Tutoring Geography, Chem, History and Maths (1 Viewer)


New Member
May 18, 2009
Getting a great HSC mark is not about being the smartest kid on the block, its about playing the game. The HSC game, like any other, has rules and it is your ability to follow these rules that will get you the mark. I’m not saying its an ideal system, I’m saying its the reality you are faced with, and if you want results, a tutor is the easiest way to get them.

I know the game, and i know the rules. I know that you don’t need to spend endless hours studying, i know you don’t need to do a million examples. I know what you need to do to tick all the markers boxes and get the marks.

HSC 2008 results;
Geography - 98 (6th in NSW)
Mathematics 2 Unit - 96
Chemistry - 95
English Advanced - 93
History - 94
Mathematics Ext - 43/50
Physics - 89.

UAI 99.55

Arts/Law at Usyd.

I know what the markers want and i know that effective, NOT excessive, study is what you need. I have learned from the HSC experience and I can help students achieve marks well above my own.

I'm offering tutoring in:

Geography - 6th in NSW
Chemistry - 95
History - 94
Mathematics 2 Unit. - 96
If you do 2 unit maths, a 4 unit tutor wont be nearly as effective as a 2 uni tutor who knows what you need to do.

Tutoring in Sydney for $30/hr

If you are interested contact me.

0431 470 373.


Jan 25, 2009
First of all, congratulation on your great results.

However, there are some aspects of your tutoring thread that I don't completely agree with.

The HSC game, like any other, has rules and it is your ability to follow these rules that will get you the mark.
Everyone's game of HSC is different and this means that different "rules" apply to different individuals. Are you saying that you can apply your OWN rules to every single student that you tutor?

...and if you want results, a tutor is the easiest way to get them.
Hm, I disagree. Many teachers are far much more experienced than tutors. Students who do not have the guts to ask teachers for extra assistance will not have the guts to ask tutors.

I know the game, and i know the rules. I know that you don’t need to spend endless hours studying, i know you don’t need to do a million examples. I know what you need to do to tick all the markers boxes and get the marks.
Your results are certainly very great. However, they are not simply good enough for you to say that you know the "game" and the "rules".

I know what the markers want and i know that effective, NOT excessive, study is what you need. I have learned from the HSC experience and I can help students achieve marks well above my own.
If you do 2 unit maths, a 4 unit tutor wont be nearly as effective as a 2 uni tutor who knows what you need to do.
This is a complete joke. Unless you topped the course or got very close to it (meaning that you got everything correct or few mistakes here now and then), 4 unit people just completely own 2 unit people. I mean, think about it. 2 unit is easy, yes. But there are still challenging (i.e. 9/10) and confusingly-worded questions. Most 2 unit people don't have the capacity to solve the hardest question of 2 unit (i.e. very last question).

And by most, I am referring to basically everyone below 98. In terms of competency, 4 unit people generally own 2 unit people and are better equiped with knowledge of maths. Do you really think that you can answer pretty much every question on 2 unit paper and get it right?

Nevertheless, congratulation on your marks. That's a very awesome achievement, esp the geography one. I wish you well for your uni studies and hope you go well with your tutoring business here.


New Member
May 18, 2009

The "rules" being referred to are not my personal rules of study, they are the rules of the course. Markers are forced to mark their papers according to certain specific guidelines and thus these rules apply with a great degree of universality.


I do not disagree that teachers have greater experience. However their experience does not necessarily make them the most effective at helping a student understand the concepts or achieving results. Teachers do not necessarily alter or improve their teaching style, but more importantly teachers are trained to teach a class and not individuals.

Furthermore the existence of this forum itself obviously contradicts the notion that people wont ask for tutors.


I'm not claiming that I'm perfect, no one topped all of their subjects. However I think i do have a great degree of knowledge in how to achieve in the HSC. It's this that I am trying to communicate to others.


Do you think that albert einstein would be the best person to assist you in your physics exam??? do you think that Sylvia plath would get you to top the state in English??? Having the greatest amount of knowledge in maths will not necessarily allow you to help another student in 2 unit maths.

I have a real life example of this. The person who topped 4 unit maths at my school lost only half a mark in our 3 unit paper. How? because he rationalized a denominator in his head and didnt write out all of the steps. Here a brilliant 4 unit student could have failed a 2 unit student in his studies.

4 unit students did not even do 2 unit maths. they dont write the paper, and they dont do the subject. Therefore they wont know the question style and they will be less able to help a student.

Finally i got an exam mark of 96, so your right i did miss some, but im not perfect. I think i can help a student better do that. Furthermore i dont think your in a position to tell me that I am wrong.

I look forward to your reply.


Bored of
Feb 8, 2008

The "rules" being referred to are not my personal rules of study, they are the rules of the course. Markers are forced to mark their papers according to certain specific guidelines and thus these rules apply with a great degree of universality.


I do not disagree that teachers have greater experience. However their experience does not necessarily make them the most effective at helping a student understand the concepts or achieving results. Teachers do not necessarily alter or improve their teaching style, but more importantly teachers are trained to teach a class and not individuals.

Furthermore the existence of this forum itself obviously contradicts the notion that people wont ask for tutors.


I'm not claiming that I'm perfect, no one topped all of their subjects. However I think i do have a great degree of knowledge in how to achieve in the HSC. It's this that I am trying to communicate to others.


Do you think that albert einstein would be the best person to assist you in your physics exam??? do you think that Sylvia plath would get you to top the state in English??? Having the greatest amount of knowledge in maths will not necessarily allow you to help another student in 2 unit maths.

I have a real life example of this. The person who topped 4 unit maths at my school lost only half a mark in our 3 unit paper. How? because he rationalized a denominator in his head and didnt write out all of the steps. Here a brilliant 4 unit student could have failed a 2 unit student in his studies.

4 unit students did not even do 2 unit maths. they dont write the paper, and they dont do the subject. Therefore they wont know the question style and they will be less able to help a student.

Finally i got an exam mark of 96, so your right i did miss some, but im not perfect. I think i can help a student better do that. Furthermore i dont think your in a position to tell me that I am wrong.

I look forward to your reply.
2 unit maths is a pre-requisite for 3 unit and 4 unit maths. 4 Unit students do not sit the 2 unit HSC paper, but in most cases, still do trials.

mR sinister

Nov 24, 2008
To 'Bacchus'
Why on earth will you waste your time replying on this persons thread
based on the results, and teaching methods he has posted..

You have had no past tutoring EXPERIENCES with this person..
OBVIOUSLY you know nothing about him,
OBVIOUSLY you have never seen or met him in your life...

Then what gives you the right to judge his way of thinking... and the methods of teaching he thinks is the best.
and Judging from his results and UAI his marks seem pretty realistic to make
such judgments.. ( i know ill be happy with a mark like that )

You sitting behind your computer without meeting this person, gives you
no right to come and ruin his thread.


New Member
May 18, 2009
To Study freak.

2 unit is not a pre requisite so much as assumed knowledge for 4 unit. I believe once you start 4 unit in year 12 you stop following the 2 unit syllabus and only do 3 and 4 unit work. I am interested in what school you went to because I don't know any school where the 4 unit students sit the 2 unit trial, in fact at mine they were on at the same time.

P.s. Thank you Mr. Sinister.

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