Hey IceCreamMonster.
I've got plenty of advice for you, some things that I wouldhave loved someone to tell me when I statred my major.
Firstly with Focus area it does not matter what you chooseas long as you play to your own strengths and make something that is going tostand out from the crowd either by making it really well or by pushing theboundaries of what you are making. Too make what you know, if you know you area brilliant dress maker choose costume or apparel where your technicality willbe appreciated or if you are a textile artist, quiltmaker or really creative choose textile arts and create something unique again this will be most appreciated here
Next key tip get started early on both folio and projectFor the folio my teacher made us have one section completedper term in draft form that way it didnt seem so much at the end and in draftform its easy to make adjustments if things change. The folio can be quite timeconsuming if done well marker will appreaciate good presentation if it doesn'tget in the way. Make sure your aware of the new rule that font can be a minimumsize of 12 times new roman or its equivalent. If this rule was in for us half my folio would have been ignored cause mine went down to size 9 to get my info in.
OK now to the MTP itself.
My favorite fabric shop was the local cash and carry. Inours we have four huge isles of fabric spotlight and other providers can't selland there are plenty of hidden gems for really great prices, even organzas andtuells for half their usuall price. Even if a fabric is the wrong colour see ifyou can dye it (another technique) some of my MTP was made of curtain fabric which they were desperate to get rid of but when I dyed it it was perfect
Spotlight is also good if your a VIP and have one close.
As for techniques there are none in particular markers are looking for but there are still some hints here. Choose an innovative technique of some form either use fabrics in a new or unexpected way or use new textile materials such as solvy, tyveck, microfibre, water soluable thread ect. Innovations are a clear part of the marking criteria. Creativity in techniques can go a long way try revamping old techniques or having your own take on something very common by altering it or how it is used, for me this was essential one example of this was my use of chenilling, usually its an old quilting technique but I revamped it by adding fleecy and organza in the layers and cutting it in the other direction to make a realistic fern. Bascially a technique is only as good as how well its done, you could have the most complicated technique but if its not done it well the markers will question whyyou even bothered when something more simple and done better would have been more effective.
My biggest point with the MTP is to make it stand out.Imagine you are the marker for a moment and self analyse, this can be the bestway to find marks. Get someone else to check everything twice over for spelling errors, seam quality ect for me even after my teacher checked for the thridtime she still found spelling errors and they got corrected before marking.
One final thing in case my tips seem a bit long winded makesure you have fun and love what you make so when it goes to marking all you will want is to have back again.
Textiles is a great subject and a journey in itself never give up even when it seems hopeless because sometimes the greatest thingshappen just when you're at you lowest.
Hope this was usefull and I still have plenty more advice to give so if you want any more feel free to message me or post more threads on here cause I'll keep an eye out next year too.
Good luck for your HSC