Spend an equal 40 minutes on each section in paper one, and each module in paper 2.
But the amout of page numbers is just silly, i wrote 29 pages for paper 1 and 34 pages for paper 2, but its no indication whatsoever of anything, because someones writing may be big, where as another persons may be tiny. Mine just so happens to be giant, illegible scrawl.
Yep, you gotta spend an equal amount on each section/module, as their kind of all worth the same. That said, I usually tend to spend a little more time on section 1 in paper 1 (coz the marks are picky and hard to get), and just take that out of the time I'd spend on section 2 (Creative writing) as honestly, you can end a story any time. (But I'm only talking about 5-10 minutes here)
Modules should be equal. Equal equal equal. 40 min on each.
Page length is hard. Everyone's got different writing. Filling up an exam booklet for an essay is usually a good sign. Going to another booklet is an even better one. But don't get demoralised or anything if you don't. As long as you hammer in heaps of techniques and link to the question/elective statements, you'll be fiiiiiine.
Definitely equal for modules.
I did just over a booklet for each, so about 9 pages.
Paper 1 the amount you write doesnt really matter for the first 2 sections because quality definitely doesnt come with quantity even moreso than in section 3 or the modules. Section 3 i did a booklet and a half. rather proud of that.