Just had chem and maths ext. 1 today. Our chem papers are insanely easy, I think. We get THREE hours!!!
I finished mine in an hour and a half, cause I looked at the clock wrong, though it was to finish at 11:01, but it actually finished at 12:01pm....so I spent the next hour checking and re-checking and ...oh god it was hell. I'll probably still screw up, knowing me.
Half maths ext 1 straight after basically, from 2-4. Had to me the easiest 3u text ever done. FEeling good :-D
Tomorrow's 4u maths. Gonna hurt so much. Hoping to past.
The bastards put english modules and eco on the same day!! 5 hours of writing!!! PLus like 40 quotes to remember for english, then forget, then learn another 40 stats for eco...I think I'll screw both of them up....I hate HSC.
Nearly over!
Good luck ya'll