The Nova Peris decision (1 Viewer)


Active Member
Jan 13, 2007
Uni Grad
As a Labor party worker and insider; this Nova Peris decision was aimed at being a pro affirmative action public policy and public relations stunt. To get voters switched on to the Labor message. In the January Newspoll it shows Labor neck and neck with the Coalition (51 per cent Coalition and 49 per cent Labor 2 PP vote). At this rate by the latter half of 2013 Julia Gillard will win the next federal election.


Oct 21, 2011
Really? And what position do you hold within the party? If the task was to get the public switched on to the Labor message then they have done a fine job, although I fear it is the wrong message. Yes, because 49 and 51 are the same numbers. Also that's within the 3% margin of error... I estimate it's Lib:54 Lab:46. Also, polls don't continue in an upward lineage, they go up and down, boom and bust, a small child could figure that one out. One can predict that the Libs will win (likely) but there is an awful amount of time before the election, and as they say in politics a week is an eternity.

Thankyou for your comments Branch Member 23675
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Premium Member
Feb 13, 2004
Uni Grad
Honestly, stop flogging the dead horse lentern, it happened (completely democratically I might add), get over it, Rudd is gone and he ain't coming back


Premium Member
Feb 13, 2004
Uni Grad
Oh I know he won't be coming back now, if he was going to have a second go November was the last opportunity, I unlike you would have preferred a course of actions to ensue that didn't mean Tony Abbott would become Prime Minister with a whopping big majority. But you know, you people got your way, long live Tony Abbott. I suppose an Abbott government can't be too bad, what's he going to do, ban same sex persons from teaching in religious schools? Lock asylum seekers up on Nauru? You're unelected Prime Minister has already done that. Maybe Abbott will end up doing a Nixon goes to China and it'll all be alright.
Honey, if abbot gets in it will be your fault not mine (and by you I mean of corse people with your attitude). I have backed Labor since day 1 instead of being in a constant state of complaining and denial which has allowed the (undeserved) hatred of labor to fester. How do you expect Joe Public to vote for labor if even labor supporters have turned on the party? The fact that you and all the other ruddites like you who have let the politics of personality over policy reign supreme are responsible for the election loss, not me.


Sep 18, 2011
What if Abbott axed an Aboriginal senator for an anglo athlete hockey player? We wouldn't hear the end of it.


Oct 21, 2011
(I preface this post with the warning that I am not, as I may appear to be so, an 'Abbott-lover')

I think people are afraid that an Abbott led Govt would be good for Australia. There are few items in the Howard era which were poor, many Howard era ministers will again appear in a Lib Govt this year making an Abbott govt fairly experienced and capable. The likelihood that religious employers would bar someone based on their scriptures/beliefs etc for employment is slim (I mean, come on). Private institutions (in my mind, Churches) should be allowed to turn away those who do not fit in with their belief code. However Catholic schools should not because they are funded by the Govt, and thus the issue of the separation of religion form the state arises. It is not wrong to 'lock' up asylum seekers on Nauru - after all they are safe there, we have given them protection... Is that not what they came for? If anything it should be the fault of the immigration dept for not processing quickly enough (hard I know, with no papers, but this has to be considered). Labor will loose not because of Abbot's mistake or positives, but by their own shortcomings.

P.S Rudd was an awful PM... I agree with Townie... Rudd supporters generally flock to him because of his personality (ha!), forsaking good policy in the process. Surely the seemingly intelligent Lentern could be one of those voters?


Sep 18, 2011
You can’t expect to get away with that. Since late 2010 poll after poll has shown that we(by which yes I mean not me personally, I vote Green anyway, but the Rudd camp) have produced a positive, healthy vision for government which would have locked in a comfortable Labor re-election but your type have consistently eschewed political pragmatism and have instead opted to go out in some orgasmic blaze of passion and defiance. You want to talk about sabotaging Labor’s chances of re-election, who leaked the video of Rudd losing his temper in China? Who authorized Simon Crean to start lambasting a sitting Foreign Minister on national radio? Who refused to condemn a backbench MP calling the foreign minister a psychopath on twitter? Who dispatched no less than seven cabinet Ministers (Swan, Emerson, Burke, , Smith, Crean, Conroy, Roxon) to go on television and start trashing the record of Labor’s first time in office, in the process repudiating all the previous assertions that they were a competent government.

They stabbed him in the back as Prime Minister, then when he rebuilt his public image as a popular and effective Foreign Minister they had to tear him down again. Unable to establish anything remotely resembling a rapport with the electorate they tore down anyone else who could. Don’t try and pin this on Rudd, this mess is one entirely of the governments own making. Having ensured its own demise through its public displays of deceit and manipulation this government now devotes extraordinary energies to ensuring that the one man who can save it, isn’t given the chance to do so.
Ew a greens voter.


Premium Member
Feb 13, 2004
Uni Grad
You can’t expect to get away with that. Since late 2010 poll after poll has shown that we(by which yes I mean not me personally, I vote Green anyway, but the Rudd camp) have produced a positive, healthy vision for government which would have locked in a comfortable Labor re-election but your type have consistently eschewed political pragmatism and have instead opted to go out in some orgasmic blaze of passion and defiance. You want to talk about sabotaging Labor’s chances of re-election, who leaked the video of Rudd losing his temper in China? Who authorized Simon Crean to start lambasting a sitting Foreign Minister on national radio? Who refused to condemn a backbench MP calling the foreign minister a psychopath on twitter? Who dispatched no less than seven cabinet Ministers (Swan, Emerson, Burke, , Smith, Crean, Conroy, Roxon) to go on television and start trashing the record of Labor’s first time in office, in the process repudiating all the previous assertions that they were a competent government.

They stabbed him in the back as Prime Minister, then when he rebuilt his public image as a popular and effective Foreign Minister they had to tear him down again. Unable to establish anything remotely resembling a rapport with the electorate they tore down anyone else who could. Don’t try and pin this on Rudd, this mess is one entirely of the governments own making. Having ensured its own demise through its public displays of deceit and manipulation this government now devotes extraordinary energies to ensuring that the one man who can save it, isn’t given the chance to do so.
Clearly you are blinded by your love of Rudd and are unable to think straight.

Who leaked (from cabinet) that Julia had opposed pension increases, who leaked that Julia opposed paid parental leave, who leaked any other number of things during the 2010 election campaign? Had that no happened and had Rudd deflated his head labor would have won the election outright and tony abbot wouldn't be contesting this election as a backbencher let alone the opposition leader.

Oh, people lined up to attack Rudd after him and his camp engaged in a persistent campaign to destabilize the party and give tony abbot the room to become a viable cabinet. Excuse me if I don't care that Rudd was trashed given he wouldn't fall into line and back the party.

That you could even still think that Rudd is the "victim" when all evidence points to him being the perpetrator beggars belief. But Rudd can do no wrong to you (I like how his decision on Clare you almost call inspired, but when it comes to Nova it's a travesty).

Get some perspective for goodness sake. Oh wait, no, you vote green, I forgot that they act like petulant children and are happy to trash everything and ruin it for the majority if they can't get what the minority of them want with no
Room to negotiate.

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