Well I decided to cancel the two 4 hour shifts of cashier training after finding out I have a fever. Now I guess I just have to wait to get better. Best cure for cold/flu is time, after all. But with my first Deli shift on Thursday, I hope I get better in time.
I'm heading to the doctors tomorrow to get my throat checked (thats the main symptom) and hopefully get a certificate from him for the last few days (for school, anyway). If he says to take the day off work come Thursday at the Deli, and I do, can the managers do something negative effecting my job (cut my shifts, issue a warning etc.), even if I have a certificate?
I'm a casual employee, so I'm really confused as to what they can do to my job (before its even started) for staying home because I think I would be a health risk to those around me. Whats the deal with casual employees? I think I remember the Induction woman stating if its two consecutive days, to bring a doctor's certificate, but what if it's one day? I'm not even sure when my next shift is after Thursday.
Man I need help =/