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The Zionists are at it again.... (2 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
May 13, 2013
Israeli MP Ayelat Shaked explicitly stated that all Palestinian mothers should be killed. MP Avigdor Lieberman stated that all Palestinian prisoners should be drowned at sea - "It would be better to drown these prisoners in the Dead Sea if possible, since that's the lowest point in the world."

Should I continue? Hamas aren't the only ones calling for death.

As for the rockets, I have addressed that before. Move on please....
Yeah because the word of 2 MP's is representative of the entire state of israel. Has Israel drowned any Hamas prisoners? No. Netenyahu even CONDEMED revenge killings of Palestinians when the 3 israeli teens were kidnapped. Go read the Hamas charter, that bullshit is plain anti-semetic

article 7

"The Day of Judgement will not come about until Moslems fight the Jews (killing the Jews), when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Moslems, O Abdulla, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him. Only the Gharkad tree, (evidently a certain kind of tree) would not do that because it is one of the trees of the Jews."
article 22

"You may speak as much as you want about regional and world wars. They were behind World War I, when they were able to destroy the Islamic Caliphate, making financial gains and controlling resources. They obtained the Balfour Declaration, formed the League of Nations through which they could rule the world. They were behind World War II, through which they made huge financial gains by trading in armaments, and paved the way for the establishment of their state. It was they who instigated the replacement of the League of Nations with the United Nations and the Security Council to enable them to rule the world through them. There is no war going on anywhere, without having their finger in it."[244]
Yep blame the fucking jews for all of the world's woes.

Hamas fighters are cowards who are willing to send kids to die and while they hide in houses in civilian centers. Hell even Jordan and Egypt designates them as a terrorist organization FOR A GOOD REASON. Write a check to hamas and see what happens, see if ASIO kicks down your door and throws you in jail for financially funding a terrorist organization.


New Member
Aug 28, 2013
Are you on AIPAC's payroll Isildurrr1? You're sounding like Mark Regev by justifying Israel's collective punishment, genocide, in Gaza. There is no justification. No excuse to target civilians, doesn't matter which flag you represent.
Israel blamed Hamas for those Israeli deaths, despite providing no evidence, and subsequently began demolishing homes of Palestinians in Gaza. Please review the facts properly.
Hamas, stupidly, call for the destruction of Israel but how many Israelis call for the destruction of the Palestinian's homeland? There is evidence of Israeli's openly applauding the dropping of bombs on Palestinian civilians.
If there is any chance of peace, Israel must dismantle their illegal settlements (which were created by intentionally dispelling the local population) and withdraw to the internationally recognised borders.
Obviously the creation of a Palestinian state is a goal as part of a two-state solution, but how is this meant to happen whilst Israel, continuously, builds illegal settlements on lands to be part of this proposed state? Are we to turn a blind eye to this? The continuation of this failed and unjust policy will only further violence and destruction where the innocent suffer.


Active Member
Jul 22, 2012
As for the rockets, I have addressed that before. You must look at the cause....i should add these rockets have resulted in 0 casualties so far for Israel. Gaza on the other hand is counting its dead in the hundreds. as Robert Fisk said "It isnt about the rockets - its all about the land".
just gonna add
that's wrong, Dror Chanin was killed by a hamas rocket 1ish days ago
not that it measures up to the < 300 dead, but a casualty is a casualty


ремове кебаб
Aug 8, 2012
Uni Grad
Leaders in suits and tie; media outlets peddling bullshit, etc... I don't see the bosses sending their sons and daughters to fight their battles (even they know it's not worth fighting for)... We've breed a generation of ignorant fucks that want to see war, rather than pacifism; action, rather than dialogue...

that twitter/facebook (whatever it is) shot is just fucked up!
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Well-Known Member
May 13, 2013
Leaders in suits and tie; media outlets peddling bullshit, etc... I don't see the bosses sending their sons and daughters to fight their battles (even they know it's not worth fighting for)... We've breed a generation of ignorant fucks that want to see war, rather than pacifism; action, rather than dialogue...

that twitter/facebook (whatever it is) shot is just fucked up!
Except in Israel everyone serves in the military, men and women and its hard as hell to get an exemption.

flyingkaga: there are dickheads in every country. How many people called for the ME to be turned into a glass crater after 9/11? Does that make all americans bloodthirsty baby killers and momma rapists?


Well-Known Member
May 13, 2013
Are you on AIPAC's payroll Isildurrr1? You're sounding like Mark Regev by justifying Israel's collective punishment, genocide, in Gaza. There is no justification. No excuse to target civilians, doesn't matter which flag you represent.
Israel blamed Hamas for those Israeli deaths, despite providing no evidence, and subsequently began demolishing homes of Palestinians in Gaza. Please review the facts properly.
Hamas, stupidly, call for the destruction of Israel but how many Israelis call for the destruction of the Palestinian's homeland? There is evidence of Israeli's openly applauding the dropping of bombs on Palestinian civilians.
If there is any chance of peace, Israel must dismantle their illegal settlements (which were created by intentionally dispelling the local population) and withdraw to the internationally recognised borders.
Obviously the creation of a Palestinian state is a goal as part of a two-state solution, but how is this meant to happen whilst Israel, continuously, builds illegal settlements on lands to be part of this proposed state? Are we to turn a blind eye to this? The continuation of this failed and unjust policy will only further violence and destruction where the innocent suffer.
When have I said Israel was not wrong in Palestine? Most Israeli's oppose the settlements because it's fucking dumb.

Hey here's a new flash: THE ENTIRE ARAB WORLD HATES PALESTINIANS. Only reason they're on their side is because they're fighting the jews. No israel and you'd see Jordan, Israel and Syria take up chunks of palestine as well. Go look at the refugee camps in Jordan and Egypt, they treat palestinians like absolute shit and worst than the israeli's.


ремове кебаб
Aug 8, 2012
Uni Grad
Except in Israel everyone serves in the military, men and women and its hard as hell to get an exemption.
that post up top, you have fools like that on foot in Gaza at the moment... don't say that they are there with the best intentions and to keep Israel safe... War is a very terrible thing...


ремове кебаб
Aug 8, 2012
Uni Grad
IDF's Gaza assault is to control Palestinian gas, avert Israeli energy crisis
Israel's defence minister has confirmed that military plans to 'uproot Hamas' are about dominating Gaza's gas reserves

Yesterday, Israeli defence minister and former Israeli Defence Force (IDF) chief of staff Moshe Ya'alon announced that Operation Protective Edge marks the beginning of a protracted assault on Hamas. The operation "won't end in just a few days," he said, adding that "we are preparing to expand the operation by all means standing at our disposal so as to continue striking Hamas."

This morning, he said:

"We continue with strikes that draw a very heavy price from Hamas. We are destroying weapons, terror infrastructures, command and control systems, Hamas institutions, regime buildings, the houses of terrorists, and killing terrorists of various ranks of command… The campaign against Hamas will expand in the coming days, and the price the organization will pay will be very heavy."

But in 2007, a year before Operation Cast Lead, Ya'alon's concerns focused on the 1.4 trillion cubic feet of natural gas discovered in 2000 off the Gaza coast, valued at $4 billion. Ya'alon dismissed the notion that "Gaza gas can be a key driver of an economically more viable Palestinian state" as "misguided." The problem, he said, is that:

"Proceeds of a Palestinian gas sale to Israel would likely not trickle down to help an impoverished Palestinian public. Rather, based on Israel's past experience, the proceeds will likely serve to fund further terror attacks against Israel…

A gas transaction with the Palestinian Authority [PA] will, by definition, involve Hamas. Hamas will either benefit from the royalties or it will sabotage the project and launch attacks against Fatah, the gas installations, Israel – or all three… It is clear that without an overall military operation to uproot Hamas control of Gaza, no drilling work can take place without the consent of the radical Islamic movement."

Operation Cast Lead did not succeed in uprooting Hamas, but the conflict did take the lives of 1,387 Palestinians (773 of whom were civilians) and 9 Israelis (3 of whom were civilians).

Since the discovery of oil and gas in the Occupied Territories, resource competition has increasingly been at the heart of the conflict, motivated largely by Israel's increasing domestic energy woes.

Mark Turner, founder of the Research Journalism Initiative, reported that the siege of Gaza and ensuing military pressure was designed to "eliminate" Hamas as "a viable political entity in Gaza" to generate a "political climate" conducive to a gas deal. This involved rehabilitating the defeated Fatah as the dominant political player in the West Bank, and "leveraging political tensions between the two parties, arming forces loyal to Abbas and the selective resumption of financial aid."

Ya'alon's comments in 2007 illustrate that the Israeli cabinet is not just concerned about Hamas – but concerned that if Palestinians develop their own gas resources, the resulting economic transformation could in turn fundamentally increase Palestinian clout.

Meanwhile, Israel has made successive major discoveries in recent years - such as the Leviathan field estimated to hold 18 trillion cubic feet of natural gas – which could transform the country from energy importer into aspiring energy exporter with ambitions to supply Europe, Jordan and Egypt. A potential obstacle is that much of the 122 trillion cubic feet of gas and 1.6 billion barrels of oil in the Levant Basin Province lies in territorial waters where borders are hotly disputed between Israel, Syria, Lebanon, Gaza and Cyprus.

Amidst this regional jockeying for gas, though, Israel faces its own little-understood energy challenges. It could, for instance, take until 2020 for much of these domestic resources to be properly mobilised.

But this is the tip of the iceberg. A 2012 letter by two Israeli government chief scientists – which the Israeli government chose not to disclose – warned the government that Israel still had insufficient gas resources to sustain exports despite all the stupendous discoveries. The letter, according to Ha'aretz, stated that Israel's domestic resources were 50% less than needed to support meaningful exports, and could be depleted in decades:

"We believe Israel should increase its [domestic] use of natural gas by 2020 and should not export gas. The Natural Gas Authority's estimates are lacking. There's a gap of 100 to 150 billion cubic meters between the demand projections that were presented to the committee and the most recent projections. The gas reserves are likely to last even less than 40 years!"

As Dr Gary Luft - an advisor to the US Energy Security Council - wrote in the Journal of Energy Security, "with the depletion of Israel's domestic gas supplies accelerating, and without an imminent rise in Egyptian gas imports, Israel could face a power crisis in the next few years… If Israel is to continue to pursue its natural gas plans it must diversify its supply sources."

Israel's new domestic discoveries do not, as yet, offer an immediate solution as electricity prices reach record levels, heightening the imperative to diversify supply. This appears to be behind Prime Minister Netanyahu's announcement in February 2011 that it was now time to seal the Gaza gas deal. But even after a new round of negotiations was kick-started between the Fatah-led Palestinian Authority and Israel in September 2012, Hamas was excluded from these talks, and thus rejected the legitimacy of any deal.

Earlier this year, Hamas condemned a PA deal to purchase $1.2 billion worth of gas from Israel Leviathan field over a 20 year period once the field starts producing. Simultaneously, the PA has held several meetings with the British Gas Group to develop the Gaza gas field, albeit with a view to exclude Hamas – and thus Gazans – from access to the proceeds. That plan had been the brainchild of Quartet Middle East envoy Tony Blair.

But the PA was also courting Russia's Gazprom to develop the Gaza marine gas field, and talks have been going on between Russia, Israel and Cyprus, though so far it is unclear what the outcome of these have been. Also missing was any clarification on how the PA would exert control over Gaza, which is governed by Hamas.

According to Anais Antreasyan in the University of California's Journal of Palestine Studies, the most respected English language journal devoted to the Arab-Israeli conflict, Israel's stranglehold over Gaza has been designed to make "Palestinian access to the Marine-1 and Marine-2 gas wells impossible." Israel's long-term goal "besides preventing the Palestinians from exploiting their own resources, is to integrate the gas fields off Gaza into the adjacent Israeli offshore installations." This is part of a wider strategy of:

"…. separating the Palestinians from their land and natural resources in order to exploit them, and, as a consequence, blocking Palestinian economic development. Despite all formal agreements to the contrary, Israel continues to manage all the natural resources nominally under the jurisdiction of the PA, from land and water to maritime and hydrocarbon resources."

For the Israeli government, Hamas continues to be the main obstacle to the finalisation of the gas deal. In the incumbent defence minister's words: "Israel's experience during the Oslo years indicates Palestinian gas profits would likely end up funding terrorism against Israel. The threat is not limited to Hamas… It is impossible to prevent at least some of the gas proceeds from reaching Palestinian terror groups."

The only option, therefore, is yet another "military operation to uproot Hamas."

Unfortunately, for the IDF uprooting Hamas means destroying the group's perceived civilian support base – which is why Palestinian civilian casualties massively outweigh that of Israelis. Both are obviously reprehensible, but Israel's capacity to inflict destruction is simply far greater.

In the wake of Operation Cast Lead, the Jerusalem-based Public Committee Against Torture in Israel (Pcati) found that the IDF had adopted a more aggressive combat doctrine based on two principles – "zero casualties" for IDF soldiers at the cost of deploying increasingly indiscriminate firepower in densely populated areas, and the "dahiya doctrine" promoting targeting of civilian infrastructure to create widespread suffering amongst the population with a view to foment opposition to Israel's opponents.

This was confirmed in practice by the UN fact-finding mission in Gaza which concluded that the IDF had pursued a "deliberate policy of disproportionate force," aimed at the "supporting infrastructure" of the enemy - "this appears to have meant the civilian population," said the UN report.

The Israel-Palestine conflict is clearly not all about resources. But in an age of expensive energy, competition to dominate regional fossil fuels are increasingly influencing the critical decisions that can inflame war.

Kidnappers in the emergency phone call yell "get down" in Hebrew; the radio also is playing muffled Hebrew... This kidnapping was used as the pretext to justify the current intervention in Gaza... need I say more...



Active Member
Jul 22, 2012
Israeli MP Ayelat Shaked explicitly stated that all Palestinian mothers should be killed. MP Avigdor Lieberman stated that all Palestinian prisoners should be drowned at sea - "It would be better to drown these prisoners in the Dead Sea if possible, since that's the lowest point in the world."
also just gonna point out you're wrong again
ayelat didn't say "all palestinian mothers should be killed", nor was it explicitly stated.

this is literally what she said ""Behind every terrorist stand dozens of men and women, without whom he could not engage in terrorism. They are all enemy combatants, and their blood shall be on all their heads. Now this also includes the mothers of the martyrs, who send them to hell with flowers and kisses. They should follow their sons, nothing would be more just. They should go, as should the physical homes in which they raised the snakes. Otherwise, more little snakes will be raised there."

so you're wrong... unless nomi you personally believe all palestinians to be terrorists :rolleyes:

Avigdor didn't say "All prisoners" should be drowned at sea either, he was referencing those specifically caught that they think are related to Hamas and Jihad groups in 2003. And were they drowned? No.
not that it was a reasonable or pc comment to make but still, lets not exaggerate to try and further our agenda hmm

guess there's propaganda coming from both sides


Mar 13, 2012
A lot of Jews? You mean the same orthodox fuckwits that denied the existence of the holocaust?


If anybody lobs rockets into Sydney, New York, London, Berlin or anything else, would you not think the respective governments won't have the same response in force? Shit when AQ took down those two towers the US fucking invaded afghanistan. What is this bullshit "hurrr hamas rockets are shit so its ok." What kind of shitty excuse is that for terrorism.
You ignorant gronc.

You realise none of the September 11 attackers were Afghan? Yet the US still decides to invade and blame the finger at the innocent people of Afghanistan.

Secondly, if Israel has the right to defend itself, why doesn't Palestine?



ремове кебаб
Aug 8, 2012
Uni Grad
You ignorant gronc.

You realise none of the September 11 attackers were Afghan? Yet the US still decides to invade and blame the finger at the innocent people of Afghanistan.

Secondly, if Israel has the right to defend itself, why doesn't Palestine?

:blink2: most of the 9/11 hijackers were actually Saudi, apparently...


Mar 13, 2012
When have I said Israel was not wrong in Palestine? Most Israeli's oppose the settlements because it's fucking dumb.

Hey here's a new flash: THE ENTIRE ARAB WORLD HATES PALESTINIANS. Only reason they're on their side is because they're fighting the jews. No israel and you'd see Jordan, Israel and Syria take up chunks of palestine as well. Go look at the refugee camps in Jordan and Egypt, they treat palestinians like absolute shit and worst than the israeli's.
Here's a better news flash : ''You're a complete GRONC''

The entire Arab world LOVES Palestinians. The entire Muslim world supports and sympathises with the Palestinians too.


Mar 13, 2012
BBC biased towards israel?

oh. my. lord.


Even though it's the daily hate but the BBC has been well known to have an anti-israel bias since like forever. Do some research yourself before you start chucking rocks at jews with the rest of the BDS.


Here's a fucking al jazeera source on the same news report you dolt, I guess you have a short memory or were too young to even remember the holocaust denial event in Iran.

That is the biggest tragic about war is that civilians die. Well it doesn't fucking help Hamas fighters don't wear uniforms, hide behind kids, actively uses women and children as suicide bombers. Where the fuck do you get your numbers israel kills a palestinian child every 3 days. Yeah because the jews have a blood libel quota you anti-Semitic twat.

Hamas IS a terrorist organization and have constantly committed to using violence to get what they want. Israel has ALWAYS responded in force and never started a conflict. Everyone is so quick to blame Israel for every puny action yet when Hamas lobs rockets at CIVILIAN centers and uses children as suicide bombers dipshit go "hurrr one mans freedom fighter another man's turrirst." Yet I don't see you asswipes condemning Hamas at all for any actions that causes civilian deaths, hell where are you condemning Hamas for starting this conflict?

Israel attempts a ceasefire, Hamas says the jews are weak and lobs more rockets. Yeah gg what a great way to start the peace process.
Again, this gronc.

Protests held in the UK, regarding the BBC ''bias"



The BBC is clearly biased, in favour of Israel.

Man, you honestly should stop posting. You're making a complete fool out of yourself. You're the definition of an idiot.


Well-Known Member
May 13, 2013
Here's a better news flash : ''You're a complete GRONC''

The entire Arab world LOVES Palestinians. The entire Muslim world supports and sympathises with the Palestinians too.
Hah... Right. They love them so much Hamas is practically a banned organization in Egypt and Jordan. The only reason they even exist is because the Saudi's like to play weekend warrior with their oil money. They show so much love Hamas' funding in the past few years have practically dried up.

You know why the US invaded Afganistan? Because those saudi fuckers were based in Afghanistan and the Taliban was shielding Al-qaeda. What you want the US to invade their best ally in the ME despite the fact the Saudi government has been aiding everyone in counter-terror ops? Hell the Bin Laden family kicked out osama before because he was a blacksheep. Funny how people forget history when Osama and his arab boys were pretty much told to piss off out of Afghanistan during the soviet-afghan war because they were so incompetent. They only stayed because Osama is using daddy's bank account to build roads and shit.

If you're truly pakistani, you should be thankful for Israel sending hundreds of thousands of weapons to Pakistan to smuggle to the Mujihadeen to fight the Soviets.


ремове кебаб
Aug 8, 2012
Uni Grad
careful guys, wouldn't want to get a "knock on the roof"


The optimistic pessimist.
Dec 2, 2012
Except in Israel everyone serves in the military, men and women and its hard as hell to get an exemption.

flyingkaga: there are dickheads in every country. How many people called for the ME to be turned into a glass crater after 9/11? Does that make all americans bloodthirsty baby killers and momma rapists?

That's a lottaaa dickheads.



Mar 13, 2012
Hah... Right. They love them so much Hamas is practically a banned organization in Egypt and Jordan. The only reason they even exist is because the Saudi's like to play weekend warrior with their oil money. They show so much love Hamas' funding in the past few years have practically dried up.

You know why the US invaded Afganistan? Because those saudi fuckers were based in Afghanistan and the Taliban was shielding Al-qaeda. What you want the US to invade their best ally in the ME despite the fact the Saudi government has been aiding everyone in counter-terror ops? Hell the Bin Laden family kicked out osama before because he was a blacksheep. Funny how people forget history when Osama and his arab boys were pretty much told to piss off out of Afghanistan during the soviet-afghan war because they were so incompetent. They only stayed because Osama is using daddy's bank account to build roads and shit.

If you're truly pakistani, you should be thankful for Israel sending hundreds of thousands of weapons to Pakistan to smuggle to the Mujihadeen to fight the Soviets.
The Pakistan Army would fuck Israel up. Dude, you know how strong Pakistan's military is? top ten (somewhere up there).

The only nuclear powered Muslim State in the world with full military capabilities to nuke and obliterate Israel from the face of this world. The USA would never even think to dare do what it done with Afghanistan to Pakistan, because it would be a whole different story. It irritates me how people clump Afghanistan and Pakistan together. Its like comparing Burma to China.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gfwEFDLsvZ4 - The Palestinians rallying Pakistan to aid them, because they know Pakistan is bloody strong.

But Pakistan got its own issues, as everyone is aware of.
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ремове кебаб
Aug 8, 2012
Uni Grad
The Pakistan Army would fuck Israel up. Dude, you know how strong Pakistan's military is? top ten (somewhere up there).

The only nuclear powered Muslim State in the world with full military capabilities to nuke and obliterate Israel from the face of this world. The USA would never even think to dare do what it done with Afghanistan to Pakistan, because it would be a whole different story. It irritates me how people clump Afghanistan and Pakistan together. Its like comparing Burma to China.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gfwEFDLsvZ4 - The Palestinians rallying Pakistan to aid them, because they know Pakistan is bloody strong.

But Pakistan got its own issues, as everyone is aware of.
Is that why the US is drone striking Pakistan on a daily basis; is that why the US is performing SEAL operations in Abbotabad, etc... truth of the matter is, the US don't give two shits about a countries military capabilities... they would do anything as a means to an end; that is why I find many so called "Western" foreign policies questionable and enjoy criticising them... That is not to say I completely disagree with them... However, the many ways they implement these policies are truly shocking and quite distressing...

If the US wants to be the worlds so called "police force," they should remain neutral in all circumstances and should not align to have allegiances and alliances that have questionable moral standpoints...


Well-Known Member
May 13, 2013
The Pakistan Army would fuck Israel up. Dude, you know how strong Pakistan's military is? top ten (somewhere up there).
You mean the same Pakistani military that's unable to control it's tribal zones and need western help to stabilize their country so nukes don't get stolen? You mean the same Pakistani military that either incompetently fucked up by not knowing where bin laden is or is actively hiding him? You mean the same pakistani military that allowed US navy seals to kill bin laden 3 kms next to your version of ADFA/West Point? Lawl what a great military.

Not to mention Pakistan relies on everyone else for weapons import and have 0 indigenous weapons systems. Why should Pakistan give two shits about Israel when they're in a perpetual war with India. Also nice of you guys to commit the mumbai terror attacks.

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