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The MQ Get Healthy/Study Thread (2 Viewers)


Apr 16, 2006
Re: The MQ weightloss/marks gain Support Thread!

Well todays diet failed... it was great until 5pm this afternoong

Breaky - Juice and Toast
Lunch - Veges and Grilled Chicken

Snack - this is the bad part 1/2 block of Cadbury Choc - (Family Size) Oops... I warned you all i had a chocolate problem...

Please help !!!

I better get back to this essay - Due Monday!


the name's Anne!
Mar 3, 2003
Re: The MQ weightloss/marks gain Support Thread!

mserica said:
Well todays diet failed... it was great until 5pm this afternoong

Breaky - Juice and Toast
Lunch - Veges and Grilled Chicken

Snack - this is the bad part 1/2 block of Cadbury Choc - (Family Size) Oops... I warned you all i had a chocolate problem...

Please help !!!

I better get back to this essay - Due Monday!
what did you have for dinner? It seems like you like to eat chocolate at night ... seems like your body craves sugar/carbs at night.

As a first step why don't you try to cut your chocolate in-take... instead of binging on half a block of family sized chocolate!! hahaha :p don't worry im the same sometimes..why don't you try cutting down to 4 squares. I know that might seem like omg :s

but if you have your chocolate with some fruit... 4 squares can go a LONG way.

Afterwhile try having a proper dinner, veggies, meat and if you want some carbs (potato or rice) and then have a peice of fruit after for dinner.


the name's Anne!
Mar 3, 2003
Re: The MQ weightloss/marks gain Support Thread!

Today 13/5/06 Saturday

Okay so today didn't go so well.

Overall: Worked, went to the library, came home watched south park and continued on with an assignment, turned down going to Pj's with friends from work/didn't goto the mothers day thing at my mums church/ not going to poker night at a friends place :( i hate uni!

Excercise: Nil :S:S (the night isn't over so i might just do 10 mins on treadmill before i goto bed or maybe not im buggered!

Breakfast- woke up late, so somewhat tried to eat before i left for work, half a peice of toast with cheese.

Lunch: Tuna, alphafa sprouts (sp?) with a boiled egg on multigrain with magarine bread (yes i know im weird lol)

Dinner: OMG i ruined it! I came home and the nighbours brang over food coz they're having a party... I ate soo much :(

2 chicken wings, 4 spoonfuls of pasta with cheese, some casarole, and like a steak! HAHAHAHA STUPID PARTY FOOD! arrgh



Ooooh I went good! Started two assignments yesterday and I think I'll be done with both of them in 30 minutes! :D One's not due till June 1st and the other isn't due till wednesday :D Go me!


Apr 16, 2006
Re: The MQ weightloss/marks gain Support Thread!

No dinner.... i woke up at 12 then brunch at 1ish... then had dinner at around 4ish then attacked the chocolate!!!

My main problem is that when i sit and do study i have to hve chocolate or nuts...or fruit.. as it is shopping day today and i didnt make it cuase i slept in then well there is no fruit an no nuts..(I always have a supply of chocolate in the downstairs cupboard) hence i attacked that.

I once decided that a block of chocoalte a day was getting out of control so I went on a chocolate detox and it worked for about three months but then slowly i go back to the block a day.. at the moment im at 1/2 a block... so i decided i will start the chocolate detox again as of 7.28pm today

Thanks for ur support!!! I'll let you know how the detox goes!

SuGa BunI =D

broken doo dooo booo
Aug 2, 2004
Scumville of P.......
Re: The MQ weightloss/marks gain Support Thread!

for the past 2 days, i ate:

- 1 strawberry thickshake from macca
- 4 ciggies
- 7 bottles of 600ML water
- rice with tofu & small amount chicken for dinner

don’t get me wrong, im not on any diet, im sick, red meat intolerant& suffering malfunctioning digestive system
Apr 3, 2004
Re: The MQ weightloss/marks gain Support Thread!

There are a number of muscle-related issues commonly found amongst dancers, these include muscles such as the trapezius and latissimus dorsi being constantly tensed, or as dancers say - "turned on". The former occurs because of the "shoulders back, shoulders down" technique taught during training, and whilst it causes perenially tight muscles is for the most part ignored. The latter is used on a daily basis for the maintanance of correct posture and when used regularly, can become quite strong over time.

Of course, if you don't work on it regularly for several months and then decide to gleefully throw yourself into a low/moderately hardcore dance workout, you do what I did. And that is to be almost unable to get yourself out of bed because you are in AGONY. Had to roll/hobble out of bed. I couldn't arch/contract/twist my back at all... (putting on my shoes was hard :( ) hot shower didn't help. :( Can you say "dammit, dammit, dammit!" like the way I did this morning? (which was frequently :p)

memo to anyone else planning on starting/increasing your stretching and/or strengthening routine: Take it in gradual steps, and for the love of chocolate know what your capabilities are!!!

But anyway. I left the house at 8:30 to feed my dance teacher's cats on my way to dance class. Had 2 crumpets, small piece of chocolate (gift, it was like 2 squares - you know, those snack size ones) and a glass of milk there. Then left for flamenco in Newtown.

Now, you'd think by now that my "cleverness meter" had gone up a bit since my stupidity last night. But oh no. We were talking about working on flamenco posture in class (that 'arms behind head, bust out!' thing) and also talking about exercises we could do to help achieve a better line. I suggested doing bridges, and when they didn't know what it was I very cleverly forgot I had a stuffed up back and went straight into one. Stupid girl. I thought the whole thing was going to cramp up when I got back up (at least, it felt that way). Stupid, stupid, stupid.

The next part of Lynn's Painful Adventures involved all that armwork that is part of flamenco ("brazio" I think, although my spanish is basically non-existent, so just nod and pretend you know what I'm talking about :p). There's a certain amount of tension put into the arms in dance to achieve an "active" line, and after about 20 seconds you just want to let them drop because they are so sore! But of course, you can't do it. And so you end up with something like this: Strong arms! Extend the line! Shoulders back! Shoulders down! Suck the tummy in! Butt in! Turnout!

And if you think this sounds fun, it's even better with castanets (pi ta ria ria for all those wanting to try it at home - it's the sevillanas rhythm) where you have to keep in time, juggle footwork, and make it look like you're not concentrating too hard even though you really are :p. Multitasking on a whole new level, I swear!

Class finished at 1pm. I skipped my usual afternoon snack of a chocolate croissant (because I know it's unhealthy! Go me!) but due to trains being blah at Newtown, only got to Hornsby around 3 something. Bought a mother's day pressie and 2 sushi rolls, but didn't eat them till about 4 something when I'd got home. And no, the whole 7-8 hours without eating isn't a regular thing, and it wasn't planned! I normally start feeling sick if I don't eat something every 4-5 hours.

Just came back from watching a musical, and just ate something :) Yay!

EDIT: Sympathy is welcomed, I always feel really miserable whenever I'm injured because it means I can no longer randomly bounce around and do whatever energetic crazy things I want :(


Breakfast: 2 crumpets, small piece of chocolate and glass of milk
Dinner: 2 tuna sushi rolls
err... second dinner? Some white rice noodle thing

Exercise: Two-hour flamenco class. Not going to do anything more because my neck and back are still screwed up.

Study: Read some engl218 on the train. I know it's not enough... and I'm going shopping tomorrow too! :O But I have to start up again tomorrow night - I have an assess for SOC due wed (easy) but an ugly, big fat BBA250 one (which I haven't even started yet because I feel so overwhelmed and scared because I'm not sure I understand and hence hesitant to start) due thursday.
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Jun 23, 2004
Re: The MQ weightloss/marks gain Support Thread!

1) How many kilos (approx) to get down to ideal weight? lol like 20
2) Reasons for being at current state: always been "big boned" but always been very good at sport and sport has come to a close for a while plus im just not motivated to swim train
3) Why I want to lose weight: er to look better and be healthier and be able to look good in skinnies
4) How I plan to lose weight: my parents r going away for a month at the end of the month so its just me at home n a mates moving in and we r going on optifast this all milkshake diet stuff plus daddies hiring niki and al a treadmill for a month and together i rekon we can motivate each other - we r gunna put signs up around the house saying SAY NO TO FOOD and signs on the cupboards "DO YOU WANT TO BE FAT? NO THEN GO AWAY" and stuff just to motivate each other to stick to the diet, its like an extreme weightloss thing so i should loose like 3-4 kgs a week which is wat my mates have from being on it and plus with the treadmill there im gunna go nuts!!
5) Subjects being studied at MQ (for potential studdybuddy purposes): MAS104, Eng120 pol 165 n lin109
6) Academic goals: pass this stuff and get into arts (doing the non award thingi)
7) How I plan to get my marks up: go to my tutes and ask wen i dont understad stuff, actually do my readings and do well in my 2nd essays!


the name's Anne!
Mar 3, 2003
Re: The MQ weightloss/marks gain Support Thread!

nixy_00 said:
1) How many kilos (approx) to get down to ideal weight? lol like 20
2) Reasons for being at current state: always been "big boned" but always been very good at sport and sport has come to a close for a while plus im just not motivated to swim train
3) Why I want to lose weight: er to look better and be healthier and be able to look good in skinnies
4) How I plan to lose weight: my parents r going away for a month at the end of the month so its just me at home n a mates moving in and we r going on optifast this all milkshake diet stuff plus daddies hiring niki and al a treadmill for a month and together i rekon we can motivate each other - we r gunna put signs up around the house saying SAY NO TO FOOD and signs on the cupboards "DO YOU WANT TO BE FAT? NO THEN GO AWAY" and stuff just to motivate each other to stick to the diet, its like an extreme weightloss thing so i should loose like 3-4 kgs a week which is wat my mates have from being on it and plus with the treadmill there im gunna go nuts!!
5) Subjects being studied at MQ (for potential studdybuddy purposes): MAS104, Eng120 pol 165 n lin109
6) Academic goals: pass this stuff and get into arts (doing the non award thingi)
7) How I plan to get my marks up: go to my tutes and ask wen i dont understad stuff, actually do my readings and do well in my 2nd essays!
optifast shakes isn't exactly the best of thing for someone who's only 20kgs overweight. I know what your thinking "im friggen 20kgs overweight!"

Optifast shakes are for obese people, they're for "obese management" I was on them when i saw my naturalist herbalist and he told me they're so far from what my body needed and that i was actually doing my body a detriment by being on them.

He put me on this shake diet (but with proper meals) as well but these shakes only had 0.9g of so n so (i can't remember) but optifast shakes have about 15g!!! Also the shakes he gave me ensured that it had all the best protein stuff in it so that you don't lose muscle mass when your losing weight and he said that optifast only had alil bit of it in it and people on this diet usually gain it back due to the person's muscle mass loss.

Optifast shakes cater for the really obese people. Larger people need more nutrients and calories for their body to live on and believe it or not lose weight. If you go UNDER your required calorie intake your body actually stores the fat instead of losing it which is why optifast has such high calories/carbs in it.

If you really want to go on a "shake diet", my best bet is to goto your nearest pharmacy which has a naturalist herbalist on hand and tell them to tell you all about the ketosystem diet or just talk to them in general (make sure they're qualified and not just a customer service chick) about the best way to lose weight.


Active Member
Oct 5, 2003
Re: The MQ weightloss/marks gain Support Thread!

im wrecked for today
i ate sum salt and vinegar chips n just then had 2 pieces of choco

i know it doesnt sound like alot but i normally have 2 pieces about every 1, 1.5 hrs


Inside The Hollow
Jan 20, 2004
Re: The MQ weightloss/marks gain Support Thread!

aww poor glitter! but yehh thats so true though. i once tried to do 100 situps (cuz my friend does so i might as well try lol), and i couldnt do any for the rest of the week... and you think i'd learn from that lol... but i tried again last thursday and nope haha... so i guess i gotta try to strengthen tummy muscles... so, know ur capabilities? mine are verrrryyy limited haha

and with the whole dieting thing, i think any diet with all rules and stuff would be bad cuz they're hard to live with for the reeesst of ur life... you'd easily gain it back again anyway. thiiink about living on shakes for the rest of ur life, or if not, what about when you come off it? its all gonna come back anyway.
I reckon it'd be better to just eat healthier and in smaller portions, and in that way, you reduce ur calorie intake (i try but stiiiilll cant stop snacking!)
ooh! and don't cut anything out. i didnt eat chocolate for like a year (not taht i didnt let myself.. but i just didnt want it cuz it has a lot of calories while having no nutritional value lol), and now, thats aaaallll i want.

i was good yesterday...
but todayyyy.... :|
my dad came home with cashews and i went crazy lol. Damn those cashews! Nuts are addictive and eviiill! and my lips are burning from the salt lol.
and i have only drank half a 1.25L bottle of water so far today.

And uni work lol .. *siiighhh*.... welllll i woke up late, sat there drinking tea for like an hour lol... then listened to half a lecture... and then watched honey i shrunk the kids lol. so yeh, i only listened to half a lecture.
On the plus side, however, I am atm at least filled with protein, mono fats(i think), vitamins and everything of nuttily goodness lol... yumm..
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Oct 12, 2004
Re: The MQ weightloss/marks gain Support Thread!

How many kilos (approx) to get down to ideal weight:

Down 2kgs to 50kgs

Reasons for being at current state:

Um.. Haven't exercised for years now AHAHAHHA
Plus I binge alot too.. on everything..

Why I want to loose weight:

Because my GP said I'm fat for an asian

How I plan to loose weight:

Eat regularly so my metabolism does everything for me

Subjects being studied at MQ:

Semester 1 - ACST101, BBA103, STAT170, PSY104

Academic goals:

To not fail anything?

How I plan to get my marks up:

Start reading my books =S


Breathe and Stop
May 11, 2004
Re: The MQ weightloss/marks gain Support Thread!

nixy_00 said:
1) How many kilos (approx) to get down to ideal weight? lol like 20
2) Reasons for being at current state: always been "big boned" but always been very good at sport and sport has come to a close for a while plus im just not motivated to swim train
3) Why I want to lose weight: er to look better and be healthier and be able to look good in skinnies
4) How I plan to lose weight: my parents r going away for a month at the end of the month so its just me at home n a mates moving in and we r going on optifast this all milkshake diet stuff plus daddies hiring niki and al a treadmill for a month and together i rekon we can motivate each other - we r gunna put signs up around the house saying SAY NO TO FOOD and signs on the cupboards "DO YOU WANT TO BE FAT? NO THEN GO AWAY" and stuff just to motivate each other to stick to the diet, its like an extreme weightloss thing so i should loose like 3-4 kgs a week which is wat my mates have from being on it and plus with the treadmill there im gunna go nuts!!
5) Subjects being studied at MQ (for potential studdybuddy purposes): MAS104, Eng120 pol 165 n lin109
6) Academic goals: pass this stuff and get into arts (doing the non award thingi)
7) How I plan to get my marks up: go to my tutes and ask wen i dont understad stuff, actually do my readings and do well in my 2nd essays!
Try grabing your left wrist with your right thumb and right middle finger. If you cannot touch them, then you are "big boned" or have large joints. If you can touch, then you have average joints. Lastly, if you can overlap, then you have small joints.

And after all that, either of the 3 classes don't have a relationship to your body being able to burn off or store fat.


Inside The Hollow
Jan 20, 2004
Re: The MQ weightloss/marks gain Support Thread!

i have small joints
my dad just brought home kk and i ate one of those nutty icecreamy ones :(
OMG it was good!


the name's Anne!
Mar 3, 2003
Re: The MQ weightloss/marks gain Support Thread!

redRum... dont be mean

What nationality are you nixy? I know what you mean because dependent on your nationality..."dark pple" bones tend to weigh more than caucasians, ... i think the list goes.. "white" have the lightest bones, then "yellows" then "blacks". Which is why if you look at BMI charts and weight range heights, people who are asian or who are certain type of nationality need to adjust those charts accordingly.


Breathe and Stop
May 11, 2004
Re: The MQ weightloss/marks gain Support Thread!

clairegirl said:
redRum... dont be mean

What nationality are you nixy? I know what you mean because dependent on your nationality..."dark pple" bones tend to weigh more than caucasians, ... i think the list goes.. "white" have the lightest bones, then "yellows" then "blacks". Which is why if you look at BMI charts and weight range heights, people who are asian or who are certain type of nationality need to adjust those charts accordingly.

How was I being mean? I was just pointing out being "big boned" has nothing to do with having an unsatisfactory body fat percentage. This is what should be reduced. BMI, weight/height charts are misleading.

Actually, I've now read the entire post. I seriously suggest that you consult your GP before you decide to try to lose 3-4kgs per week. The optimum weight loss should be about 1kg per week. This way you don't end up losing your lean muscle (which you could do if you try to lose 3-4 kgs per week). Don't be narrow minded about weightloss.


the name's Anne!
Mar 3, 2003
Re: The MQ weightloss/marks gain Support Thread!

Fair enough but you wern't being supportive either...whatever i don't want to get into an argument.

I agree with RedRum though losing 3-4kgs a week is dangerous, plus if you lose it quickly you'll get the ugly loose skin.

Losing 3-4 kilos a week is only okay under shows like the biggest loser and thats when they were being monitored everyday by specialists and nutritionists. I've read that the optimum weight loss is 0.5 kilos a week and at a max 1kg a week.


the name's Anne!
Mar 3, 2003
Re: The MQ weightloss/marks gain Support Thread!

Lol today was sooo bad!

Overall: Worked, went shopping bought my mum flowers for mothers day, went to the cemetary to visit grandma and came home nothing exciting.

Feeling: guilty but strangely happy-ish at the same time

Breakfast: I woke up late again for work, so i whipped up this ommelette with tuna and tofu in it.. (yes im weird)... had like three bites of it and left for work :s (i spent more time cooking it then eating it, im a dickhead i know). I was absolutely starving at work so i had coffee no milk with like three tea spoons of sugar in it :s

Lunch: Came home after shopping around 3-4 and having starved all day, I ate cornbeef stuff straight out of the bowl, it was oily :s ... and multigrain sandwich with chicken and mayo on it (they were cut into small triangles n tasted so nice, grabbed them off mum's catering plate lol) Would've had more than 4 little triangles but mum kept slapping my hand away and saying it was for the church function

Dinner: Howwww BAD! I ate chicken king because my brother's girlfriend tempted me after the cemetary tradition thing, she was like "Anne I feel chicken, fried chicken.. and seeming as i wasn't satisfied at all for breakfast or lunch it didn't take much to convince me and i stupidly stupidly gave in and said yeh sure!"
Two pieces of chicken (the thighs! lol) and alil of mums drumstick, spoonful of creamy pasta salad (it was yuk), spoonful or two of potato gravy (it was yuk) and i ate it with white rice (yes i know im weird). Oh and tasted my brothers red wine casarole (it was gross)

Snacks: Nil oh crap yeh someone from work gave me a peice of candy :s

Study: Not as much as I'de hoped, but i did the finishing touches on my assignments.

Excercise: Nil! Omg weekends are always the worst for me! I never feel like doing anything!

Tommorow: I plan to get up as early as possible, go straight to the gym and work off 800 calories again (need to go hard again becoz of that fucked up chicken king lol) then come home and research and print crap out for psy307.
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Apr 3, 2004
Re: The MQ weightloss/marks gain Support Thread!

I just want to begin by reiterating what was said above - at max, a "normal" person should only loose 1kg a week. Most 'normal normal' people without a dietician-controlled diet and personal trainer actually may only loose half a kilo max in a week.

Weight loss is not just about entering crash diets which you only intend to maintain for however long it takes you to loose weight - it's about making life-changing decisions about diet and exercise which you plan on maintaining in the long term. I've got a bit of a whacked up theory about this - for however long you "diet", the weight will stay off. So if you want to slim down and stay that way, then you need to pick a diet that you can keep up for a really long time :)

Slow and steady wins the race, fast and hasty just ends up going in circles or in a yo-yo cycle :S

In other news, my back is heaps better today (yay), neck is still a bit screwed though. I need to see a physio. And I'll probably not go and whinge about needing to see my physio for several weeks before I actually go off and do it. :p

Breakfast: Half a glass of milk
Second breakfast: (god, I'm eating like a hobbit or something lol) Egg and bacon sandwhich from a place outside of Bunning's
Lunch: Penne with bolognese at a cafe (was out shopping with mum in city)
Dinner: Spaghetti bolognese, some small pieces of chocolate (same place and reason as last time :p)

Study: I'm currently working on SOC289. After this I need to do some modderly stuff. Tomorrow I plan on revamping SOC289 after our "rehearsal" (remember: Creative Arts students can do anything! :p Yes, this includes singing and dancing during tute presentations... lol), and I want to start on BBA250 now that my friend has convinced me I should worry less about it, and just do it :)

Exercise: I haven't done any just yet... I'll probably do some stretching (my shoulders hurt so much right now) and some pilates later tonight. Will update later :)

New plan: Until the end of semester, there will never be a day in which I don't do anything. I am going to try to always either study or exercise :)
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Active Member
Oct 5, 2003
Re: The MQ weightloss/marks gain Support Thread!

u guys eat d weirdest things

is aerobics worth doing ? like i got 1 of them dvds n seein as im 2 lazy 2 leave my house, i may as well do sumfn in my room

ohoh my fingers overlap so im small bones but high fat, my upper arms r so bigish :(
Apr 3, 2004
Re: The MQ weightloss/marks gain Support Thread!

I hear aerobics are great! They they get your heart pumping, and because they're fun/somewhat varied the adrenaline keeps you going :)

My fingers overlap around my wrist too... but I've got somewhat chunky upper arms as well (genetic?). I have a feeling most finer-boned people have chunky upper arms but don't have any evidence to support :p

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