want to do a kind of gain muscle/loose fat thing.

Also, I’ve put on some curves (lol, I’m more than an A-cup now) since the HSC that I’d really like to keep! I know that I can’t be selective and keep some curves over others, but I would like to tone up.

Reasons for being at current state: Combination of decreased physical activity and genetics. I never had curves until after my HSC – then BAM! There they were. Training and work (I’m a dance teacher) keeps things under control, but I feel it could be better and that I need to establish regular exercise into my life for the long-term.

Why I want to loose weight: I’m pretty petite and have a naturally high waist, so the more I put on, the less waist I have. Also, because I’m small it’s really really obvious when I gain weight I’d also like to get some of my strength/flexibility back, so the sooner I get into regular exercise (rather than relying on training/work) the better.

I was never a somewhat curvy person up till my HSC year/a little bit after. I do like my new curves, but at the same time (probably dancer mentality here) some days I’ll look at my waist and feel really bad that it’s not as slim as it used to be/that I’m getting fat/as a dancer I'm supposed to be thinner etc etc. Of course, I never do too much about this :( So this time, I’d like to. Enough of moping around doing nothing!

How I plan to loose weight: I think my eating habits are pretty healthy, but I definitely want to incorporate stretching/strengthening at home every day or second day. I also need to rack up the willpower to do cardio more often – if at all! So essentially - I want to get regular exercise happening. I don't care how little or much it is (short-term, anyway) so long as I make it a habit!

Subjects being studied at MQ: Semester 1 - ARTS210, ENGL218, SOC289 and BBA250.

Academic goals: I’m supposed to maintain a credit average. I’m not sure that’ll happen, but I think I’ll still need a 2.5 GPA. This semester has been totally spoiling me with a lack of assessments up till about now – lazing around for so long means I’m quite behind (VERY behind for BBA250) and I need to get more of a move-on. I’m a terrible procrastinator!!

How I plan to get my marks up:
Stop procrastinating. Start assessments at least a week before they're due. Don't rely one all-nighters the night before. Start listening to BBA250 ilectures NOW!!! lol.

PS: Ha, when I find my camera I'll have a "before" photo of me taken and posted up :p Then I'll take a photo of my desk for the MQ desk thread,, and then some of my room for the F&L forum...
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the name's Anne!
Mar 3, 2003
Re: The MQ weightloss/marks gain Support Thread!

1) How many kilos (approx) to get down to ideal weight?

To get to my ideal weight range for my height, charts say I need to lose 9kgs, however I want to lose at least another 11-13kgs. I'm being realistic about it though. I know I can't nor do I want to lose 9kgs before exams are over. During this point in time to the end of June, I would like to lose 3-4kgs. Come July holidays I plan to get my ass into gear and go double time and burn off as much as possible before uni starts up again.

2) Reasons for being at current state- I've always been on the overweight side growing up, sometimes only just a lil but at one point in time at my largest i was 19kgs overweight :'(, I've recently just lost 9-10kgs so I'm halfway there. Can I just rant on that the second half of the stage is friggen the hard!

3) Why I want to lose weight- I want to look hot for my 21st lol OH and for Mexico next year! HAHAHA But mostly coz i want to feel good about myself. However the most important reason is seriously that my family have big history with Type 2 diabetes, every second person on my mother's side has it... and there's no way I want to get that.

4) How I plan to lose weight- hour of cardio and hour of weight training most nights plus very low carbs in the evening. Come July I'ma learn all about the calorie counting thing... apparently its very useful to know. It was used on the biggest loser and Fiona endorses it so much.

5) Subjects being studied at MQ (for potential studdybuddy purposes)

PSY307, PSY222, BBA207, ACST101

6) Academic goals- I would seriously love to get two credits and two distinctions this semester to bring up my gpa back up to 3.35 but thats not going to happen. So I'm hoping for a pass, credit, distinction, distinction.

Current GPA 2.77 (after 2 fails :()

7) How I plan to get my marks up- I've made a timetable for everyday leading into the exams. I've got a template calander that you guys can use too :) Macquers- non macquers feel free to use it to organise your time.

As for before and after photos, everyone already knows what I look like now (well most Macquers do anywho) .... once I get down to the goal weight, I shall post before and after photos)


Apr 16, 2006
Re: The MQ weightloss/marks gain Support Thread!

Okay here goes..

How many kilos (approx) to get down to ideal weight? Ideal weight would be 51 kilos.. however I will be happy to be back at 54kgs So I need to loose 4kgs

Reasons for being at current state To be honest, it is simply comes down to the fact that i have not excercised since November last year, well i have not kept a routine would be a more accurate reason.

Why I want to loose weight I want to fit back into most of my clothes!! and I would like to have more energy.

How I plan to loose weight - Reduce the intake of chocoalte into my body! that should be fine as I already do the whole apple a day, and 3L of water i just consume way too many hot chocolates and lindt squares.

Subjects being studied at MQ (for potential studdybuddy purposes)
MKTG 101 and SOC175... which in a few months will then be BBA111 and STAT170

Academic goals - To get through Uni as quick as possible given that I am only doing two subjects a semester. So 2009 if I manage to squeeze one extra subject in somewhere.

How I plan to get my marks up To acutally do my assignments at least three days before they are due, I'm hoping I can soon break this habbit!!!
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Inside The Hollow
Jan 20, 2004
Re: The MQ weightloss/marks gain Support Thread!

ok i thought about it and its not that i want to lose weight (although i do want to), my main thing is that i just gotta change my eating habits. i.e. no more boredom eating, and no more choc+junk binges. thats what kiiiills it and i think im gaining like half a kilo a day argh.


Active Member
Feb 12, 2004
Re: The MQ weightloss/marks gain Support Thread!

Most snacking occurs because you havent eaten the right amounts of food during lunch/dinner and most commonly not having breakfast.
Apr 3, 2004
Re: The MQ weightloss/marks gain Support Thread!

Whoo! I did marketing 101 and BBA111. Both are easy to pass, just a matter of a little rote-learning the night before :)

Well girls, I got my start tonight! I did about 10-15 mins of dance/cardio to warm up, then I did equivalent of 64 situps (I did about 36, but since the vertebrae of my neck are currently inflammed it hurt to much to do any more - so I did some pilates exercises instead :)). I also spent about 10-15 mins practicing my kicks, and stretching... haven't done that in ages, holy mother of chocolate I didn't realise my calf muscles had gotten that bad! lol

Thanks to that catchy "hips don't lie" song by Wyclef and Shakira song I saw on a music channel, I'll probably be downloading/burning that song and doing some bellydancing to it later to work on my abs a bit more.

But for now... I am going to start catching up on BBA250, and then maybe I will have the know-how to start working on my BBA250 assessment that is due next week!!!! *looks at clock* oh no... it's midnight and I have a dance class tomorrow morning...! Ummm.... *tries to think of solution* ok. I'm going to write out week 3's BBA questions and take them and the BBA textbook tomorrow with me to do on the train to and from class. :)

bscienceboi said:
Most snacking occurs because you havent eaten the right amounts of food during lunch/dinner and most commonly not having breakfast.
Alternatively it could be that she has a really fast metabolism :)

I've been increasing my snacking and downsizing my "meals" over the last few months to help kick-start my metabolism. But you have to make sure that what you're snacking on is decent stuff, and yes - you MUST have breakfast!
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the name's Anne!
Mar 3, 2003
Re: The MQ weightloss/marks gain Support Thread!


I went to uni, handed in an assignment, went to class, skipped 3 hours of psy222 lectures and met up with my group for bba207. Went home had dinner, went to the gym.

Breakfast: Steamed chicken and bok choy for breakfast (lol yes i know im weird)
Lunch: steamed chicken, cheese sandiwch on multigrain bread
Dinner: Steamed chicken, tofu and english spinach
Snacks: Had a handful of peanuts and i sucked on a few peices of candy :s

30 mins on treadmill, 40 minutes on cross trainer 800 calories burnt with a dodgy effort of around 20 minuntes doing some resistance training whilst watching sweet home alabama on the gym tv :s my bad

Bloody tired from night before doing case study for bba207, I am now doing assignment 8 for acst101. I have work tommorow at 8am and it looks like I'm not going to finish tonight if I want to be fresh tommorow (doing psy222 assignment at uni after work) So looks like I'll be doing it at work tomz


Breathe and Stop
May 11, 2004
Re: The MQ weightloss/marks gain Support Thread!

clairegirl said:

I went to uni, handed in an assignment, went to class, skipped 3 hours of psy222 lectures and met up with my group for bba207. Went home had dinner, went to the gym.

Breakfast: Steamed chicken and bok choy for breakfast (lol yes i know im weird)
Lunch: steamed chicken, cheese sandiwch on multigrain bread
Dinner: Steamed chicken, tofu and english spinach
Snacks: Had a handful of peanuts and i sucked on a few peices of candy :s

30 mins on treadmill, 40 minutes on cross trainer 800 calories burnt with a dodgy effort of around 20 minuntes doing some resistance training whilst watching sweet home alabama on the gym tv :s my bad

Bloody tired from night before doing case study for bba207, I am now doing assignment 8 for acst101. I have work tommorow at 8am and it looks like I'm not going to finish tonight if I want to be fresh tommorow (doing psy222 assignment at uni after work) So looks like I'll be doing it at work tomz
I would think that you won't really be burning fat. It seems like you aren't burning fat, but your lean muscle for energy! Especially with over an hour of cardio with lowish carbohydrate intake.

The optimal time is 45 mins. Anything over, and it isn't really "worth it". Diminishing Marginal Returns, if you remember from ECON. ;)


Apr 16, 2006
Re: The MQ weightloss/marks gain Support Thread!

Well your definately better than me, if you would like to my daily diet it is as follows
Breakfast: Two pieces of toast with vegemite and a hot choc
Lunch: BBQ Pizza @ Inferno - Farewell for an employee
Dinner: Cherry Ripe and Freddo Frog
Snacks: Apple


nil - but tomorrow i will hopefully remember to report back and let you know

p.s Friday's are always my Fat Days.. I'm normally much better from Saturday to Thursday!!


Inside The Hollow
Jan 20, 2004
Re: The MQ weightloss/marks gain Support Thread!

redruM said:
I would think that you won't really be burning fat. It seems like you aren't burning fat, but your lean muscle for energy! Especially with over an hour of cardio with lowish carbohydrate intake.

The optimal time is 45 mins. Anything over, and it isn't really "worth it". Diminishing Marginal Returns, if you remember from ECON. ;)
reeaally.... lol i told my friend that i treadmill for 40 mins and he goes that im gonna get fat thighs cuz thats too short lol.

and glitterfairy and clairegirl you did so well today:).... well errrmmm... i walked for an hour up and down the street lol... welll i need to spend my time studying for my test tomorrow so tahts my excuse lol.... but my fooding was bad... but tomorrow is another day to try again!

oh yeh! i also dumbelled yay
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Active Member
Feb 12, 2004
Re: The MQ weightloss/marks gain Support Thread!

Thats a lot of chicken.


Breathe and Stop
May 11, 2004
Re: The MQ weightloss/marks gain Support Thread!

pb said:
reeaally.... lol i told my friend that i treadmill for 40 mins and he goes that im gonna get fat thighs cuz thats too short lol.

and glitterfairy and clairegirl you did so well today:).... well errrmmm... i walked for an hour up and down the street lol... welll i need to spend my time studying for my test tomorrow so tahts my excuse lol.... but my fooding was bad... but tomorrow is another day to try again!
Just "40 mins" is vague....It is best to have your heart rate at 85% of your maximum (220 - age). You burn more fat this way. 40 mins walking at a comfortable pace, might give you more muscle development, rather than fat burn. You can only do 1 at a time.


Active Member
Feb 12, 2004
Re: The MQ weightloss/marks gain Support Thread!

Yeah theres a scale. At a particular age you must have a constant heart rate of so-or-so to be burning fat. They've got it on all the Fitness First machines.


the name's Anne!
Mar 3, 2003
Re: The MQ weightloss/marks gain Support Thread!

redruM said:
I would think that you won't really be burning fat. It seems like you aren't burning fat, but your lean muscle for energy! Especially with over an hour of cardio with lowish carbohydrate intake.

The optimal time is 45 mins. Anything over, and it isn't really "worth it". Diminishing Marginal Returns, if you remember from ECON. ;)

"You begin to burn more fat than carbohydrates after 20 minutes. Because of this, shorter cardio sessions are best for maintaining your current weight, while longer sessions are best for losing weight" -meaning carbs are used as the body's immediate source of energy, when you excercise you burn carbs first then your fat.

If your goal is to burn as much bodyfat as you can, 2-5 hours of cardio PER WEEK will be sufficient. Your sessions should be 40-60 minutes in length. Yes i went over by like 10 minutes but i didn't want to go home and do assignments plus i was having fun alright! lol

Protein+resistance training= keep ur muscles

However advice taken thanx RedRum, my carb in-take is a bit low. I got off the low-carb diet ages (did it for like 2 weeks hahaha) but some days i still feel myself eating that way unconciously. Btw you can get carbs from everything, fibrous vegetables, lollies etc. Although I think I should eat more complex carbs (ones with high glycemic sp? index) ... advice taken redRum, i shall incorporate more carbs into my diet tommorow, the complex kind :)

ps: the quotey thingies i just googled just then as im too tired to explain myself lol, they come from here http://www.topendsports.com/fitness/weightloss-cardio.htm

Edit: *Oh yeah thanx redRum, when i post my "day", anyone please feel free to critique my day.. it's really helpful :)*
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Inside The Hollow
Jan 20, 2004
Re: The MQ weightloss/marks gain Support Thread!

you should eat more carbs with a low glycemic index, not high

but with all the heart rate and exercise times and stuff... soooo much i didn't know ... so i gotta keep that in mind when im treadmilling tomorrow :)


the name's Anne!
Mar 3, 2003
Re: The MQ weightloss/marks gain Support Thread!

pb said:
you should eat more carbs with a low glycemic index, not high

but with all the heart rate and exercise times and stuff... soooo much i didn't know ... so i gotta keep that in mind when im treadmilling tomorrow :)
heheh yeh sorry my bad, low GI :p


Premium Member
Nov 13, 2002
Re: The MQ weightloss/marks gain Support Thread!

1) How many kilos (approx) to get down to ideal weight? 5-10, perhaps 15 wouldn't be bad?
2) Reasons for being at current state...I'm Lazy, duh?
3) Why I want to loose weight...Cos I know I should
4) How I plan to loose weight...By buying a Nintendo Wii and waving my hands about...seriously no idea.
5) Subjects being studied at MQ (for potential studdybuddy purposes)...Check my sig
6) Academic goals...Looking to get into honours for Media...3.0 GPA hmm
7) How I plan to get my marks up...By turning up to lectures...fuck


Inside The Hollow
Jan 20, 2004
Re: The MQ weightloss/marks gain Support Thread!

1) How many kilos (approx) to get down to ideal weight? 3
2) Reasons for being at current state: I used to be such a good eater :(... but now, boredom eating is a habit and have recently gained a LOT
3) Why I want to lose weight: i'm getting fatter and fatterrr.... ergh. lol first i gotta stop gaining weight =|
4) How I plan to lose weight: stop eating when im bored. Go to the library and study from now on, so that i don't go looking for food to procrastinate
5) Subjects being studied at MQ (for potential studdybuddy purposes): ACCG310, ACCG200, BUSL301
6) Academic goals: Pass everything this sem... atm, im not really on the way to that
7) How I plan to get my marks up: Go to the uni library everyday for the rest of the sem and start catching up (its only that library that i dont get distracted in)
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New Member
May 9, 2006
Re: The MQ weightloss/marks gain Support Thread!

hi guys....this thread is far more interesting than my plea for PSY222 help :sleep:
okily dokily here's my stats for anyone who's remotely interested:
1) How many kilos (approx) to get down to ideal weight? 2kgs. i'm 5'3" tall (about 160cm I think) and weigh 51kg now, I'm actually almost at my ideal weight of 49kg - yippeeeeeee
2) Reasons for being at current state: I am good at disciplining my eating habits and upping the water etc but exercise.....huh? who can be stuffed (sorry)
3) Why I want to lose weight: i'm happiest as a size 8, most of my clothes are size 8 (too poor to restock wardrobe in any other size), my partner is one of those annoying men who eat eat eat what they want yet stay supermodel thin....argh!!!!! so I feel happier (sad I know) if we're skinny together....
4) How I plan to lose weight: lots of water, lots of strong coffee (diuretic, appetite suppressant - for me anyway), and lots of discipline. I've retrained my appetite and eating habits - eating half sized meals etc. I've also switched to glutenfree and strangely enough feel so much better for it (too much info....) but the lack of wheat and bread etc makes so much difference! plus the usual - low/no fat, zero/fake sugar blah blah blah.....it's worked so far for the past 5 kilos so yippee!! like i said i am no fan of exercise (though I have an exercise bike and use it every day or two for 10 mins to keep my hips from seizing up from the arthritis they have.....)
5) Subjects being studied at MQ (for potential studdybuddy purposes): PSY222 and PSY234 I am part-time BAPsychDipEd - work part-time in disability and have 2 kids (eeeeek am I boring now? sorry....i'm only 34 so hopefully not TOO old to join the discussion :p)
6) Academic goals: Credit or better in PSY234 and pass PSY222 - hence my plea for help in another (clearly unenticing) thread
7) How I plan to get my marks up: prob start getting up at the crack of dawn to squeeze in an hour or two study before the daily grind....it's bloody cold at 5am - where's my coffee!!!???


Active Member
Oct 5, 2003
Re: The MQ weightloss/marks gain Support Thread!

u got 2 kids and only weigh 49 kgs ?! ur awesome.....daym i have no kids n i weigh more than u :(

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