Caesar's reforms I couldn't remember anything about, so I sort of fudged it.
The Gallic Wars was great, I got several pages talking about how it led to an increase in his influence and popularity because of the land he captured and the money he sent back, as well as giving him a very strong and loyal army which he could later use in the Civil War.
I did the second Republic question (Pompey's extraordinary military commands) after an attempt to do the first on the Civil War (yes, it was easy, but I think I was thinking too deeply about it and trying to draw back too many causes). I was a bit rushed for military commands, but there wasn't really much to it - just said that Sertorius, Pirates, Mithridates increased Pompey's popularity and influence exponentially (even though in two of them he didn't do anything other than finish off what others had started), hence making him far more powerful than had he just followed the cursus honorum.