The Official UTS Subject Reviews Thread (Table of Contents on First Post) (1 Viewer)


Jun 25, 2010
Uni Grad
Re: The Official UTS Subject Reviews Thread + Searchable PDF

Subject Name: Accounting for Business Decisions A
Subject Number: 22107
Faculty: Business
Semester: Autumn 2013
Ease: 7/10 - As long as you are consistently doing the work from tutorials and attend lectures, this subject should not be overwhelming as a lot of people (including myself) think that this is hard.
Lecturer: Jonathan - 10/10 - Most hilarious lecturer I have so far in uni and I'm sure everyone agrees. His humour makes the lecture fun and very engaging| James - 8/10 (James was a bit boring, but his explanation is good.
Tutor: 10/10 - My tutor was excellent. She goes through the specific questions people want to get answers from, making tutorial a bit valuable. She explains very well and will try and answer every question you throw at her. She encourages class engagement, thus making tutorial less awkward.
Subject Coordinator: 9.5/10
Interest: 8/10 - Though I am not going to major in Accounting, I still find the subject interesting. If you don't like it, you have Accounting B to worry about.
Overall: 9/10

Subject Name:Business Statistics
Subject Number: 26134
Faculty: Business
Semester: Autumn 2013
Ease: 9/10 Again, this subject is a breeze if you put in the effort. If you can remember Year 10 Statistics, HSC General Maths or 2Unit Maths, you'll find this to be easy with a few new concepts. Failure rate could be overwhemling at first (25% failure rate in the mid-sem) but dont let that fool you.
Lecturer: 8/10 Lecturer is good at explaining concepts. He may run out of time because he goes off-track at some point. But otherwise, easy to understand
Tutor: 10/10 This guy explains very well. Also uses examples to explain hard concepts.
Subject Coordinator: 8/10
Interest: Like maths? then you'll like this subject.
Overall: 9/10

Subject Name: Integrating Business Perspectives
Subject Number: 26100
Faculty: Business
Semester: Autumn 2013
Ease: 10/10 Not sure if you can really call this a subject. It's really easy but not interesting at all.
Lecturer: 9/10 for the law lecturer. He explains the law concept really well to the point that i was so engaged in it. You may want to sit closer to the front as he does use traditional whiteboard and marker. 7/10 for other lecturers. alright but you'd probably be sleeping if you don't pay attention.
Tutor: 6/10 Tutorials are most likely a joke. More like a class where everyone can talk and discuss about things other than IBP related content. Tutor read through slides.
Subject Coordinator: 8/10 Don't know much but she's good
Interest: 5/10 Not the most interesting subject but you have to pass it..
Overall: 6/10

Subject Name: Economics for Business
Subject Number: 23115
Faculty: Business
Semester: Autumn 2013
Ease: 10/10 If you have done economics in high school, you should be getting at least distinction average for this subject, it's that simple. Those who haven't, contents are straight to the point and easy to understand.
Lecturer: 9/10 Though his accent, his explanations are good. 7/10 she kinda goes off topic after explaining the concept 9/10 most people would say he is boring and dull than the first, but i think he is good at explaining concepts
Tutor: 10/10 Fun and engaging tutor. he is able to explain concepts well.
Subject coordinator: 9/10 same as the first lecturer
Interest: 10/10 Even though it is a straight-forward subject, I had a really good time revising economics again to the point where I am intending to major in Economics. You'll have a good time if you put in effort.
Overall 10/10


May 26, 2011
the streets of western sydney (cabra)
Uni Grad
Subject Name: Accounting for Business Decisions A
Subject Number: 22107
Faculty: Business
Semester: Autumn 2013
Ease: 6/10 - The subject can be tricky for those who have not done business studies in high school, though the concepts can be quickly learnt.
Lecturer: Jonathan Tyler - 7/10, funny teacher who you should never be late to a lecture to, but does waste a lot of time on unimportant stuff during lectures.
James Wakefield - 7/10, a quality replacement for jonathon tyler, no complaints.
Tutor: 10/10 - i forget his name but his last name was 'ma' and he was really young and made the class fun and interesting.
Interest: 8/10 - I thought the subject was interesting, just that the exams were extremely hard, though i guess they mustve scaled the students to make up for it.
Overall: 8/10

Subject Name:Fundamentals of Business Finance
Subject Number: 25300
Faculty: Business
Semester: Autumn 2013
Ease: 9/10, The subject is well structured, usually with one lecture representing one chapter of the textbook. The exam just involves questions from the homework booklet and with there being a cheatsheet allowed into the exam, having an example of each sort of question makes an exam pretty easy
Lecturer: 10/10 I was in the morning lecture and the lecturer, (don't know his name but he had blondish/brown hair) was definitely top notch, made the subject a joy to be studying.
Tutor: 10/10 I had Linda Styles as my tut, she is an excellent tutor, explains the questions well and does not add any unnecessary stress onto the students.
Interest: 10/10, if you enjoyed 3 unit maths, you will find this subject really fun. the exams are completely mathematical/problem solving based, with no theory questions
Overall: 10/10

Subject Name: Integrating Business Perspectives
Subject Number: 26100
Faculty: Business
Semester: Autumn 2013
Ease: 6/10, its a great subject if you are the innovative type who hopes to one day own a business. (me not being one of them)
Lecturer: 5/10, most of the lecturers failed to grab my attention. especially the lecturer for the first couple of weeks
Tutor: 7/10 A lot of class discussion was done during my tut. the tutor knew her stuff, i just wasn't into what was happening
Interest: 4/10 One of the most pointless subjects you will ever do, but with the amount of easy marks available just for getting things done on time, it shouldn't be too hard to pass
Overall: 5/10

Subject Name: Economics for Business
Subject Number: 23115
Faculty: Business
Semester: Autumn 2013
Ease: 9/10, if you did eco for the hsc, the first 5 weeks will be a bludge, after that the subject gets more difficult with new concepts being introduced.
Lecturer: 6/10 The economics lecturers failed to grab my attention throughout the semester, though this may be due to the concepts already being known as i already learnt most of the things during the hsc. They are credited for trying to make the lecturers more light-hearted.
Tutor: 7/10 the tuts just involve marking the homework questions. must've just been my class where the seats to students ratio was too high and most people had their own table and the class was pretty quiet.
Interest: 8/10 Getting a good mark for economics shouldn't be too hard, with minimal effort, you can easily manage a credit without having done economics in high school.
Overall 8/10


Active Member
Jan 13, 2007
Uni Grad
Subject Name: Marketing Foundations
Subject Number: 24108
Faculty: Faculty of Business (School of Marketing)
Semester: Spring 2012
Ease: 7/10 I got 70 per cent (Credit) for the subject. I got 87 per cent in the Mid term Exam, 83.3 per cent in the Group/ Individual Assignment and 48 per cent in the Final exam. For the final exam I only used 37 per cent of my exam time and I managed to get 48 per cent. I wish I had studied harder. If I got 100 per cent in the final exam I would have got 90 per cent (High Distinction) in the subject.
Lecturers (Ingo Bentrott and Anouche Newman): 9 /10
Tutor (John Burke):8 /10
Subject Coordinator (Ingo Bentrott): 9/10
Interest: 9/10
Overall: 9/10
Last edited:


Jun 25, 2010
Uni Grad
Subject Name: Fundamentals of Business Finance
Subject Number: 25300
Faculty: Business
Semester: Spring 2013
Ease: 8/10 - If you love maths like myself, then this subject is not that challenging. Remember money in series from 2 unit maths ? its similar to that but you dont have to write an entire page for 1 question. Consistently doing the homework is my advice here as concepts in one lecture carries on to the next.
Lecturer: 10/10 The lecturer for the morning lecture explains concepts clearly and consistently applies them in real situations, which makes the lecture engaging. From what I heard by my fellow uni friends, the afternoon lecture is meh.
Tutor: 10/10 OMG the tutor I had for this subject is really good. Every tutorial, she will make sure that everyone in the class understands the homework. Her explanations are easy to understand and she is willing to answer questions.
Subject Coordinator: I think its the lecturer for the afternoon lecture.
Interest: I'm really satisfied with what this subject has offered. Numbers is what im fine with and im going to major in finance because of how good the subject is and future opportunities.
Overall: 10/10

Subject Name: Managing People and Organisation
Subject Number: 21129
Faculty: Business
Semester: Spring 2013
Ease: 6/10 - This subject is theory heavy stuff so no numbers to fiddle around. Both assignments are essays where one of them is worth 50% of the subject. OUCH! If you're not strong in essays, you may have a bad time in this subject.
Lecturer - 5/10 His accent is so strong I couldn't understand half of what he is saying and thus made the lecture boring and not interesting. 8/10 - Another male lecturer is good, much clearer to understand than the earlier.
Tutor - 8/10 I had the same guy as the 2nd lecturer and to be honest, he knows his stuff.
Subject Coordinator - 6/10 A bit of surprise but my tutor is also the subject coordinator. Thus the main problem being that he doesn't do feedback through email, forcing you to attend the tute just to get some feedback. Can be annoying for those that live very far away from UTS. :/
Interest: 7/10 - I like the subject but there are certain problems that you'll experience. 1st being the weekly readings you read before tutorials. 2nd is attendance records. YES they do mark you away if you don't attend the tute. 3 strikes and you fail the subject. pretty harsh ==
Overall: 7/10

Subject Name: Marketing Foundations
Subject Number: 24108
Faculty: Business
Semester: Spring 2013
Ease: 10/10 - Heavy content but REALLY EASY TO UNDERSTAND. If you done Business Studies in high school, this subject will no doubt contain stuff you already know. Otherwise, the structure for the lectures and tutes are straight forward. Mainly focusing on the 7Ps.
Lecturer: 5/10 - This is the first subject where I don't attend every single lecture. First few weeks are ok but overtime, the monotone voice of the lecturer made me sleep halfway through the lecture. You may benefit lectures for marketing if you haven't done business before. Otherwise, this time should be used to focus on other subjects.
Tutor: 9/10 - The tutor knows her stuff pretty much. Examples are used in every tutorial to make sense of the easy content.
Subject Coordinator: 5/10 - Same as lecturer
Interest: 6/10 - Those intending to major in marketing should be able to ace this subject. Otherwise, it's REALLY straight forward and you should be passing this.
Overall - 6/10

Subject Name:Accounting for Business Decisions B
Subject Number: 22207
Faculty: Business
Semester: Spring 2013
Ease: 5/10 - You may have survived ABDA, but try to remember the content for it cause it make ABDB less of a hell. Otherwise, this WILL be a lot difficult for you to pass unless you consistently do the homework and understand it well.
Lecturer: 8/10 - The lecturer is good, IF you are paying attention. He may talk fast which can be hard to keep up. But his explanations are good. ABDB's lectures are recorded that helps a lot especially when you're studying for midsems and finals.
Tutor: 9/10 - Really good tutor. She makes sure everyone understand what is going on in the homework and the reason behind it. She's also open to any questions, making tutes less awkward.
Subject Coordinator - 8/10 Same as Lecturer
Interest: 7/10 Those that don't like numbers may not have a good time with this. ABDB is a tad interesting.
Overall: 8/10 If you manage to pass both ABDA and ABDB, you won't have to do anymore accounting subjects for the rest of your uni degree, UNLESS you are considering MAJORING in accounting. I may like numbers, but not accounting. Thank goodness I dont have to do it anymore :D


A lover is a best friend
May 10, 2012
Subject Name: Chemistry 2

Ease: 9/10 - People may disagree with me on this, but if you put at least 1 hr at home on this subject each fortnight outside class hours, then you will find it relatively easy. I didn't even do Chemistry at school! You may only lose a few marks when doing physical chemistry but other than that, you should get a bare minimum of Distinction. Either way if you pass, then it's okay. Or maybe it's just me..

Lecturers: 2/10 - Boring.. so I stopped attending the lectures early. I don't know any of the lecturers that did organic chemistry, because I didn't attend any. I stopped attending around the beginning of Thermochemistry. You can give it a shot and you might feel the same as me.

Practicals: 6.5/10 - Nothing really much to say here. It's just the typical long 3-hour classes. Just hurry up, so you can leave a bit earlier.

Interest: 6/10 - The organic chemistry is probably the only thing that I'm partially interested in. Don't expect anything spectacular.

Overall: 6/10

Subject Name: Biocomplexity

Ease: 7.5/10 - If you even look at your notes outside class, you can expect a Distinction minimum or even HD. No need to even a textbook for this subject.. I just missed out on getting a Distinction because I didn't even read the lectures notes after class. You can guarantee to get a credit by not even having notes. Just make sure you understand what the lecturer is talking about in each lecture. Trust me, you will find this subject a joke.

Lecturers: 7/10 - I didn't attend all the lectures, but at least the lecturers try to make it enjoyable in someway. Frazier only did like a few lectures, but he will always be the only lecturer I don't fall asleep when listening to. The other lecturers are okay.

Practicals: 0/10 - I hated the practicals so much, the only thing I considered was when will this session end!

Interest: 2/10 - Nothing special.

Overall: 4/10

Subject Name: Human Anatomy and Physiology

Ease: 8/10 - Easy but too much memorising. Cramming is doable though, depending on the individual. From my experience, for the mid-sem and final exams, I studied 4 days before both tests so… depending on how fast you study you can make it. For crammers who want to do okay (my case) spend at least 1.5hrs on each topic. Don't stress out! I had a textbook for this though, but rarely used it. Lecture notes will suffice. I found that many people said they found this hard, but I dunno. I guess again it depends on the individual.

Lecturers: 0/10 - Don't bother attending. The lecture guy is funny at times, but it's pointless to attend.

Practicals: 3/10 - Only attend if you got a practical quiz on that day, there is no roll call so it isn't compulsory. I don't know which demonstrator you will get, but the one's I had were BORING.

Interest: 7/10 - I like the medical/biomedical side of things, so I had to somewhat like this. If you are doing a completely different thing, then you may find it not that interesting.

Overall: 5/10

Subject Name: Physical Aspects of Nature

Ease: 10/10 - Many people again struggled with this subject, from what I've heard. It's not a big deal honestly, it is actually simple. Just know the main concepts and how to plug numbers into your calculator. There is no need to spend anymore than a total 3-hour study time for the mid-sem, and the final exam.

Lecturers: 7/10 - You will only be required to select 3 topics in the final exam. Just attend the lectures where they will teach you the topic you are going to select. Attending the lectures may help you, but again it isn't necessary for me. At times the lecture got boring so I left or didn't attend.

Practicals: 1/10 - If the practicals weren't marked then I would totally skip all of them. But probably that's just me because I had a night class.

Interest: 5/10 - Not that bad, so a 5/10 should be enough.

Overall: 6/10


New Member
Nov 8, 2008
Cherryrook, NSW
Re: The Official UTS Subject Reviews Thread + Searchable PDF

Reviewer: Victor Wong, Course: B sci in IT, Dip of IT Prof Practice, Major: Internetworking

Subject Name: Programming Fundamentals
Subject Number: 48023
Faculty: Engineering and IT
Semester: Spring, 2013
Ease: 6/10-9/10, either programming is your thing (that means u'll find it really easy) or its not (hard), for me it was hard because I was new to java programming. I kinda regret not taking SDD at high school to develop the learning experience.
Lecturer: Suresh Paryani (8/10), he was quite funny, making lectures entertaining at times, while explaining java concepts clearly and concisely.
Tutor: Alan Yeung (8/10), decent tutor, willing to help out anyone with the java labs
Subject Coordinator: Ryan Heise (i think)
Interest: 6/10
Overall: 7/10

Subject Name: Networking Essentials
Subject Number: 31270
Faculty: Engineering and IT
Semester: Spring, 2013
Ease: 7/10, Not too hard but was by no means easy, you must do the course material reading from the Cisco NetAcad Portal to gain an understanding of the networking concepts (e.g. networking layers, OSI model, subnetting etc.) otherwise u are stuffed. In this subject you are swamped by small quizzes including a subnetting quiz. Make sure u can subnet because there are about four assessment items which involve some subnetting.
Lecturer: Networking class was one 3hr lab each week (refer to tutor)
Tutor: Brian Lim (9/10), again he was hilarious at times, sometimes likes to crack jokes, also knows he stuff very well. Unfortunately he may not be teaching anymore at UTS as he’s managing his own Business or needing to go overseas to conferences.
Subject Coordinator: Max Hendriks (7/10) – never really dealt with this man a lot, but gives good advice/pointers on this subject (though your UTS e-mail)
Interest: 8.5/10
Overall: 8/10

Subject Name: Business Requirements Modelling
Subject Number: 31269
Faculty: Engineering and IT
Semester: Spring, 2013
Ease: 9/10, not difficult at all, basically learning diagrams and modelling techniques for businesses, also some methodologies e.g. Agile.
Lecturer: I had various lecturers, at least 3 different ones the whole semester; I don’t remember their names sorry.
Tutor: 6/10, Qinxue Meng
Subject Coordinator: 8/10
Interest: 7/10
Overall: 7.5/10


New Member
Dec 13, 2012
Re: The Official UTS Subject Reviews Thread + Searchable PDF

1. Corporate Law
Subject Number: 70417
Faculty: Faculty of Law
Semester: Autumn 2013
Ease: 6.5/10 - This subject may be hard for people who do not like business. However, doing a joint business degree I really liked the subject and I guess I understood the concepts and terminology more than others not also doing business. Assessment included a theory problem question (10), mid sem (40) and Final (50). I found all assessments to be reasonable, they mark in a positive way.
Lecturer: 8/10 - Michael Rawling and Jason Harris- both were pretty good. Tutor- cannot remember did not attend much lectures
Interest: 9/10
Overall: 9/10

2. Equity and Trusts
Subject Number: 70517
Faculty: Faculty of Law
Semester: Autumn 2013
Ease: 6.5/10 - the concepts can be quite difficult, especially the middle topics on assignment of property. Assessment quizzes (20), essay (40) final exam (40). if you do all the tutorial questions, the final exam follows a similar style. The quizzes follow the lecture material- listen to lecture, know the important cases for this.
Lecturer: 9/10 - John Felemegas was great, i liked the way he taught the course, only subject I have been to all lectures for. He was my tutor as well. Great.
Interest: 8/10
Overall: 8/10

3. Constitutional Law
Subject Number: 70616
Faculty: Faculty of Law
Semester: Autumn 2013
Ease: 6/10 - I found the course quite difficult, but surprisingly did quite well in it- the assessments helped with this. Participation (in class) is easy marks (10), online participation (20) is also easy marks, essay (30) was good as well. If you do well in these you should be in a good position going into the final (40).
Lecturer: 7/10 - Geoff Holland- did not go to lectures. Had Weng as tutor- boring course, did not pay much attention, but seemed okay.
Interest: 6/10 -
Overall: 6/10


New Member
Dec 13, 2012
1. Commercial Law
Subject Number: 70327
Faculty: Faculty of Law
Semester: Spring 2013
Ease: 7/10 - the course is very brief pretty much 3 main topics- PPSA, ACL, Negotiable Instruments, and smaller ones Bailment, SOGA etc. Assessment involved statutory interpretation (40) and final exam (60). Statutory interpretation is okay, no use of case law just legislation so argue your point using this alone, relevant sections are highlighted in the question. Final exam is also okay, divided into 3 questions, q1 pre-released essay question always the same every year, get these off someone and copy the question that comes in the exam, q2 you then have choices, I avoided the PPSA question, did ACL question and q3 s18 misleading and decpetive question. basically if you prepare the essays, and an outline answer for the s18 and ACL questions you should be fine. I studied 1 day before the exam and managed to do well.
Lecturer: /10 - attended few lectures, Francis Johns is not the best though, Nicholas Merzi covered PPSA and was great. Tutor David Leary was okay.
Interest: 7/10 - interested in law/business, so liked the course.
Overall: 7.5/10

2. Administrative Law
Subject Number: 70617
Faculty: Faculty of Law
Semester: Spring 2013
Ease: 6/10 - Probably the worst subject i have encountered in my law degree- on the surface seems basic 2 topics: merits review and judicial review. Concepts are okay to understand, nothing majorly difficult. They have F**ked this course up pretty bad. Assessment was class presentations (15), judicial review assignment (25) final exam (60). presentations was okay, so was the assignment. The final exam is the worst exam i have encountered- 6 questions in 3 hours- at the end of 2 hours most people had got through two questions out of the 6 (each question worth 10)- each question had multiple questions as part of the question. My advice for final is answer each question in a satisfactory manner to attain the most amount of marks, because if you try to answer the whole question you will run out of time.
Lecturer: 7/10 - Olivia Barr and Rodney Fisher were good. Cannot remember the rest. Tutor was Olivia Barr she was great. Leanne Houston...
Interest: 4/10
Overall: 5/10

3. Evidence & Criminal Procedure
Subject Number: 70717
Faculty: Faculty of Law
Semester: Spring 2013
Ease: 6.5/10 - Quite difficult concepts involved especially hearsay and its exceptions, but very interesting and relevant course- especially for criminal law. I enjoyed the course. Assessment was an essay (50) they mark quite hard, and exam (50) which was very good if you have prepared. If you haven't prepared sufficiently you may struggle to find all relevant things in the exam- my advice is to pre-prepare answers to common questions. See the past papers for the course on library catalogue- if you do these and make answers for them you will do well in the exam. I will also add that the main topics to master for the final are hearsay (appears multiple times) and credibility- they often appear in the same types of questions/will allow you to familiarise with the way questions are asked (usually the question worth teh most marks).
Lecturer: 8/10 - Lecturer Katherine Biber- good and thorough. Did not attend tutorials.
Interest: 9/10 - very interesting, relevant and enjoyable course- especially if you like criminal law. a number of unique cases which you will remember.
Overall: 9/10


Sleep Deprived Entity
Feb 10, 2011
Uni Grad
Bachelor of Business, Bachelor of Laws

UTS Autumn 2014

Subject Name: Integrating Business Perspectives
Subject Number: 26100
Faculty: Faculty of Business
Semester: Autumn 2014
Ease: 8/10
In essence, IBP was a very ‘fluffy’ subject. However, despite its assumed ease, it was actually my lowest business mark (still got 87 for it) in my first semester!
In terms of required texts, the IBP textbook is essentially a ‘’waste of money’’ but the Fundamental of Business Law book might be worth getting.
Assignments make up 70% of IBP so it’s crucial you do well in them. I didn’t do too well in the wicked problem essay (former tutor, David, was a tough marker). The reflection tasks were basically FREE marks. It isn’t too difficult to achieve a HD mark for the group oral pitch and report (providing a solution to the given wicked problem) if you put in the effort, but really depends on your tutor’s marking standards.
The final exam (30%) isn’t hard but it’s not easy either. Half of the exam was based on contract law and the other half was based on the rest of the IBP lectures (e.g. value chain, feasibility/viability of your business concept, stakeholders, etc.)
Lecturer: 8/10.
You'll have multiple lecturers across the whole semester. Lectures are generally ‘’useless’’ for IBP, except for the 2 weeks that cover contract law. Attend those. Otherwise, the slides themselves are sufficient for final exam revision.
Tutor: 8.5/10 - Tayyab Amjed (Former - David Grinston)
Tayyab sometimes went off a tangent but he made it relevant to the content 99% of the time. He gives you insights about the world of business. He definitely made learning IBP more bearable. He gave us great advice/tips before the final exam. A great tutor overall.
Subject Coordinator: Stephen Schweinsberg
He’s great (gave me a higher mark for my wicked problem essay after a remark).
Interest: 6/10
The most interesting aspects of the subject would be the two weeks of contract law, as well as the week that provides an overview of our legal system.
Overall: 6.5/10

Subject Name: Accounting for Business Decisions A
Subject Number: 22107
Faculty: Faculty of Business
Semester: Autumn 2014
Ease: 6.5/10
Even though I got a 99 in it (this includes 8 bonus marks from the screencast assignment - you can get up to 10 bonus marks), I still found Accounting A the most challenging business subject in my first semester. I chose Option B for the assessment weighting – so 10% for tutorial homework, 30% for mid-semester and 60% for final exam. In fact, Jonathan Tyler made it that if you did better in the final exam than in the mid-semester exam – your final exam would weigh 90% (essentially your mid-semester exam result wouldn’t count) and your tutorial homework would weigh 10%. That’s what happened for me.
I didn’t do that well in the mid-semester exam (it was on adjusting entries for the practical component and earnings management for the theory component) – got a credit for it. I got 10/10 for the tutorial homework component. Essentially, your tutor will randomly ask you to hand in homework on 3 weeks out of the 12 or so weeks and mark it. If you get 3 A+ then you’ll get 10/10 and it’s not too difficult to get A+ (you don’t even need to get EVERY single question correct) if you put in a good amount of effort in finishing those tutorial questions. The final exam is really long but nothing too hard because they basically give you heaps of hints on what will appear on the exam. I did much better in the final exam.
Lecturer: 7/10 – Jonathan Tyler
A funny and engaging lecturer, but he goes off track quite often. Honestly, I went to the lectures for their entertainment value. I think reading the slides in conjunction with the textbook and doing the tutorial/self-practice questions is already an effective approach.
Tutor: 5/10 - Roger San
He’s not too great. Tutorial friends complained about him.
Subject Coordinator: Jonathan Tyler
Interest: 8/10
Overall: 7.5/10

Subject Name: Economics for Business
Subject Number: 23115
Faculty: Faculty of Business
Semester: Autumn 2014
Ease: 9/10
If you’ve done HSC Economics, you’ve got like 70% of the course down and should be getting a HD. Generally, most people find Microeconomics easier than Macroeconomics. I definitely did better in the Microeconomics mid-semester exam than the Macroeconomics final exam.
The online tests/quizzes/news analyses (worth 20% in total) are easy – you should get 19/20 or 20/20 for this component.
Lecturer: Mario Fiorini (Microeconomics) – 9/10 and Roderick O’Donnell (Macroeconomics) – 8/10.
Both of them are great lecturers. Mario has an accent but he is great at explaining stuff. Like I already did HSC Economics and all, but I still went to like 95% of the lectures.
Tutor: Keith – 8/10
I think that’s his name. He gives lollies out.
Subject Coordinator: Mario Fiorini.
Interest: 10/10
Overall: 9/10

Subject Name: Foundations of Law
Subject Number: 70102
Faculty: Faculty of Law
Semester: Autumn 2014
Ease: 5/10
They changed the assessment structure for Foundations of Law in the Spring 2014 semester (e.g. implementation of class participation mark) so I won’t make too many comments. Just watch out for this subject and its assignments – it has terribly harsh marking (at least when I did it). I got a credit (67) in the end for it – as compared to 3 HDs in my Autumn business subjects (87 in IBP, 93 for Economics and 99 for Accounting). This just shows how law is more difficult than business, even in first year.
The final exam, which is open-book, involves problem solving (IRAC), statutory interpretation and an essay. My advice is to make notes on the seminar readings throughout the semester (writing notes the week before the exam is horribly painful).
Seminar leader: Kim Gould – 6/10.
No one really liked her is all I can say. I’ve heard complaints from Spring 2014 students about her as well. I’m glad I did the subject when there was no class participation marks.
Subject Coordinator: Francis Johns – 3/10.
This guy is a terribly harsh marker. Our class always joked/complained about him.
Interest: 6.5/10
Looking at Louth v Diprose was the highlight of the subject.
Overall: 6/10

UTS Spring 2014

Subject Name: Marketing Foundations
Subject Number: 24108
Faculty: Faculty of Business
Semester: Spring 2014
Ease: 7.5/10
The group assignment (plan and presentation) aren’t too bad. However, if you have a lazy group, be prepared to ‘’carry’’ the team to a HD (if you want a HD, that is).
The mid-semester and final exams are alright. Everyone thinks that marketing is easy and all but I personally wouldn’t underestimate it. The exams involved MC, definitions (some of the words – you really need to produce the exact textbook definition to secure the mark) and short answers/‘’essay’’ writing. Marketing Foundations is just a lot of memorising and rote-learning. Seriously, my brain was fried when I was like trying to memorise definitions from each lecture/topic (each topic probably had at least 10 or so definitions).
A good set of notes will definitely help.
Lecturer: Eugene Chan – 8/10
He tried to make the lectures engaging but sadly, marketing is a dry subject (lecture attendance was low) so it wasn’t really his fault. Out of the first year BUSINESS subjects, marketing and IBP have the lowest attendance rates.
Tutor: Han Ayshan – 8.5/10
A very chilled tutor. He gave us a HD for our group marketing plan (despite my group not being too great when it came to input) and basically, everyone in our group got either 9/10 or 10/10 for the oral presentation – so a nice marker too.
Subject Coordinator: Ingo Bentrott
Interest: 7.5/10
Overall: 8/10

Subject Name: Managing People and Organisations
Subject Number: 21129
Faculty: Faculty of Business
Semester: Spring 2014
Ease: 6.5/10
The marking for the MPO assignments (essays) can be a killer. They say that the marking standard becomes tougher for the second essay but it’s quite the opposite – there were more HDs for the second essay compared to the first essay. I got a D (19/25) for the first essay (thought I’d do better for it) and thought I’d do worse in the second essay (then funnily enough, got a HD for it – 30/35).
The final exam is all multiple choice – tests both the lecture content and tutorial content. Just rote-learn/memorise the content and you should be fine.
Lecturer: Ace Simpson – 10/10 and Emmanuel Josserand – 8.5/10.
Both tutors are highly competent in explaining the content, especially Ace.
Tutor: Farhad Shafaghi – 8.5/10.
He’s a nice tutor – makes the lessons quite interactive.
Subject Coordinator: Ace Simpson/Emmanuel Josserand
Interest: 7.5/10
Overall: 7.5/10

Subject Name: Business Statistics
Subject Number: 26134
Faculty: Faculty of Business
Semester: Spring 2014
Ease: 8.5/10
They changed the format and assessment of stats in the Spring 2014 semester. It’s no longer an open book test. There’s no mid-semester exam. The group assignment is now an individual assignment. Now, there are also these threshold quizzes (I’d explain them but you’ll find out how they work when you do the subject). You can actually re-attempt them at later set dates if you don’t score full marks for a threshold.
The 2 quizzes together make up 40%.
The individual assignment makes up 20%.
I went into the final exam with 59.5/60 (got 19.5/20 in the assignment).
The new format/assessment structure makes Business Stats much easier - you're basically guaranteed a credit going into the final exam if you do the quizzes/assignments properly.
Final exam is 40% - it’s not too hard. If you’ve done your tutorial work and have gone to the lectures – you’ll be fine.
I think the lecture slides are sufficient for business stats. You don’t really need the textbook (unless you need more practice questions).
Lecturer: Ingo Bentrott – 9/10.
He is very good at simplifying his explanations. Definitely found his lectures helpful.
Tutor: Andy or Andrew West – 10/10.
Arguably, the best tutor that I had in 2014.
Subject Coordinator: Sonika Singh
Interest: 7/10
Overall: 8/10

Subject Name: Ethics Law and Justice
Subject Number: 70103
Faculty: Faculty of Law
Semester: Spring 2014
Ease: 7.5/10
This subject is MUCH easier than Foundations of Law (well, the marking is easier to say at least) in terms of assignments. One big tip, if you don’t want to stress later on – DO YOUR BLOGS, for your reflective journal assignment, CONSISTENTLY!
The final exam (worth 50%) is not too difficult, but not easy either. If you make solid notes on the readings (the textbook and seminar readings) then you should be fine. PLEASE make notes throughout the semester – you won’t have time to flick through your books in the final exam.
Seminar leader: Sharon Wesley – 9/10
She’s a very nice/lenient marker. She’s a nice seminar leader/tutor in general. I got 8.5/10 and 17.5/20 for my reflective writing assignments and 17/20 for class participation/the justice project (it’s a global mark between both). I had friends in other classes who got like 9/20 or 14/20 for their participation/justice project mark.
Subject Coordinator: Sharon Wesley
Interest: 8.5/10
Found this subject more interesting than Foundations of Law. Both the Ethics and Justice components of this subject are great.
Overall: 8/10
Last edited:


Feb 26, 2008
Lecturer: Eugene Chan – 8/10
He tried to make the lectures engaging but sadly, marketing is a dry subject (lecture attendance was low) so it wasn’t really his fault. Out of the first year BUSINESS subjects, marketing and IBP have the lowest attendance rates.
Oh, night classes has Ingo for the lectures and pretty good attendance. He's a good lecturer, funny but doesnt go off topic.


Sleep Deprived Entity
Feb 10, 2011
Uni Grad
Oh, night classes has Ingo for the lectures and pretty good attendance. He's a good lecturer, funny but doesnt go off topic.
Yeah, I went to the 12 pm lecture for Marketing (they were pretty useless cause I just relied on the lecture slides/textbook :haha: ). Just went for fun anyways.

I had Ingo for stats.

He's definitely a great lecturer.

Jul 29, 2009
A, A
Uni Grad
Yeah, I went to the 12 pm lecture for Marketing (they were pretty useless cause I just relied on the lecture slides/textbook :haha: ). Just went for fun anyways.

I had Ingo for stats.

He's definitely a great lecturer.
He is a great lecturer !

He made stats fun too


Jun 25, 2010
Uni Grad
UTS Autumn 2014

Subject Name:Foundations in International Studies
Subject Number: 976001
Faculty: International Studies
Semester: Autumn 2014
Ease: 7/10
Overall the content is not challenging. For most people, it's pretty boring and tedious to do, especially the readings. Assessment is pretty fair, with essay plan, actual essay, weekly quizzes and group presentation (NO MID SEMS NOR FINALS :D).
Lecturer: 5/10
There are a few guest lecturers in this subject but most of the time, the lecture provides a general background, including food, technology, etc. Didn't really go to it often since it goes over the readings.
Tutor: 8/10
Spanish tutor. She's pretty good. Very informative in relating concepts of globalisation to her research (at the time she was doing Masters in International Studies).
Subject Coordinator: 5/10
Never had problems so I didn't have to send emails to the coordinator.
Interest: 5/10
This is pretty mixed. If you're interested in having a better understanding of globalisation, from economics, political and cultural, then this may interest you. Otherwise, not interesting.
Overall: 7/10
This subject is compulsory for the International Studies degree but it provides a solid background of globalisation and how we see the world.

Subject Name: Japanese Language and Culture 5
Subject Number: 97205
Faculty: International Studies
Semester: Autumn 2014
Ease: 6/10
Considering that I haven't studied Japanese since finishing Japanese Continuers in high school, it took me a while to get adjusted to learning the language. **Keep in mind that I got put into this level after an assessment at the end of first year.** Assessment are not too challenging, since it's all about being consistent. This includes comprehension homework to kanji quizzes. Each chapter covered in class revolves around a cultural aspect, from geography, food, technology, and sports. Teacher does provide the structure of the classes at the beginning of semester which helps out a lot in this subject. However, in class, the teacher speaks 80% of the time in Japanese, so better pay attention and it's a good listening practice :D
Lecturer: N/A
Tutor: 9/10
The most friendly Japanese teacher I had since high school. Very helpful when I ask questions and having to speak to her in Japanese really challenges my ability to speak. She provides good constructive comments in each assessment task.
Subject Coordinator: ?/10
Never met this coordinator in person. So I'm not sure :/
Interest: 8/10
Each chapter provides good cultural knowledge which can help out when going to Japan.
Overall: 8/10
You may remember some grammars in this subject from high school if you did Extension and/or Continuers. A pretty good subject :)

Subject Name: Economics for Business 2
Subject Number: 23566
Faculty: Business
Semester: Autumn 2014
Ease: 8/10
Very similar to Economics for Business 1, just more in depth. At the time, it was the exact same assessment. Group task, quizzes and exams.
Lecturer: 6/10
Decent in presenting the concepts, but couldn't understand what he's saying cause of strong russian accent... soz :(. He goes off track at times, meaning that he finishes very late, or moves the content to the next week. Pretty inconsistent lectures.
Tutor: 7/10
Pretty good tutor. Explain concepts very well.
Subject Coordinator: ?/10
Never met in person.
Interest: 7/10
Pretty much revising the concepts from Eco 1, but more in-depth
Overall : 7/10


Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2013
Uni Grad
Subject: Accounting for Business Decision A
Subject Number: 22107
Faculty: Business
Semester: Autumn 2015
A lot of content to understand and concepts. Its one of those subjects that you cannot cram at the last minute but also you must study each week at the appropriate time or you would fall back which is not a good thing. But if you manage to grasp the proper understand of the lecture slides, literature in the textbook and tutorial question you can easily get a distinction.
Jonathan Tyler.- James Wakefield
Tyler: This guy is one of the greatest lecturer I ever had he engages the audience within the lecture but also tells funny jokes which kept me motivated to go his lectures. The only flaw is that he went too fast when explaining.
Wakefield: He is alright but kinda boring compared to Tyler.
Tutor: 2/10
Ryan Hueng
Really didn't like this guy. He would come late to the tuts and rush through the work. When explaining the tutorial questions he would just quickly write the answer on the board with terrible handwriting. At the time when he had to talk about the exam he said "For the essay just write 30min of bullshit".
Interest: 7/10
Overall: 7.5/10


Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2013
Uni Grad
Subject: Communication for IT Professional,
Subject Number: 31265
Faculty: FEIT
Semester: Autumn 2015
This subject is an interesting subject. It composes of 1 lecture and 11 Workshops. It revolves are the methods to write academically in the industry. Sometimes the workshops gets boring because you already know what they taught you but you actually learn some concepts such as deductive reasoning and inductive reasoning. The only thing difficult with this subject is that if you dont pass the last assignment you would fail the subject. But there is the brightside there is no final exam but also the first assignment is participation in the workshops.
Lecturer Sam Ferguson.
Like I said there is only one lecture within the entire semester which is basically the explanation of the subject, assignment break down and ways to research for journal article which correlates to Assignment 2 and 4.
Tutor Tom Frengos
Pretty chill guy, but very strict in some principals (eg method of referencing). But he thoroughly explained eveything but also he engaged alot with the class which I liked alot.

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